Ulf Hundeiker reviewed Die Ladenhüterin by Sayaka Murata
Schönes Buch
5 stars
Die Zwänge der Gesellschaft, anders sein als die anderen, Unverständnis... Aber auch wenn es etwas seltsam klingt, ich finde das Buch ermutigend.
Paperback, 145 pages
German language
Published March 9, 2018 by Aufbau.
Eine Außenseiterin findet als Angestellte eines 24-Stunden-Supermarktes ihre wahre Bestimmung. Beeindruckend leicht und elegant entfaltet Sayaka Murata das Panorama einer Gesellschaft, deren Werte und Normen unverrückbar scheinen. Ein Roman, der weit über die Grenzen Japans hinausweist. Keiko Furukura ist anders. Gefühle sind ihr fremd, das Verhalten ihrer Mitmenschen irritiert sie meist. Um nirgendwo anzuecken, bleibt sie für sich. Als sie jedoch auf dem Rückweg von der Uni auf einen neu eröffneten Supermarkt stößt, einen sogenannten Konbini, beschließt sie, dort als Aushilfe anzufangen. Man bringt ihr den richtigen Gesichtsausdruck, das richtige Lächeln, die richtige Art zu sprechen bei. Keikos Welt schrumpft endlich auf ein für sie erträgliches Maß zusammen, sie verschmilzt geradezu mit den Gepflogenheiten des Konbini. Doch dann fängt Shiraha dort an, ein zynischer junger Mann, der sich sämtlichen Regeln widersetzt. Keikos mühsam aufgebautes Lebenssystem gerät ins Wanken. Und ehe sie sichs versieht, hat sie ebendiesen Mann in ihrer Badewanne …
Eine Außenseiterin findet als Angestellte eines 24-Stunden-Supermarktes ihre wahre Bestimmung. Beeindruckend leicht und elegant entfaltet Sayaka Murata das Panorama einer Gesellschaft, deren Werte und Normen unverrückbar scheinen. Ein Roman, der weit über die Grenzen Japans hinausweist. Keiko Furukura ist anders. Gefühle sind ihr fremd, das Verhalten ihrer Mitmenschen irritiert sie meist. Um nirgendwo anzuecken, bleibt sie für sich. Als sie jedoch auf dem Rückweg von der Uni auf einen neu eröffneten Supermarkt stößt, einen sogenannten Konbini, beschließt sie, dort als Aushilfe anzufangen. Man bringt ihr den richtigen Gesichtsausdruck, das richtige Lächeln, die richtige Art zu sprechen bei. Keikos Welt schrumpft endlich auf ein für sie erträgliches Maß zusammen, sie verschmilzt geradezu mit den Gepflogenheiten des Konbini. Doch dann fängt Shiraha dort an, ein zynischer junger Mann, der sich sämtlichen Regeln widersetzt. Keikos mühsam aufgebautes Lebenssystem gerät ins Wanken. Und ehe sie sichs versieht, hat sie ebendiesen Mann in ihrer Badewanne sitzen. Tag und Nacht.
Die Zwänge der Gesellschaft, anders sein als die anderen, Unverständnis... Aber auch wenn es etwas seltsam klingt, ich finde das Buch ermutigend.
I love it. Slice of life, heartwarming story of a woman the same as my age. I may not have the same work and passion as her, but the pressure for her to fit within the society is real and I can relate to it somehow. I am looking forward to reading more of the author's other works in the future.
It is a really unusual tale of a middle-aged part time worker completely satisfied with her life being confronted with different expectations of the people around her. This books highlights how people completely comfortable with their life get looked down upon by people viewing them as a 'failure'. I thought it gave a great reason to show how a good life not adhearing to the societal expectations can turn terrible by adhearing to them. It is partly cold partly funny and I loved every word from it.
However it might be a bit different from other books. Due to its' short length I still recommend this book to anyone interested in societal topics and simple living.
Amusing and intriguing look at an alternative thought process.
"As far as I was concerned, though, keeping my mouth shut was the most sensible approach to getting by in life."
Keiko has always been different. Growing up she had problems understanding social norms, and her parents were concerned that she would always require an extra hand in life to get by. But soon after Keiko started going to university, she stumbled upon Smile Mart, a new convenience store opening up outside her train station. She was hired on, and spent the next 30-something odd years employed as a convenience store clerk. The same-ness of convenience store life appealed to Keiko, where there was an understandable pattern and flow to a workday. But everyone around her, from her parents to her friends to even her coworkers, felt that there was something wrong with her for not wanting something more for herself. Where was her permanent job? Her husband? Her kids? …
"As far as I was concerned, though, keeping my mouth shut was the most sensible approach to getting by in life."
Keiko has always been different. Growing up she had problems understanding social norms, and her parents were concerned that she would always require an extra hand in life to get by. But soon after Keiko started going to university, she stumbled upon Smile Mart, a new convenience store opening up outside her train station. She was hired on, and spent the next 30-something odd years employed as a convenience store clerk. The same-ness of convenience store life appealed to Keiko, where there was an understandable pattern and flow to a workday. But everyone around her, from her parents to her friends to even her coworkers, felt that there was something wrong with her for not wanting something more for herself. Where was her permanent job? Her husband? Her kids? Troubled by this, Keiko decides to try and change these things about her to better conform with societal expectations... but things don't go as planned.
I really enjoyed the premise of this book! The thoughts and ideas the author puts forth about conformity and fitting in and "fixing" oneself were appealing to me, as was the description of Keiko's convenience store. Everything is the same, day after day, but not really when the product is constantly moving off the shelf and there's newness everywhere each day. This would have been a favorite of mine, if only...IF ONLY...Shiraha didn't exist. I know why he was needed in the story, but he was grating, he was dismissive, and his attitude really stunk. As soon as he was introduced and I saw where the author was going, I started losing steam in this book. Surely there were other ways of getting the same points across without having to read through his rantings about the Stone Age.
But this is a short book, and honestly the themes were really interesting to think about. As someone who is also in a part-time position voluntarily (but not for the same reasons), I identified with what Keiko was dealing with.
Love it. Like nothing I’ve read before.