
Hardcover, 925 pages

English language

Published Nov. 8, 2011 by Alfred A. Knopf.

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4 stars (153 reviews)

The year is 1984 and the city is Tokyo.

A young woman named Aomame follows a taxi driver’s enigmatic suggestion and begins to notice puzzling discrepancies in the world around her. She has entered, she realizes, a parallel existence, which she calls 1Q84 —“Q is for ‘question mark.’ A world that bears a question.” Meanwhile, an aspiring writer named Tengo takes on a suspect ghostwriting project. He becomes so wrapped up with the work and its unusual author that, soon, his previously placid life begins to come unraveled.

As Aomame’s and Tengo’s narratives converge over the course of this single year, we learn of the profound and tangled connections that bind them ever closer: a beautiful, dyslexic teenage girl with a unique vision; a mysterious religious cult that instigated a shoot-out with the metropolitan police; a reclusive, wealthy dowager who runs a shelter for abused women; a hideously ugly private …

1 edition

Review of '1Q84' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I have adored Murakami’s work immensely in the past but 1Q84 was a bit of a meandering slog. A bit clumsy, repetitive, and perhaps needlessly drawn out. I’m beginning to believe that Murakami is at his best when his writing is short.

This is a classic conundrum I sometimes find myself in. Is my distaste by design? Were the aspects of the book I dislike deliberately put there to antagonize me, or perhaps to immerse me in the feelings and experience of the characters? Or was it just an oddly self-indulgent piece of writing with no regard for its reader? I love the often-surreal and slightly mystical stream of consciousness narrative Murakami tends toward. However, to the extent that was present here, it was overwrought and overshadowed by so many problems that begin to take hold in the second book.

The portrayal of women, for example, is profoundly unflattering and …

Review of '1Q84' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Writing about my favorite parts of 1Q84 would spoil the surprise for others. And I believe the book's strength is weird "left field" turns and ironies.

Giving it three stars and don't have energy to go into why other than to say the book is just Way Too Long. I know this is lazy and misses the point of a review.... kind of like douche-level reviews of hiking trails such as "hill was too high, no restaurant on top". But there it is.

Review of '1Q84' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

This book had potential. What's NOT to like about a book that has a female assassin as one of its protagonists?

Turns out:
1. It's too long. (As an audiobook it's 46 hours long!)
2. It doesn't really have a point. After 46 hours I expect a big pay-off. Nope.
3. It's oddly preoccupied with sex. I feel like the author has some fetishes to work out.
4. Did I mention: it's unnecessarily long. Someone needs an editor.

To his credit, the author is imaginative. I just won't be reading another book by him.

Review of '1Q84' on 'Storygraph'

1 star

oh for fuck's sake. i've been meaning to read this damn thing since it came out, and was so excited, based on the first fifty pages or so that i read years ago. well, i finished it, and what a letdown. so many rehashes of the same events. so many descriptions of boobs. so little plot. so little dimensionality in these characters.

Review of '1Q84' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Couldn't put it down. Murakami's gotta Murakami and I am here for it! Particularly touched me since the funeral chapter was at the same time I was actually prepping and attending a funeral in my real life. Murakami is so good at capturing the emotions by making the reader observe the details.

Review of '1Q84' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

1Q84 begins as an intriguing and fanciful story about a woman whose impromptu decision leads her to a world that is not quite her own; a world with strange, supernatural features around the edges.

I like the central story, but that story is told in a way that is often off-putting, full of tedious repetition and digression.

How repetitive is this book? There are multiple times where we watch a character go through a particular series of events, followed promptly by a section just as long in which that characters thinks about those events and there are redescribed in as much detail as was given the first time. In these repeats, we do not generally learn new information or see how characters reinterpret and expand on events; we just get the same story told a second time.

The book also loves extraneous detail. Characters often tedious muse about the past …

Review of '1Q84' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is the first book I have read by Murakami.

I loved it. I listened to much of it via the audiobook on Audible, which was done excellently with collaborating voice actors. If I was only reading the book, without slipping into the audiobook when on the road, I think this may have been more difficult to get through.

Strange. Surreal. Hilarious. Weird sex scenes likely not to be found in other books. Cults. Questioning reality.

The audiobook included an interview with the two translators that worked on 1Q84 english translation. Strangely, one of them worked on the first two parts while the other worked on part three. Both of them worked alone, without collaboration by the sounds of it. Seems fitting for this weird story. I honestly couldn't tell in the audiobook, but perhaps I would have noticed a slight style difference if I was only reading it myself? …

Review of '1Q84' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Nareszcie po kilkunastu miesiącach, przeczytałem do końca.
Postaci ciekawie skonstruowane, mają jakąś głębię.
Trochę się zawiodłem przewracając ostatnią kartkę - zawieszenie akcji. Kolejnych tomów raczej nie przeczytam.
Podoba mi się lekki, luźny styl pisania. Ale to książka dość obyczajowa, zawieszona w historii Japonii. Nie porwała mnie.

Review of '1Q84' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

Well, damn. That was a long, long ride.

This has everything he's known for, but it's drawn out to the plausible extreme. This is a work that'll creep... up... on... you... like moss.

But a good moss. A friendly moss. A moss that, once it arrives, it's comforting and makes you go "ah." It's one of those mosses that had been secretly nourishing things and you didn't realize it. It's probably not even a moss you'd appreciate, because tastes would differ. Or something.

Wait, does moss even work like that? Where was I?

But seriously.

The one major detraction of this work is the pacing. I'm one to linger in what I'm reading, but even here I had bouts of impatience. There's a lot of repetition, and what I'd classify as "padding" as well. (In quotes because if you skim, chances are very high you could miss one tiny, crucial …

Review of '1Q84' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Beautifully written but kind of slow at times. How it all unravels slowly from different POVs is amazing, even though at the end you're left there with 100 more questions about what it all means. And what is even more frustrating is that many things seem to have a hidden symbolism when, in reality, it's just... the thing. Nothing else. (Does this even make sense?)

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