To the Lighthouse

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Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse (2023, Publishing)

English language

Published 2023 by Publishing.

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4 stars (64 reviews)

This novel is an extraordinarily poignant evocation of a lost happiness that lives on in the memory. For years now the Ramsays have spent every summer in their holiday home in Scotland, and they expect these summers will go on forever.In this, her most autobiographical novel, Virginia Woolf captures the intensity of childhood longing and delight, and the shifting complexity of adult relationships. From an acute awareness of transcience, she creates an enduring work of art.

121 editions

Vers le phare

5 stars

Cette Promenade au Phare est un véritable joyau littéraire qui prend la forme d'une œuvre picturale. L'un des personnages du récit achève son tableau de la même manière que l'auteure réalise ici son dessein : « C’était fait ; c’était fini. Oui, se dit-elle, reposant son pinceau avec une lassitude extrême, j’ai eu ma vision. ». Le roman se résume en peu de mots : la vie qui s'écoule, les relations entre hommes et femmes, entre père et enfants ; le caractère fugace de la vie sous le regard du phare qui surplombe et veille sur tout cela. Mais il y a un tel génie dans ce peu (en termes d'action) qu'il vous emporte et vous subjugue. On referme ce livre avec l'idée de perfection, de complétude, d'une œuvre que le moindre petit changement aurait dénaturée.

Review of 'To the Lighthouse (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

In the late-1990s, Modern Classics Library marked To The Lighthouse as #15 on their Top 100 list for fiction in the twentieth century. This high rating was due, in part, to Woolf’s experimentation here with exploring the human psyche and consciousness. According to one source, Woolf spent many of her days ruminating on lived consciousness and trying to map out her precise reactions to emotional stimuli and the chain of thoughts that cross through her mind. In other words, Woolf was an early pioneer of what we now call “mindfulness meditation.”

The plot of To The Lighthouse revolves around the Ramsay family—Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, and their eight children. Part I of the novel opens with the Ramsay family vacationing with close friends at a home near the Isle of Skye off Scotland. Mrs. Ramsay wishes to visit the lighthouse off shore on a small island in the Hebrides. Mr. …

Review of 'To the lighthouse' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I am not sure why I chose to read this at this phase of life, but the intuition was correct. It strikes me now as being somewhat in the vein of Joyce's The Dead. Fiction that speaks to me now, I think, is that which is a hard fought struggle to recover, and perhaps redeem, something, as this assuredly is. Not exactly a roman a clef, but much about Woolf's family is in it. Mrs Ramsey is Woolf's mother. It is a glorious and strange novel in which almost nothing happens.

Review of 'To the Lighthouse (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)' on 'Import'

3 stars

This book is a series of narrative paintings, asking the reader to wait patiently and explore instead of guiding them (to the lighthouse). Unfortunately, I found the first half too stodgy to read (although I understand the perceived difficulties) - the second and third sections are brilliant.

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