Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

paperback, 443 pages

Published Jan. 3, 2018 by Thorndike Press Large Print.

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4 stars (65 reviews)

4 editions

Causing Existensial Crises and Making you feel like life is beautiful, A+ would read again

5 stars

From the first time I read this, a review that never made it onto anything but Riffle:

'Bring a commonplace book or BuJo/BulletJournal, whatever you use to write down quotes. There are a lot of good ones. I'm not saying your typical YA writer is a bad writer, but this guy has got some really good prose, and stuff that can stand out on it's own. Like you look at that, and go "wow, that's profound, I'm writing that down, and I'm gonna stew on it."

I read it in one night, and it caused an existential crisis that night. I just wanted to read a gay romance. Put -that- on the back of the book!'

Now, the second time I read this:

I love this book so much. I'm sure someone could argue little happens, or how it feels very episodic, but that's sort of the point: 1. It's …

Review of 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I do not like surprises of any kind, be it birthday surprises or surprises in books and movies. I always read the plot of the book or movie before starting it.
Knowing the plot never affected me, I laughed, cried, loved, got scared, felt sick, felt excited and lived through the narrative never the less. I guess the way the story is written appealed to me more than the plot. I have never regretted being this way until yesterday when I picked this book, of course after reading the plot on Wikipedia. (Damn even the wiki plot was beautiful)
This book was beautiful in my most favourite kind of way, by being simple.

And for the first time, I felt maybe if I had not known the plot I might have experienced this book differently, but I guess I will never know.

Anyways, this is an extremely simple, beautiful and …

Review of 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

For a YA novel about two fifteen-year-olds and their desire to find answers to their budding questions pertaining to masculinity, sexuality, and happiness, I was impressed. The narrative, which is told from Ari’s point of view, is age appropriate without seeming juvenile to an adult reader. If you’re looking for a fast read which delves into teenage homosexuality and true friendship, I’d highly recommend this.

Review of 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Eh. I had heard a lot of great things about this book, so I may have come into it with too-high expectations.

There were some parts that I loved, most specifically the descriptions of healthy family relationships, including those that were still in progress. The writing and narration were also good.

However, my one-sentence synopsis would be: moody teenager spends 98% of the book being moody, and then ✨the magic of love✨ magically fixes his entire life.

Not my thing. I can't really figure out the critical acclaim, and have to wonder if it would be as widely praised if the main relationship was heterosexual.

To be clear, my gripe is not with the gender(s) of the main characters or their relationship in the abstract, just the magical-fixing. I suspect if we were talking about a girl getting a boyfriend who was perfect and suddenly made everything perfect and fixed …

Review of 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It's cute, sehr cute, und ich mochte dass hier mal n junger Protagonist ist, der sich sehr viele Fragen stellt, gerade auch zu Männlichkeit und wie er zu anderen Männern steht
Was für mich nicht geklappt hat, war was die Handlung vorantreiben sollte: einmal war die Hauptperson krank, kurz danach im Krankenhaus wegen einem Unfall, am Ende dann war sein bester Freund im Krankenhaus. Das war ein bisschen merkwürdig und fühlte sich sehr gezwungen an.
Auch war mir der Erzähler doch zu schwermütig-philosophisch, zu abgeklärt-altklug, das hätte klappen können, aber manchmal hab ich schon gemerkt, da sind Sätze, die hat ein Erwachsener ihm in den Mund gelegt, das sind nicht seine eigenen.
Dass (nicht in der Handlung des Buches selber, sondern zeitlich davor) eine trans Frau getötet wird, die dann im Buch als Typ genannt wurde, ist vermutlich dem zeitlichen Rahmen angemessen, trotzdem fand ich das schwierig. Niemand hat sich …

Review of 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Given that the protagonists are called Dante and Aristotle and they are supposedly discovering the secrets of the universe, there wasn't much philosophy involved. There were so many things that were brought up for a couple of pages but never really resolved. There were so many characters with amazing backstories that don't get any time in the book and everything just feels bleak. This could have been a master piece that turned out to be quite a let down.

And that ending! How can you possibly end a book like this. I need more. Do not give me that happily ever after shit. I do not buy it!

Review of 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Aristotle and Dante is a book that I have been hearing about for a long time but just finally listened to. This is a coming of age story of two Mexican-American boys set in El Paso Texas in the 1980s.

Ari is a loner with many questions about his family. He has a much older brother who went to jail when Ari was four. He doesn't know why and his family refuses to talk about it. Ari's father is a Vietnam veteran struggling with PTSD who is having difficulty communicating with his family.

Dante is the extroverted only child of expressive and loving parents. He loves poetry. He offers to teach Ari to swim when they meet at a public pool. Over the summer they become friends and then very gradually start to realize that they may be falling in love.

This is the story of Ari and Dante's lives …

Review of 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Este libro lo debería leer todo el mundo ya que te enseña muchos valores importantes y el vocabulario es muy sencillo (así que animaos a leerlo en ingles). Pero lo que más me ha gustado es la relación que hay en la historia... Muy bien construida y muy bien desarrollada. Omitamos el hecho de que he acabado el libro hace una hora y todavía sigo llorando.

Se ha convertido en uno de mis libros favoritos por varias razones personales. Gracias, Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Review of 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The universe is vast, mysterious, almost inscrutable. Yes, inscrutable. However, in brief moments of startling clarity, we are able to see into its very depths, and we are never quite ourselves again. Benjamin Alire Sáenz gifts us two very relatable characters - broody, reserved Aristotle Mendoza, and carefree, quirky Dante Quintana. Happenstance makes them meet, and life is never the same again. Sáenz's easy writing conjures up vivid images of two boys on the brink of adulthood, treading the delicate path between innocence and maturity, a friendship that runs deeper than the very foundations of El Paso (where the story is set), and their determination to believe in each other and overcome the challenges that life has in store for them. A must read for everyone, whether you are a rebellious teen or a doting parent.

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