Gulliver's Travels

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Jonathan Swift, Antonella Lombardi: Gulliver's Travels (2016, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform)

176 pages

English language

Published Jan. 6, 2016 by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

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4 stars (128 reviews)

For the last 250 years people everywhere have enjoyed reading about Lemuel Gulliver's travels in the strange countries of Lilliput and Brobdingnag. The people of these countries, with all their curiously human failings, come to life in vivid illustrations. Here is a story to make you laugh - but to make you think, too.--GOODREADS

Lemuel Gulliver always dreamed of traveling the world. But when a violent storm claims his ship and casts him adrift among uncharted lands, he is taken to places that he could not even dream of. Traveling to the nation of Lilliput, where the inhabitants measure just centimeters tall, and to Brobdingnag, where they tower into the sky like giants, Gulliver voyages to an island floating above the clouds, visits a race of immortals, and finds himself stranded in a land ruled by horses.

Face to face with warring armies and power-hungry kings, each new journey …

249 editions

"Los viajes de gulliver"

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Disfruté mucho de la relectura de esta novela, después de tantos años.

Decía Borges que la caracterización de Swift como un escritor para niños, basada sola y exclusivamente en el caracter adorable de los liliputienses en la primera parte de la novela, fue una estrategia de la crítica posterior para desviar la atención de la mordaz sátira de la historia y políticas europeas que la novela encarna.

Escrito en los albores del expansionismo británico, cuando el poder global aún estaba en manos de España (Laputa) y el Europa estaba rodeada de regiones desconocidas, la novela critica lo que en los siglos siguientes sería la justificación de la expansión colonialista: la supuesta superioridad cultural del capitalismo liberal y de la monarquía constitucional europea.

Leímos "Los viajes de Gulliver" en las ediciones número 61 a 63 de nuestro Club de #LecturaMastodontica


Excellent satire

5 stars

I read this book in elementary school; I was a very pretentious child, I guess, and it was laying around the house, so I read it over the course of a few weeks. A lot passed over my head but I enjoyed what I did understand. Reread it years later and got a lot more, and still enjoyed it, understanding now that the horses were not intended to be emulated as the benevolent individuals they portrayed themselves as being.

Review of "Gulliver's Travels" on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I'm glad that I read this, but it was a bit of a slog by the second half. The story is divided into 4 parts. The first two are the ones that everyone is familiar with: the lands of the little people and the big people (Lilliput and Brobdingnag). These were the most interesting. The third land Gulliver visits is Laputa, the floating island of musicians and mathematicians who can't do anything practical with their knowledge. The last land is the country of the Houyhnhnms, horse people with no understanding of the concept of lying, war, or disease.

What you may not know is that between these visits he returns home to his wife and family, and then opts to once again go to sea. While he is home he tells people about his trips too. Knowing how superstitious sailors were, I can't imagine any of them having Gulliver on …

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  • British and irish fiction (fictional works by one author)
  • Fiction, fantasy, general
  • Fiction, satire
