Chungledown Bim reviewed The Atrocity Archives by Charles Stross (Laundry Files, #1)
Review of 'The Atrocity Archives' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
The series was recommended by a friend. At very first I was groaning, ugh, what IS this? A hypercaffeinated public servant dealing with the beurocracy of summoning Lovecraftian horrors, whatever. Oh, look, some hilariously laboured popculture references for the 30-somethings. I never really understood the appeal of the Dunwich mythos and I despise being pandered to. Anyway. I slogged through - my friend would ask me about this and I should have a better grasp of what it was that I didn't like... And bugger me if it didn't get a lot better really quickly. I think it's the proper, deep and beautiful nerdery of the protagonist. The author knows nerds, he knows beurocracy and be damned (ahaha) if I'm not his exact target audience. Lovely stuff, after a fashion. If you're a 30 plus polymath who's ever had the delight of the public sector, get amongst it.