
English language

Published Aug. 8, 2001 by Arden Shakespeare.

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4 stars (91 reviews)

THE CRITICAL EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE The Arden Shakespeare is the established scholarly edition of Shakespeare's plays. Now in its third series, Arden offers the best in contemporary scholarship. Each volume guides you to a deeper understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare's work. This edition of The Tempest provides: A clear and authoritative text, edited to the highest standards of scholarship. Detailed notes and commentary on the same page as the text. A full, illustrated introduction to the play's historical, cultural and performance contexts. An in-depth survey of critical approaches to the play. A full index to the introduction and notes. A select bibliography of references and further reading.

With a wealth of helpful and incisive commentary, The Arden Shakespeare is the finest edition of Shakespeare you can find. --back cover

176 editions

Review of 'William Shakespeare, The tempest' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Never or seen this before, I liked it.

I'm not sure if it's a drama or a comedy. On the one hand you have the elegant and poetic journey of Prospero from betrayal, to revenge, to melancholy forgiveness. All the while potentially echoing the bard himself - who wrote this at the end of his career - reflecting on his own life and work.
On the other hand you have the dudebro comedy of Caliban and the lads getting plastered and hilariously failing at every step in their drunken attempt at a coup.

Good fun.

reviewed The Tempest by William Shakespeare (Dover Thrift Editions)

Review of 'The Tempest' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I haven’t read any Shakespeare since high school, probably, so this was a long time overdue. I was inspired to read The Tempest because of a certain scene in a video game, and I saw that it wasn’t too long—how bad could it be? Shakespeare seriously humbles my understanding of English vocabulary and wordplay. I did miss having the Folger edition with the page-facing commentary to help make sense of certain phrases or words, but I think in the end I got the main gist of it.

The plot begins in media res, and apparently you learn by the end that not much time has taken place in the course of the play. Of course the main questions are—who is this Prospero fellow and how will he effect his revenge? In that view, the ending was a bit lackluster, as it seemed fairly anticlimactic; Prospero’s fate at the end …

Review of 'La Tempestad' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

Mi requisito para ver, por fin, Prospero's Books de Peter Greenaway. Una maravilla de texto, con alusiones a la providencia de la magia usada para bien y sin ninguna alusión a referencias cristianas, lo cual coloca el paganismo a los pies del lector y del entonces público del teatro callejero de Shakespeare (algo que, curiosamente, se colocaba al margen de la manera en que la magia se consideraba en el Renacimiento por científicos y magos de la época). Los personajes -propios de las tragedias del autor- y el momento en que Prospero cambia su actitud frente a ellos, sobre todo, frente a su hermano, remite, por qué no, a otro mago veterotestamentario (José, que perdona la traición de sus hermanos).

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