
Hardcover, 288 pages

English language

Published Nov. 8, 2010 by Crown Business.

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4 stars (109 reviews)

First edition

3 editions

I don't know where to put this

4 stars

It's a well written book, but sometimes it feels like they are just telling you things you want to hear. It's also kind of an ad for their own company. Nonetheless, I like the approach to turn down the stress on start-ups, that you don't have to be perfect from the beginning, not overwork yourself, don't put that much money into PR and so on. I especially like their attitude of not needing to grow bigger and bigger to be successful, that companies can have the size they like. They seem to be successful with that, so I guess it's not that bad. It's motivating, I'd suggest that to others that think about starting a business.

Review of 'Rework' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I'm adding this book to my short list for leaders looking to re-examine how they and their teams work. It's geared toward entrepreneurs (or "starters" as they call them) but there are good reminders in here for well-established companies that are collapsing under their own bulk. What I most appreciated about this book: how clear and concise it was. Unlike a lot of business books, which seem to equate heft with value, this one packs a punch in its slim form.

Review of 'Rework' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

The baddest assest book on business. It starts with a most convincing 3-page introduction of how the authors' company, as the underdog, won all the bets in spite of no one believing in them. It is a direct opposite of the Silicon Valley mindset of building a company: launch on the side of your day job, don't take funding, grow linearly (not exponentially), hire slowly, and finally, be profitable from day 1.

Amazing read.

Review of 'Rework' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I really like that this book exists: a lot of its suggestions are the opposite of conventional knowledge around startups. If you follow Signal vs Noise, their blog, as I do, it's less worthwhile to buy the book. Many of the chapters are already shared as blog posts.

Some of the advice could be stronger if it thought harder about the opposing argument, rather than dismissing it as greedy or thoughtless.

Review of 'Rework' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This book was a quick easy read. It did cover a lot of material, or concerns, about many of the issues owners and/or managers may have to consider when running a business.

I liked the short quick explanations covering the main idea of each bullet point. Chapters are not numbered in the traditional sense and sections feel unique. This is not a book that needs to be read from front to back. Each bullet point, as I call them, has a short explanation that gets the idea across without an excess of jargon. Perfect for short attention spans. Present an idea, briefly explain it and move on.

Much of what is presented may seem familiar from other books of this type. Some of the ideas may go against the grain of what higher education may teach students about business while people without the Masters degree may totally get this.

In …

Review of 'Rework' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

This is a great idea book. Very easy read.

Don't look at it for arguments or internal consistency. Look at ideas and perspective.

There are bunch ideas that build or relate to one another. Some you know, some you disagree with, some are good. But the whole work gets you thinking and get you started on the work you should be doing.

Review of 'Rework' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I really enjoyed reading this book. I like how a lot of what's in this book can be applied to other areas of life, not just the business related context. Like, scratching your own itch, quick wins, making tiny decisions, go to sleep, decisions are temporary, the list goes on and on. I like how each topic is short too.

Most of my books nowadays I just get/read from the library, but this one I actually bought, so I can use it as a reference and re-read it. I like to read a random page from time-to-time to get a fresh look on something that I'm working on at the time.

It's a great book, 5/5 stars.

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  • Industrial management