
from lost to found on the Pacific Crest Trail

315 pages

English language

Published March 26, 2013 by Vintage Books.

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4 stars (86 reviews)

A powerful, blazingly honest, inspiring memoir: the story of a 1,100 mile solo hike that broke down a young woman reeling from catastrophe--and built her back up again.

Cheryl Strayed recounts the impact of her mother's death on her life and chronicles her experiences hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from the Mojave Desert and into Washington State. The text contains profanity and sexual situations.

14 editions

Review of 'Wild' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Maybe due to some of the hype it got I expected to dislike this, and was surprised by an honest and not at all exaggerated pacific crest trail story with lots of personal, literary, and nature influences. Cheryl's hike was the year before my first PCT excursion and captures some of the unique flavors from the trail experience at that time.

Review of 'Wild' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Self-absorbed and self-destructive young woman with mommy issues and poor impulse control does something she’s preposterously unprepared for; survives despite herself.

I’m not sure how to classify this or recommend it. It’s not a travelogue; not really a journey of self-discovery (we get glimpses of the older Strayed, the one who wrote this book years later, and she sounds like she has grown up and learned but it certainly didn’t happen over the course of this book). Mostly it seems like a humblebrag trying to pass itself off as a rite of passage—but it’s not clear what the passage is or what if any development occurs. There’s not that much PCT content in it, and much of that is the excitement of other hikers at getting to bask in the presence of Cheryl. The majority of the book is a look back at her short life of astoundingly poor life …

Review of 'Wild' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Every year, thousands of people make long, dangerous journeys on foot, by bicycle, car, animal, boat, balloon or plane. Of those thousands, a percentage decide to write a book about it. A percentage of those actually finish it, and a percentage of those who finish it get it published. Few are worth reading by the general, none adventure travel public. Strayed’s Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail is an exception.
The movie was good, but I now think of it as a one-hour, fifty-five minute commercial for the book. Strayed writes with unflinching honesty about her past and her 1995 walk on the Pacific Crest Trail. I’d feared that Wild would be a weepy, sentimental, clichéd account of a woman getting empowerment from hiking by a bad writer. Not so. Everything’s balanced here and you realize as you read it that it’s not a book by …

Review of 'Wild' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I’m not sure I would have ever picked up Wild if it weren’t a book group choice but I ended up enjoying it much more than I had expected. It’s one of those books cited as having changed people’s lives and thoroughly motivational, which I find off-putting, but I did like the idea of her solo walk along the PCT. And having read it, I did much more enjoy the parts about hiking over her life story.

Cheryl’s life before the PCT was a sad one. She lost her mother to cancer and went off the rails a bit after that. Her family grew further apart and she pushed herself away from her husband. She turned to sex and drugs to fill an unfillable void in her life. I did find it a bit hard to grasp that she had been shooting up heroin the week before she started her …

Review of 'Wild' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I tend not to read nonficiton too often, yet I really enjoyed this book. The main reason was the parallels between her narrative and Joseph Campbell's monomyth, or the hero's journey. You can argue whether or not she is a real hero and what she got in the end, but the fact remains that her story draws elements from the monomyth which, in my opinion, makes it more appealing to a broader audience.
The story is one of acceptance: her life hasn't been that great and she's made some bad decisions along the way, but her arduous trip gives her a new perspective and allows her to accept herself for who she is and learn to be happy. She may not explicitly state what new insight she gained or exactly when or how she changed, but by the end you realize: she doesn't have to.

For my full review, see: …

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  • Travel
  • American Authors
  • Biography
  • Description and travel


  • Pacific Crest Trail
