
352 pages

English language

Published July 29, 2020 by Pan Macmillan.

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4 stars (198 reviews)

Memory makes reality.

That's what NYC cop Barry Sutton is learning, as he investigates the devastating phenomenon the media has dubbed False Memory Syndrome—a mysterious affliction that drives its victims mad with memories of a life they never lived.

That's what neuroscientist Helena Smith believes. It's why she's dedicated her life to creating a technology that will let us preserve our most precious memories. If she succeeds, anyone will be able to re-experience a first kiss, the birth of a child, the final moment with a dying parent.

As Barry searches for the truth, he comes face to face with an opponent more terrifying than any disease—a force that attacks not just our minds, but the very fabric of the past. And as its effects begin to unmake the world as we know it, only he and Helena, working together, will stand a chance at defeating it.

But how can …

9 editions

Review of 'Recursion' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A clever premise, worked out in detail, described clearly and consistently. A story that starts slowly but builds with some real surprises. Prose that flows, a pleasure to read. Well-drawn characters all with their own emotional baggage. This is the first of Blake Crouch's books I've read. I will read more.

Review of 'Recursion' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Captivating and fast-paced, with a lot to say about how memory shapes identity and reality, and a surprising emotional punch considering its focus on intrigue, physics, brain science, and recursive time loops. Crouch keeps all of this from becoming overwhelming, which is probably the most considerable achievement of all.

Review of 'Recursion' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Wow, I thought it would be hard for Crouch to follow up Dark Matter, but this was a fantastic read. I don't generally go for these kinds of thriller (?) books, but I couldn't put it down. Fast paced and engrossing. I'd highly recommend it if you enjoy "modern" sci fi/action books that make you think.

Review of 'Recursion' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

DNF. Just when you think the story has a decent foothold and you know where it's going, it suddenly turns into Terminator, with the scientist character suddenly aware of knowing how to use a shotgun and be a generic Sarah Conner. The cop who should be trained in firearms and dangerous situations is useless and shot within the first few minutes of the scuffle.

Then when you think, "Okay, good. Now it's over and I can just pretend this ending spot didn't happen." there's more, and the "twist" lands with a wet, soggy thud.

So, I'm gonnna pass.

Review of 'Recursion' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This novel provides a most interesting and perplexing plot line. The title is reflective of the perplexing aspect; as the plot is, in fact, recursive. I enjoyed the novel although I have to admit that today's world chaos (Covid19) may have contributed to my enjoyment... or then again, it may have detracted.

Nevertheless, this is a fun, fast read.

Review of 'Recursion' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I love these kinds of books that explore some weird ass philosophical theory and craft an awesome sci-fi story around it ... because what if the theory is true?

Recursion explores the theory the linearity of time and how people can change it.
It's a cool read and will certainly fuck with your thoughts for a couple days :p


When a person dies, he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past .  .  . All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. It is just an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever. — KURT VONNEGUT, SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIV

Review of 'Recursion' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Fun premise, though whenever I listen to sci-fi that involves multiple universes/timelines I kind of have to "blur my brain" so I don't get super lost trying to make sense of the science. That said, Crouch does a good job taking crazy concepts and making them grasp-able for regular people. This book was fun - but got a bit slow/repetitive (as one might expect with the topic is recursion) in the final 25%. There were also so plot holes that I'll omit for fear of spoilers... and I wasn't sure if they were intentional, if I had simply missed a key detail somewhere, or if they were the bi-product of dealing with a messy topic. In any case, they stood in the way of this book seaming itself up perfectly and feeling like a magic trick.

Review of 'Recursion' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book was fantastic! Crouch weaves together numerous genres—science fiction, thriller, horror, and romance to name a few—so seamlessly that I found myself immersed in the world and captivated by the timelines of both Barry and Helena. I was thrown for a loop on numerous occasions yet everything seemed to fit in a way that I felt they shouldn’t, which I suppose is probably the point when you consider the nuances and uncertainties of topics such as memory and time. I’ll definitely be picking up Crouch’s other works.

Review of 'Recursion' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A mind bending thriller that takes a deep look at the meaning and significance of memory and what it means to be alive. Somehow it marries neuroscience and philosophy with Emmerich style disaster sequences and existential quandries worthy of Dick. Glad to see Netflix have optioned it, intrigued to see how they handle it.

Review of 'Recursion' on 'GoodReads'

2 stars

Стерильное и бесхитростное нечто (young adult?.. ревьюеры не разделяют эту точку зрения, но я не знаю других ярлыков, позволяющих не материться на настолько ленивую писанину, а относиться с некоторым снисхождением), прикидывающееся научной фантастикой; секция обсуждения на Goodreads задаётся вопросом "вот это ничего себе, уж не лучше ли это, чем Дэн Браун?".

Не знаю.


Вообразите, что вы только что в ходе ночной википедия-сессии потыкались по линкам о квантовой природе сознания, квантовом же бессмертии, и, наконец, блочной вселенной, вздохнули, и отправились всё же в постель. С очень высокой вероятностью вы успеете в общих чертах вообразить сценарий, несколько более интересный, чем лежащий в основе Recursion, прежде чем наконец заснёте.

Отдельно замечу, что очень хочется верить, что упоминание в книге систем D-Wave также происходит скорее по глупости, чем в рамках утверждённой кем-то коммерческой инициативы.

Две звезды потому что все любят альтернативные таймлайны и временные петли, это узаконенное guilty pleasure.

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  • Fiction, suspense
  • Fiction, thrillers
