jaymeb reviewed The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab
Review of 'The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
I’m calling it! This is my favorite book of 2021. Maybe even of the 21st century. So beautiful and original.
audio cd
Published Oct. 6, 2020 by Macmillan Audio.
France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.
Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world.
But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name.
I’m calling it! This is my favorite book of 2021. Maybe even of the 21st century. So beautiful and original.
am i going to get back the four months it has taken me to finish this book?
yeah, thought so.
very long intricate book about Addie LaRue, who makes a deal with Luc (the devil?) so she can escape an arranged marriage in the early 1700s. In exchange for her soul at some time in the future, Addie become forgettable. No, I mean really well and truly forgettable - as soon as she is out of sight of a person, she is completely forgotten. And also, she is immortal.
So the story follows Addie into the present, with many flashbacks and flash forwards. Luc periodically shows up to ask for her soul, but she refuses to give in.
A very interesting conceit, pretty well pulled off. It is kind of funny how she gets by. Even going to sleep will make some forget her, so she gets the "who are you?" treatment from the morning after quite often.
So I liked it but thought it went on extra long. Probably …
very long intricate book about Addie LaRue, who makes a deal with Luc (the devil?) so she can escape an arranged marriage in the early 1700s. In exchange for her soul at some time in the future, Addie become forgettable. No, I mean really well and truly forgettable - as soon as she is out of sight of a person, she is completely forgotten. And also, she is immortal.
So the story follows Addie into the present, with many flashbacks and flash forwards. Luc periodically shows up to ask for her soul, but she refuses to give in.
A very interesting conceit, pretty well pulled off. It is kind of funny how she gets by. Even going to sleep will make some forget her, so she gets the "who are you?" treatment from the morning after quite often.
So I liked it but thought it went on extra long. Probably could have done with far fewer vignettes of her life across the centuries. It was well written, with some pretty turns of phrases. Addie herself was a dynamic starring character, although I still really have no idea who "Luc" is and what he finds in Addie.
Couldn't put it down (or in this case, stop listening). I'm a sucker for a book that follows a character through their life. Without too many spoilers, this isn't exactly that, but has the same feel of watching a character grow and develop over a long period of time. I'm not sure if I liked the ending, but I didn't hate it and it didn't make me love the book any less.
I also recommend the Audible audio book, the reader is fantastic.
The premise was interesting and I went along with it for a long time, but then it shifted to a love story and I just didn’t care. Don’t sell your soul. And don’t be tempted to fall in love with the being you sold your soul to. And for the love of everything, don’t assume he doesn’t always know everything. And above all, ffs, don’t ask to live forever.
I was quite excited to read this book after hearing about it from an ‘upcoming recommended books’ list back in the autumn. I ended up ordering a physical copy of it in January, yet only just now managed to finally read it… the day I actually read a book the same day I get it is probably never going to happen. I have some mixed feelings about this book. It provides an interesting premise—a Faustian deal, a woman who can’t be remembered, immortality—all things I’m a huge fan of in literature; yet, it also contains some lackluster characters and a dull narrative. On one hand, it was fast-paced enough to distract me from my term papers (this is entirely my fault, though). On the other hand… it was also difficult to continue reading the book after the first 100 or so pages. Other reviewers have mentioned that the middle of …
I was quite excited to read this book after hearing about it from an ‘upcoming recommended books’ list back in the autumn. I ended up ordering a physical copy of it in January, yet only just now managed to finally read it… the day I actually read a book the same day I get it is probably never going to happen. I have some mixed feelings about this book. It provides an interesting premise—a Faustian deal, a woman who can’t be remembered, immortality—all things I’m a huge fan of in literature; yet, it also contains some lackluster characters and a dull narrative. On one hand, it was fast-paced enough to distract me from my term papers (this is entirely my fault, though). On the other hand… it was also difficult to continue reading the book after the first 100 or so pages. Other reviewers have mentioned that the middle of this book was slow going, and I would agree. The final 100 pages get a bit more interesting, but the ending we get is not necessarily one that completely satisfies.
One of my main issues with this book are the characters. At its core, this novel is a character study of Addie LaRue—what motivates her, how she deals with her situation, and her growth in a 323+ years life. Unfortunately, a lot of this book is just Addie ruminating on her poor decision-making and her efforts at being stubborn just to spite the ‘devil’ she makes a deal with. For all her talk of wanting to live a real life and explore, we as the reader hardly get to see any of it. It takes her until WWII (more than 200 years after she makes the deal) to even leave the continent of Europe—and where does she go? The US, of course, land of the free! This book made it blatantly obvious it was written by an American, which was very jarring when you consider that Addie is supposed to be French. For some reason NYC is the best location for Addie to be (not to mention certain other characters, particularly of the immortal variety); this seemed nonsensical. You could’ve replaced Addie LaRue with Jane McAmerican and countryside France with countryside Maine, and this story wouldn’t have been that different. She learns several languages, but all of them are European. I got the sense that Schwab tried to make the characters seem ‘progressive’ by making both of the main characters bisexual, but in the end, this story is still a heteronormative romance. Several times, Schwab demonstrates how Addie being a woman is detrimental to her trying to exist in ordinary life, but she does nothing to challenge these misogynistic stereotypes. Addie becomes yet another victim to be saved by her ‘prince’ (in this case, the devil).
When it comes to the romance—an element of this book that really felt overplayed—there was little buildup, and little to none rhyme or reason for the main relationship of this story. It felt like a desperate attempt to be seen, rather than love; it could have just as well been an intimate friendship. Admittedly I’m not a fan of romance, and obviously other readers seemed to have enjoyed this a lot more than I did. But it’s a little weird to be falling head over heels as an immortal 323 year being when you have known a guy only for a few days. That brings us to the love interest, Henry, who has little more of a personality than ‘bookshop seller’. His friends, though they are minor side characters, are some of the only minority representation in the book, but their presence in the book is ultimately worthless. Nothing they do actually matters to the plot. For that matter, Henry himself seems to matter little in the overall course of the story, which is partly why the ending felt so disappointing. I’m trying not to reveal too much, but Henry’s story seems to be sidelined by Addie’s.
As mentioned, this is a character study, so it makes sense that there is little in the way of plot. Instead, the reader gets a lot of inner monologues, which are a sort of stream-of-consciousness writing. This would work well in theory… if the characters are ones the reader actually cares about and has some attachment to. I don’t know who made it a popular tend in YA/NA fantasy to write like this, but whoever did should be fired and sent to the Bad Place. It’s extremely annoying and not a mark of good writing; instead it disrupts the reading flow and makes the book seem rather like a diary than a novel. (Actually, see Simona's review for a better explanation of this than I give here.) This is an example of what I mean:
I don’t get why authors like Schwab write like this.
I really don’t.
Schwab might think this is well-written.
Or even quirky.
But I tend to think it’s just annoying.
So annoying, in fact, that I’d rather trudge through War and Peace than read a novel like this.
War and Peace is an extremely long novel, if you didn’t know.
Pages upon pages of dense writing.
(No, I haven’t read it.)
Oh, and like text messages, every new sentence must be on a new line.
In short, this style is repetitive, speaks in grammatically incorrect sentence fragments, and offers up four or five different phrases that all embody the same idea—for what purpose? I guess the style tries to make the reader feel more intimate with Addie’s inner thoughts, or something. I don’t know, so I can only speculate—whatever its purpose, it did not work for me. First person or third person, either way, this style gets on my nerves.
As for the little narrative we do get, it is also repetitive. Since Addie is forgotten by the people she meets (with the singular exception, of course), every brief spark she has follows the exact same pattern. Even the same-sex relationships are little distinguished from the pattern. This also goes for her love interest, Henry, whose narratives follow a slightly different but similarly predictable pattern. There was nothing truly exciting in the narrative, and the few ‘twists’ we get were easy to predict. At the end of the novel, I was left wondering if anything that had happened in the novel makes much of a difference. I suppose this is also something the characters have to wrestle with, but in the life of an immortal being, how exactly is a few months or a year supposed to matter? Without giving too much away, the ending also seemed derivative, a bit of a cop-out. The premise establishes these stringent rules for the narrative, and Schwab, instead of trying to work out a clever resolution, just slaps a bow on it and calls it a day. As a reader, I can confidently say that the ending did not feel like a present. I read 400+ pages for... that?
So, like Addie herself, this book finds me at a crossroads… between enjoying it or not. At the very least this novel didn’t live up to my expectations, but there were kernels of ideas that had some promise. For a fantasy novel, there was not really much fantastical elements, besides the deal, which itself only serves as the catalyst for the narrative, not as a main feature of it. Still, I ended up liking Addie as a character, at least in the beginning; it was a bit more than I would have expected, honestly. But at the end of the novel, I did not find myself feeling attached to her or any other character, which is not ideal for a character study novel. Perhaps if there were more of a narrative besides ‘girl, who is not-like-other-girls, meets a special boy, a boy-not-like-the-others, falls in love, and there’s a tiny bit of fantasy’, I would have cared a bit more. This is my first Schwab book, and I’m a little hesitant to try her other works.
It's a good story. The author really likes to use the word "palimpsest" a lot. I'm still not sure how I feel about the ending.
I don't know whether to consider this historical fiction, romance, sci fi, or fantasy, but whatever it is, I loved it. There were so many things done well in the construction of this story, but the characters really stood out. I felt them all to be interesting, dynamic, and genuine: comparable to actual humans. All of the characters had a beautifully drawn arc that kept me very engaged throughout. I'm familiar with Schwab's style of writing in her previous works, which is short, choppy chapters that focus on action, but I felt the short chapters in this book complemented the slower pace of the book really well. My favorite parts of the book were the glimpses through time at major historical moments to the point that I wish we spent a bit more time there and less in the present. The romance was.. okay. Despite the characters being believable, I …
I don't know whether to consider this historical fiction, romance, sci fi, or fantasy, but whatever it is, I loved it. There were so many things done well in the construction of this story, but the characters really stood out. I felt them all to be interesting, dynamic, and genuine: comparable to actual humans. All of the characters had a beautifully drawn arc that kept me very engaged throughout. I'm familiar with Schwab's style of writing in her previous works, which is short, choppy chapters that focus on action, but I felt the short chapters in this book complemented the slower pace of the book really well. My favorite parts of the book were the glimpses through time at major historical moments to the point that I wish we spent a bit more time there and less in the present. The romance was.. okay. Despite the characters being believable, I had a hard time understanding what drew Henry to Addie in the first place, and the speed at which it happened was jarring. My main disappointment was at the end with a really tired trope that always bothers me which is when the book your reading is actually referenced as a book that is being read/written in the story as well. I just think it's uncreative, but I suppose I can appreciate the tie-in of the book to Addie's influence on art throughout history. This was such a change of pace from Schwab's other works, it was refreshing and really demonstrates strong versatility!
A very unusual premise; a young girl in a tiny village in France, 1714, chafes against the restraints that her gender and family put on her. She wants to see more of the world; she doesn't want to be forced to marry the first person who comes along, have a series of children, and grow old taking care of them. In short, she wants to be completely free - and so she makes a deal for her soul with the Darkness to be completely free and he can have her soul when she's tired of living.
Well, needless to say, a deal with the Darkness usually has strings attached and Addie definitely hasn't thought the details through very well. She ends up free- because everyone who meets her forgets her the instant she's out of sight. She ends up immortal - because she has to live long enough to become …
A very unusual premise; a young girl in a tiny village in France, 1714, chafes against the restraints that her gender and family put on her. She wants to see more of the world; she doesn't want to be forced to marry the first person who comes along, have a series of children, and grow old taking care of them. In short, she wants to be completely free - and so she makes a deal for her soul with the Darkness to be completely free and he can have her soul when she's tired of living.
Well, needless to say, a deal with the Darkness usually has strings attached and Addie definitely hasn't thought the details through very well. She ends up free- because everyone who meets her forgets her the instant she's out of sight. She ends up immortal - because she has to live long enough to become tired of living, but the conditions of her life are enough to make anyone tired of life pretty fast. She's forced into an existence on the margins of the world - stealing what she needs (although she doesn't actually need to eat, it hurts being hungry), unable to even rent a room because as soon as she leaves the landlady or hotel clerk they won't remember she exists or that the room is taken. She can make friends or lovers, but as soon as they part or fall asleep she'll be forgotten. In short, it's not a great life - but nonetheless, she is free, and determined to spite the Darkness and find things to enjoy about life year after year. Over the centuries, she develops a friendship of sorts with the Darkness; she's the only human he interacts with regularly (checking in most anniversaries of their bargain to see if she's ready to give up her soul yet) and she challenges and interests him. The whole book is really a battle of wits between the Darkness and Addie, and sometimes it's hard to tell who's got the upper hand. When she finally meets a boy who actually remembers her, against all odds, she thinks she's found a loophole. But has she really?
Anyway, it's a very interesting premise, poetically written in parts, although it dragged a bit long in the middle and there are quite a few too many references to black curls and seven freckles - we got the point already! Addie and Henry seem so young (despite the fact she's over 300) that it reads in parts almost like a young adult book. Anyway, it's an interesting premise and I enjoyed it, but 4 stars rather than 5 because I don't imagine I'd ever want to read it a second time through.
This book was fine, I can see why people really liked it. It's well written and the plot is solid, but I found the picture perfect artsy Brooklyn courtship tedious, I didn't find either of the main characters all that compelling, and the tropes it relies on a little uninteresting. I was disappointed by how lacking in oddness or eccentricity it was, how credible but unremarkable the characters are.
Clever premise, well-written, with a resourceful female protagonist. My only knock on this book is that it only barely passes the Bechdel test. It took me a bit to warm up to that aspect (men are the protagonist's primary focus, largely as a survival strategy), but in return for my patience, I was rewarded with a novel story that is a mash-up of "Gift of the Magi" meets a deal with the devil.
This is the third book that has ever made me cry.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is a book about love and loss. It's about remembering when everyone else forgets. Addie's tale is simultaneously about acceptance and a thirst for something more. And that's what makes it so relatable, despite the fantastical nature of her narrative. Addie's story won't soon be forgotten and neither will Henry's. Their stories touched me because they are, underneath the facade of brilliant fiction, my fears personified. We all want to be free AND loved; it turns out that everything comes with a cost.
I loved the premise of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and the beginning started out strong.
It is a beautifully written story about a girl who asks to be free forever, and gets cursed to be forgotten by everyone.
The problem with the book is that it's either too long, or the characters aren't developing enough.
I imagine that after centuries of living, you'd become interested in philosophy and the meaning of life and stuff, but that doesn't really happy. Instead: Addie prefers to sleep with artists and be a muse for centuries.
I also found it strange that although she claimed to love to see new exciting things, she never seemed to travel outside the sphere or "Western" countries. She would have been so much more amazed if she visited Asia for example.
And lastly, why the hell didn't she try to understand the god that cursed her? …
I loved the premise of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and the beginning started out strong.
It is a beautifully written story about a girl who asks to be free forever, and gets cursed to be forgotten by everyone.
The problem with the book is that it's either too long, or the characters aren't developing enough.
I imagine that after centuries of living, you'd become interested in philosophy and the meaning of life and stuff, but that doesn't really happy. Instead: Addie prefers to sleep with artists and be a muse for centuries.
I also found it strange that although she claimed to love to see new exciting things, she never seemed to travel outside the sphere or "Western" countries. She would have been so much more amazed if she visited Asia for example.
And lastly, why the hell didn't she try to understand the god that cursed her? What was ITS purpose of being? Why did it do what it did? What does it need?
So yeah, this book was nice, but it could have been so much more.
"Time always ends a second before you're ready"
A beautiful work that left me teary eyed. A little sad but fascinating and wonderful.
The best words I have for this book are Tragically Beautiful. This is one of the best books I’ve read in....... I don’t even know how long. I’ve never read a book that felt like a painting, or a sculpture, or a musical composition, until now. This book took me exactly a month to read, because I was savoring it like every sip or bite of the best food or wine I’d ever tasted.
This book is a masterpiece of happy and sad, joy and melancholy, and just LIFE. Addie LaRue lives through so much that she becomes living proof that no matter how bad things get, there’s always a tomorrow, and a next week, and a future of more beauty and joy to behold on the other side. Everyone wants to be remembered, but what would it be like if no one ever remembered you, you were unable to …
The best words I have for this book are Tragically Beautiful. This is one of the best books I’ve read in....... I don’t even know how long. I’ve never read a book that felt like a painting, or a sculpture, or a musical composition, until now. This book took me exactly a month to read, because I was savoring it like every sip or bite of the best food or wine I’d ever tasted.
This book is a masterpiece of happy and sad, joy and melancholy, and just LIFE. Addie LaRue lives through so much that she becomes living proof that no matter how bad things get, there’s always a tomorrow, and a next week, and a future of more beauty and joy to behold on the other side. Everyone wants to be remembered, but what would it be like if no one ever remembered you, you were unable to leave your own mark on the world, besides through other people. Even then, you are the only one who knows you made it happen. What would it be like to live forever with this kind of life? This is Addie.