Catship reviewed Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, Book 35)
Quite nice
But I got distracted a few times and didn't fully follow the plot. But I like the whole thing around Annagramma grudgingly becoming a good witch!
Una historia del Mundodisco Mundodisco, #35
Spanish language
Published Nov. 14, 2012 by Plaza & Janés, Penguin Random House.
Tiffany Dolorido ya ha cumplido trece años y prosigue su aprendizaje de bruja cuando el espíritu del invierno se queda prendado de la joven, le regala rosas de hielo e icebergs, se declara mediante avalanchas, crea copos de nieve en su honor... y quiere que Tiffany permanezca a su lado en este mundo gélido y escarchado, para siempre.
Aunque cuenta con la ayuda de brujas veteranas tan sabias y entrometidas como Yaya Ceravieja y Tata Ogg, por no hablar de esos simpáticos y diminutos borrachines pendencieros, los Pequeños Hombres Libres, será Tiffany quien finalmente tendrá que dar con la solución a sus líos amorosos... o la primavera no volverá jamás.
But I got distracted a few times and didn't fully follow the plot. But I like the whole thing around Annagramma grudgingly becoming a good witch!
Content warning Plot spoilers ahead
I really enjoyed the character growth in this one: Tiffany growing as a witch (and a young woman), Annagramma coming into her own, Rob Anybody’s flourishing literacy, Roland’s foray into hero-dom… Daft Wullie saying exactly the right thing! Already looking forward to the next Discworld adventure.
A lot less fun than I imagined... There's also a lot to unpack here. Pratchett has a weird approach to the idea of a girl growing into a teenager. It can be an uncomfortable read at times, but it still has all the Pratchettisms I love in the Discworld series.
It kind of lost its steam along the way for me. The story is fun, who doesn't enjoy a good old Greek myth thrown in with witches in the Discworld? I really, really love the elder witches and the whole community (and the discussion of said community) surrounding Tiffany. The whole debate about her role in it, what a witch is supposed to be in these social circles is very captivating and engaging. The least interesting part for me, though, was the whole "romance" thing with the Wintersmith. I couldn't get myself into it at all. But the characters shine, …
A lot less fun than I imagined... There's also a lot to unpack here. Pratchett has a weird approach to the idea of a girl growing into a teenager. It can be an uncomfortable read at times, but it still has all the Pratchettisms I love in the Discworld series.
It kind of lost its steam along the way for me. The story is fun, who doesn't enjoy a good old Greek myth thrown in with witches in the Discworld? I really, really love the elder witches and the whole community (and the discussion of said community) surrounding Tiffany. The whole debate about her role in it, what a witch is supposed to be in these social circles is very captivating and engaging. The least interesting part for me, though, was the whole "romance" thing with the Wintersmith. I couldn't get myself into it at all. But the characters shine, the writing is fun, so despite having dragged this one for much longer than anticipated, I had a good time reading it.
This was the perfect read to accompany the crazy below-freezing weather that swept through Texas in February 2021. And also a sweetly satisfying update on the apprenticeship of Tiffany and her coven-mates and mentors.
Holds up nicely to a second read-through. 'werk'
Very funny but also very profound.
Dancing is evil!
I want to move to the Discworld.