Station Eleven

First Edition, 333 pages

English language

Published Sept. 9, 2014 by Alfred A. Knopf.

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4 stars (251 reviews)

An audacious, darkly glittering novel set in the eerie days following civilization’s collapse, Station Eleven tells the spellbinding story of a nomadic group of actors roaming the scattered outposts of the Great Lakes region, risking everything for art and humanity.

It is fifteen years after a flu pandemic wiped out most of the world’s population. Kirsten is an actress with the Traveling Symphony, a small troupe moving over the gutted landscape, performing Shakespeare and music for scattered communities of survivors. But when they arrive in the outpost of St. Deborah by the Water, they encounter a violent prophet who digs graves for anyone who dares to leave. Spanning decades, moving back and forth in time, and vividly depicting life before and after the disaster brought everyone here, this suspenseful, elegiac novel is rife with beauty, telling a story about the relationships that sustain us.

113 editions

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Unique and creatively told. It's well-written, gentle, nostalgic, and human-focused. The post-apocalyptic setting and its finer details take a backseat to the intertwined characters. Stated in the summary, the book revolves around a performance of Shakespeare's King Lear, and has continuous time jumps back and forth—so maybe it’s a little highbrow for me and I missed bits of brilliant underlying storytelling. My uncultured, Neanderthal self would have much preferred the conflicts about to unfold to not be interrupted with constant flashbacks.

Characters: Some are only pre-apocalypse, some only post. Yet we follow them for long amounts of time. Those in both pre and post-apocalypse go through dramatic changes, but we don’t usually get to hear much about how or why. A post-apocalyptic traveling symphony is a great concept. But I wasn’t attached to any of the characters—I couldn't picture them in my head, and wasn’t rooting for anyone to accomplish …

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Maybe not for everyone, but I enjoyed this book. It's like a slice of life look into the lead up to and aftermath of an apocalyptic event. The point of view hops around a bit so it can be disorienting for people expecting linear stories, but I enjoyed piecing things together. There aren't so many characters that you lose track of what's going on, and things still seem to progress at a steady pace. It's like if The Stand had better pacing.

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Enjoyable thought experiment on what the world might be like after a colossal epidemic. Unfortunately, my reading was a bit disjointed, due to no fault of the author, because my copy had 20 pages ripped out of it at the very end. I had to wait for a library copy to continue. So my review is not coherent and a result... But I can say it is beautifully written and if you need a captivating sci-fi read, you'll enjoy this book.

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

If you loved The Passage, you’ll like Station Eleven. The parallels between Cronin’s book and St. John Mandel’s are so strong that a character in the latter even mentions the former (though not by name). The comparison flatters Station Eleven.

The story follows various characters before, during, and after a superflu epidemic that kills almost everybody. The narrative jumps back and forth in time, following people living their mundane lives in the years before the outbreak and trying to live any life at all in the wasteland afterward.

St. John Mandel’s prose is fluid and sometimes poetic, and her characters unfold at a comfortable pace. The book is about half contemporary character study and half post-apocalyptic survival story, and the contrast between the two worlds kept me interested when the plot didn’t.

That plot is arbitrary and mostly nonsense. Characters who don’t know each other end up having unlikely (but …

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I was initially confused about the decision to start a book that it is ultimately about the apocalypse with a tragic focus on the unrelated death of Arthur Leander. How can a personal tragedy be related to the apocalypse? How can we care when several million people are about to die? But ultimately that's kind of the point of Station Eleven. It's less about the apocalypse and more about everyone ever known to Arthur Leander in the peri-apocalyptic time from his first wife to the paramedic who tried to resuscitate him. It's a very character-focused exploration with some intertwining threads. The intense character study plays nicely with the themes of the book: not how humans survive the apocalypse, but really how humanity survives, with art and culture and museums and language. And in that, how individuals survive with their individuality. This is really a new approach to a pretty tired …

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

My overall rating would be 2.5 stars; slightly above "It was ok", but below "Liked it". The writing I would rate 4 stars, while the story line is about 1.5.

The book has multiple story lines. I found the post-apocalyptic story of the Symphony most engaging. It seems to have a couple small climaxes but very unrewarding resolution. I felt like justice was left up to a random fluke. This story line also includes a psychopathic maniac, which I think definitely was a minus for me. The mass savagery and general resignation of characters depicted here seemed a bit too much on the extreme. The science part of it doesn't check out against logic, it was a minus for me as well.

The central character Arthur Leander was described in a lot of detail, yet he was a very boring predictable person who went blindly through life without much awareness …

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book is terrific.

It’s nominally an end of the world story, with a killer flu that wipes out most of the world population. There are all the usual trappings here of a dark post-apocalypse story that we’ve come to expect from the Road or the Passage or the Walking Dead. In that sense this book is nothing new, genre-wise.

But where Station Eleven succeeds is in the tight focus on the characters, all of which are family or friends or people who just had a passing encounter with one character, Arthur Leander, who dies in the first few pages.

The story weaves in and out of time before and after the apocalypse, drawing and linking the characters together in rich and complex ways, with the relationships and experiences and simple objects passed from hand to hand. (I had to go back and search for some of those objects after …

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A top-notch flu-pandemic end of civilization novel that reminded me of similar novels by David Mitchell, with linked and mirrored relationships between pre and post apocalyptic characters, ways of life, and an imagined graphic novel with the same title as this novel.
The standard tropes and tensions of the apocalyptic novel that we are so familiar with, mostly from the surfeit of zombie TV shows, are used, but downplayed a little by the author's interest in a more wistful and nostalgic look at what would be lost. The literary angle of the book leads to a more positive outlook than something like Cormac McCarthy's masterpiece, The Road.
It happens every day, but I found the idea of a fragment of a long lost book affecting different people in different ages and scattered places to be both moving and encouraging.

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