Le Dieu des Petits Riens

Mass Market Paperback, 439 pages

French language

Published July 15, 2002 by Gallimard.

OCLC Number:

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4 stars (94 reviews)

Rahel et Estha Kochamma, deux jumeaux de huit ans, vivent en Inde, entourés de leur grand-mère, Mammachi, qui fabrique des confitures trop sucrées, de l'oncle Chacko, un coureur de jupons invétéré, esprit romantique converti au marxisme pour les besoins de son portefeuille, de la grand-tante Baby Kochamma, qui nourrit un amour mystique pour un prêtre irlandais, et de leur mère Ammu, désertée par son mari, qui aime secrètement Velutha, un Intouchable. Un drame va ébranler leur existence et les séparer. Comment réagir quand, à huit ans, on vous somme de savoir «qui aimer, comment et jusqu'où» ? Comment survivre quand, après un événement affreux dont on a été témoin, on vous demande de trahir la vérité pour l'amour d'une mère ? Un récit envoûtant, plein d'humour et d'émotion, servi par une écriture neuve et poétique, qui recrée le monde de l'enfance - celui de l'imaginaire et de la liberté. source: …

58 editions

Review of 'The God of Small Things' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I had been reading a lot of Hemingway and I sort of wanted a break from That Style; I definitely got it with this book. Roy's writing is breathtaking. To steal a sentiment from another review I just read, she puts words together in ways that should make no sense at all but flawlessly evoke the sense of being there. It reminds me of Tonguecat or The Sound and the Fury a bit in that regard. The story is dark and sad and horrible, which I resented at times, but ultimately I forgive it for its astonishing beauty. Also, something I don't see other reviews pointing out: this book is funny! Am I the only one who took that from it? While the dominant notes are certainly pretty dismal, the children are still children and Roy shows us how they play with words and think about what the worlds …

Review of 'The God of Small Things' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A pair of actors trapped in a recondite play with no hint of plot or narrative. Stumbling through their parts, nursing someone else's sorrow. Grieving someone else's grief.

Unable, somehow, to change plays. Or purchase, for a fee, some cheap brand of exorcism from a counselor with a fancy degree, who would sit them down and say, in one of many ways: "You're not the Sinners. You're the Sinned Against. You were only children. You had no control. You are the victims, not the perpetrators."

Rahel and Esthappen are siblings, Rahel a little girl, Estha her brother. They are bright, imaginative children. They are two-egg twins, but sometimes they are Mrs. Eapen and Mrs. Rajagopalan, or Ambassador E. Pelvis (with a puff) and Ambassador S. Insect. A boy in his beige and pointy shoes and his Elvis puff, a little fairy in her airport frock with matching bloomers. A puff …

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