Vigilancia permanente

hardcover, 448 pages

Published Sept. 17, 2019 by Editorial Planeta.

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4 stars (133 reviews)

Edward Snowden, the man who risked everything to expose the US government’s system of mass surveillance, reveals for the first time the story of his life, including how he helped to build that system and what motivated him to try to bring it down.

In 2013, twenty-nine-year-old Edward Snowden shocked the world when he broke with the American intelligence establishment and revealed that the United States government was secretly pursuing the means to collect every single phone call, text message, and email. The result would be an unprecedented system of mass surveillance with the ability to pry into the private lives of every person on earth. Six years later, Snowden reveals for the very first time how he helped to build this system and why he was moved to expose it.

Spanning the bucolic Beltway suburbs of his childhood and the clandestine CIA and NSA postings of his adulthood, Permanent …

15 editions

Je ne le voyais pas si jeune

4 stars

Mon ressenti : ce livre conforte une croyance profonde que j'ai développée ces dernières années : voir la loi comme outil pour te rassurer que tout ira bien dans ta vie (parce que tu comprends, c'est validé par une loi), c'est comme te dire que signer un contrat va te protéger des abus de la personne en face de toi.

=> ça fonctionne que si tu as confiance en les personnes qui créent les lois (qu'elles vont veiller aux intérêts de la majorité et pas juste, disons, les riches, hein - merci les lobbys), et surtout que ces personnes les feront effectivement respecter, que ce soit auprès des organismes privés ou publics.

Les lois qui viennent légitimer les opérations de surveillance massive (localement ou non), on pourrait bien s'en passer, merci. Au mieux, elles empêchent rien à la surveillance (ce qui est un problème), au pire, nos impôts servent à …

Je ne le voyais pas si jeune

4 stars

Mon ressenti : ce livre conforte une croyance profonde que j'ai développée ces dernières années : voir la loi comme outil pour te rassurer que tout ira bien dans ta vie (parce que tu comprends, c'est validé par une loi), c'est comme te dire que signer un contrat va te protéger des abus de la personne en face de toi.

=> ça fonctionne que si tu as confiance en les personnes qui créent les lois (qu'elles vont veiller aux intérêts de la majorité et pas juste, disons, les riches, hein - merci les lobbys), et surtout que ces personnes les feront effectivement respecter, que ce soit auprès des organismes privés ou publics.

Les lois qui viennent légitimer les opérations de surveillance massive (localement ou non), on pourrait bien s'en passer, merci. Au mieux, elles empêchent rien à la surveillance (ce qui est un problème), au pire, nos impôts servent à …

Excellent !

5 stars

Wah, quelle claque ! C'était vraiment génial, pourtant je connaissais bien l'histoire, j'ai vu "Citizen Four" et "Snowden", mais ces mémoires le racontent telles qu'Edward Snowden les as vécus, de l'intérieur, avec souvent de l'introspection et quelques instants techniques ou contemplatifs. Je ne regrette pas une seule page passée en sa compagnie, il paraît que la traduction n'est pas excellente, je l'ai donc lu en VO. Je ne sais pas à quel point il a été aidé/relu/corrigé depuis son propre manuscrit, mais le style est très agréable à lire !

Serious gumption

3 stars

I also grew up in a government town in the early days of home computers & the internet. Perhaps if I had stumbled across hacking I'd have ended up in a similar role to him, though I doubt I'd have his gumption to expose the gross overreach of the security services. Their capability was (and remains) alarming.

Reading time 9 days, 37 pages/day

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #BookWyrm

Muy interesante

4 stars

Content warning Posible Spoiler

Review of 'Permanent record' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

It's very strange reading the biography of someone who's early life feels so similar to your own, that if you'd been born in a different place you might have faced the same decisions and moral quandaries. It raises the question: would I, could I have done the same thing? Or worse: should I?

Snowden's story is well known, but seeing the arc of his life laid out in his own words brings home the reality of it. He does a great job of showing how he ended up in the position he did, explaining the technology and culture of the IC as he goes along which helps provide context for the documents he eventually exposes. At the heart of it all is ultimately a love story between two millennial poster children.

An essential read for anyone who works in technology infrastructure or wants a relatable glimpse at the reality of …

Review of 'Permanent Record' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

We all heard about Snowden, but did you ever realise what he actually did, what he sacrificed for what he thought was right? How he came to be the man that made those choices.

Permanent Record is a super interesting book about a normal guy who became super interesting.

It also shows how deep the rabbit hole is, and how important your (online) privacy is.

I consider this book a must read for everybody living in this day and age.

“The government should be afraid of the people, the people shouldn't be afraid of the government.”
― Edward Snowden, Permanent Record

Review of 'Permanent record' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was a very good book, well worth a read. He's a good writer, explaining why he felt it worthwhile to leak what he did. I oddly felt less convinced about the rights or wrongs of his actions by the end of the book than I was before I'd started; but lots of parts that make you think, as well as some clever attempts to make things easy for the non-technical to understand. Certainly worthwhile.

Review of 'Permanent record' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

My first dystopian horror book.

Permanent Record has a few different stories within the story:

Early Life: You can skip this. Aside from growing up in the Intelligence Community region in Maryland, Snowden had a very average childhood and explains it in-depth for 7 chapters. You can start on chapter 8 (which begins with 9/11) and miss nothing important. It would have been great if Snowden used those pages to share his thoughts on any current tech or surveillance: cryptocurrency, biometrics like gait recognition and facial recognition, keystroke logging, VPN/VPS/VPC, cookies, blockchain, anything really.

Intelligence Community Operations: The differences between CIA and NSA knowledge, the evolution of mass surveillance, casual privacy violations and public doxing, how agencies negotiate higher salaries for employees and contractors at the taxpayer's expense, etc.

Route to Whistleblowing: Snowden’s different jobs within the Intelligence Community, his assignments and growing unease, preparations for leaking, and his life …

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