Caves of Steel (The Isaac Asimov Collection Edition)

202 pages

English language

Published Jan. 16, 1986 by Doubleday.

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4 stars (76 reviews)

"A Del Rey book."

It was bad enough when Lije Baley, a simple plainclothes cop, was ordered to solve a totally baffling mystery - the murder of a prominent Spacer. It was worse when he found that the smug, self-satisfied Spacers were behind the pressure to provide an impossibly quick solution.

But then Lije discovered the worst of all bad news. The Spacers, distrusting all Earthmen, insisted he must work with an investigator of their choice. And that investigator turned out to be R. Daneel Olivaw. R stood for robot--and Lije hated and feared robots deeply, bitterly and pathologically.

Issac Asimov's The Naked Sun and The Caves of Steel are two of the most famous science-fiction novels ever. They are set long after mankind - aided by the positronic robot - has colonized the worlds of other suns. This is a time of growing concern between Earthmen and Spacers. Lije …

45 editions

Mi reseña de Bóvedas de acero

3 stars

No es ni mucho menos lo mejor de Asimov, pero es un libro digno y entretenido. Una novela policíaca con un punto de ciencia ficción suave que se lee rapido y cumple su función de hacer pasar el rato. Esta escrita en los años 50 y se nota. Un par de ejemplos: la película fotográfica y la casi ausencia de mujeres en la trama. Asimov, no logró imaginar entonces la foto digital y me resulta gracioso ver como, en un momento dado, habla de película; como si se fuera a seguir usando dentro de tanto tiempo, aparte de los posibles aficionados nostálgicos. Por otro lado, la casi única mujer que aparece, un personaje completamente secundario, cumple los típicos tópicos femeninos de mediados del siglo XX. Es curioso ver como imagina el autor la sociedad del futuro y como, al describirla, me ha hecho pensar en comportamientos comunistas que no me …

reviewed Bóvedas de Acero by Isaac Asimov (Robot, #1)

Un final "eureka!"

4 stars

La trama me ha gustado, me gusta el ambiente que imaginó el autor para la tierra en un futuro, me parece creíble.

Pero el final a contrarreloj, sin hacerte sospechar, sin ir hilando los acontecimientos, tipo "eureka!", no me convence mucho.

Eso sí, siguen ahí las maravillosas cuestiones filosóficas que plantea Asimov con cada robot que aparece en sus obras.

Review of 'Bóvedas de Acero' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Una pena que no hay ni un personaje femenino excepto el tropo misógino de mujer mala, pero es lo que hay siendo Asimov y de los 50. La pena es que la parte de la novela detectivesca es muy plana y avanza a trompicones, sin dejar al lector ir hilando en su cabeza su propia conclusión, en este sentido no ha envejecido bien al notarse esa influencia de partida de la sociedad y tecnología de los 50. Pero la parte de c.f. es muy buena y realmente se integra con la trama detectivesca y la trama general del universo de ficción que crea.

Review of 'Bóvedas de acero' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Uno pensará que esta novela es de ciencia-ficción, pero antes que nada es una novela de detectives, con un trasfondo futurista. Siglos después de los relatos de robots, la humanidad se ha dividido en dos: los terrícolas, de vida corta, hacinados en ciudades bajo cúpulas, sin apenas robots, y los espaciales, longevos, en mundos en los que los robots mejoran la vida de sus los escasos habitantes de los planetas exteriores. Se ha cometido un crimen en la ciudad espacial de la Tierra, que conecta ambos mundos, y un detective de la Tierra y otro de Aurora deben resolverlo.

Review of 'Caves of Steel (The Isaac Asimov Collection Edition)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Isaac Asimov was famous for his stories involving robots, and for inventing the Three Laws of Robotics:

First Law
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

Second Law
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Third Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

The earlier stories took place on an Earth not too far in future. In this novel he jumps several millennia into the future. With the aid of robots, some people have colonized 50 worlds near Earth, and they are called The Spacers. They do not want much to do with Earth, but there is some trade. Earth has in the meantime become an overcrowded megalopolis …

Review of 'Caves of Steel (Robot City)' on Goodreads

3 stars

1) '''We can't ever build a robot that will be even as good as a human being in anything that counts, let alone better. We can't create a robot with a sense of beauty or a sense of ethics or a sense of religion. There's no way we can raise a positronic brain one inch above the level of perfect materialism.
'We can't, damn it, we can't. Not as long as we don't understand what makes our own brains tick. Not as long as things exist that science can't measure. What is beauty, or goodness, or art, or love, or God? We're forever teetering on the brink of the unknowable, and trying to understand what can't be understood. It's what makes us men.
'A robot's brain must be finite or it can't be built. It must be calculated to the final decimal place so that it has an end. Jehoshaphat, …

Review of 'Caves of Steel (The Isaac Asimov Collection Edition)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A surprisingly small book, considering the size of some of Asimov's others. Asimov introduces Elijah Bailey, a cop who must solve the murder of an off-planet visitor, although the real story here is society's acceptance of robots (or its lack thereof) and the advancement of humanity.

Asimov's character relationships come off lackluster as usual, but they're easily overshadowed by the intriguing and feasible he paints.

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