El diario de Bridget Jones

Paperback, 316 pages

Published Feb. 3, 2000 by Plaza & Janes Editores, S.A..

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3 stars (71 reviews)

A dazzling urban satire of modern human relations? An iconic, tragic insight into the demise of the nuclear family? Or the confused ramblings of a pissed thirty-something?

49 editions

Review of "Bridget Jones's Diary" on 'Storygraph'

1 star

Glory hallelujah I am finished with this "journal." I did, in fact, read it because it was supposedly a journal and I have been researching and reading on first-person narration and epistolary storytelling. As far as journals go, I found this one highly unrealistic, as it was a spasmodic narration, highlighting the interesting parts, rather than a means of putting down thoughts. Bridget Jones certainly did not seem to have interesting thoughts occurring apart from other life highlights. It was also rather predictable as far as plot goes. Who should the chaotic narrator end up with but the cool, calm, collected, intelligent, wealthy, and handsome Darcy. As if his name wasn't giveaway enough. (I found myself constantly miffed as well throughout this masochistic ordeal by the connections drawn between this book and the classic Austen work, Pride and Prejudice. I certainly could not make any connection between Bridget and Elizabeth …

Review of "Bridget Jones's Diary" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Bridget Jones’s Diary is the year in the life of a thirty-something single working woman living in London. While she writes about her career, problems, family, friends, and a quest for a romantic relationship she is also on a quest for self improvement. To quit smoking, cut down on drinking, lose weight and develop Inner poise, this novel is a comical look at the modern woman.

First of all, I think of this book as a pseudo feminist novel; while there are plenty of elements in the novel that could be considered a critique of feminism; this is more satire than anything else. Bridget wants to be that kind of woman but she never gets there, she tries to come across as a strong independent working woman who does what she wants when she wants, but when it all comes down to it, what she wants is a man. Interesting …

Review of 'Schokolade Zum Fruhstuck' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

Auch wenn das Buch durchgehend angenehm zu lesen ist und durchaus Spaß bereitet, ist nicht vollkommen zu verstehen, warum es ein derartiger Erfolg war. Der Erzählstil ist eher fein ironisch als brüllend komisch, was ja (a) auch nichts Schlechtes sein muss und (b) bei einem britischen Roman zu erwarten war.

Im Lauf der Geschichte macht Jones' neurotische Art aber mehr und mehr nervös, und man wünscht sich zunehmend, sie würde sich doch endlich mal zusammenreißen. Ihre merkwürdigen Freunde können da nicht viel helfen, zumal sich zunehmend der Eindruck aufdrängt, so weit her wäre es mit der Freundschaft doch nicht. Schön, das eine oder andere misslungene Abendessen retten sie ganz charmant, aber wenn es ans Eingemachte geht, verstecken sie sich, verhalten sich abweisend oder lassen Jones einfach links liegen. Das verhindert beim Leser immer wieder, sich auf ihr Leben einzulassen, denn wer solche Freunde hat, den muss man schon ein bisschen …

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  • General
  • Untranslated Fiction - Spanish
  • Fiction - General
  • Spanish: Adult Fiction
  • Graphic Novels - General