Station Eleven

A novel

audio cd, 9 pages

English language

Published Sept. 9, 2014 by Random House Audio.

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4 stars (255 reviews)

One snowy night Arthur Leander, a famous actor, has a heart attack onstage during a production of "King Lear." Jeevan Chaudhary, a paparazzo-turned-EMT, is in the audience and leaps to his aid. A child actress named Kirsten Raymonde watches in horror as Jeevan performs CPR, pumping Arthur's chest as the curtain drops, but Arthur is dead. That same night, as Jeevan walks home from the theater, a terrible flu begins to spread. Hospitals are flooded and Jeevan and his brother barricade themselves inside an apartment, watching out the window as cars clog the highways, gunshots ring out, and life disintegrates around them. Fifteen years later, Kirsten is an actress with the Traveling Symphony. Together, this small troupe moves between the settlements of an altered world, performing Shakespeare and music for scattered communities of survivors. Written on their caravan, and tattooed on Kirsten's arm is a line from Star Trek: "Because …

113 editions

A post-apocalyptic novel about how sad we are now

4 stars

Early on in the book St. John Mandel lists all the things we would lose if civilization collapses. Yet even as she narrates through her protagonists struggles among the ruins, she shows us, though flashbacks, how much sadder we are now—how alienated we are from each other.

Best summed up in a quote from the book: "Hell is the absence of the people you long for."

Gripping Read

5 stars

This was recommended to me and I went in knowing very little about it.

I found it to be a really gripping novel; hard to put down. I was really excited to see how the characters lives intersected and how they handled the trauma of the devastating pandemic.

The book tells the story of the characters at various stages of their lives ranging from many years before the pandemic, to around 20 years after. This gives a really interesting perspective on the characters, and keeps the pace of the book fast and interesting.

Highly recommended!

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I liked the book well enough, so I decided to go for 4 stars, it really drew me in most of the time.

I was on the verge of giving three because a couple of things bothered me. First, it might be a minor issue to others, but it irked me to no end: What's with the myth of being able to accurately kill someone by throwing a knife? This Hollywood trope is just not true, and is used repeatedly during the book. That's just sloppy research.

Also, it bothered me that the author called the disease the "Georgia Flu". To be fair to her, I guess the real pandemic and Trump's "Wuhan flu" are to be blamed for my feelings here, something the author could not have known at the time this book was written.

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I enjoyed this! The story is told in cuts back and forth through time but I never got the feeling it was a gimmick. Mandel has a larger point to make. Larger, even, than the surface attraction of a post apocalyptic story.

Obviously reading this during the height of the Omicron variant is unsettling and I may have put up a few emotional blockers while getting through this however, the writing is beautiful and the plot is impressively woven.

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I'll be honest, I was nervous to finally pick up an Emily St. John Mandel book. I have heard wonderful things about how she constructs her stories in a deeply introspective, yet accessible way. I was afraid Station Eleven wouldn't live up to the hype. So I was ultimately so happy to have enjoyed this book.

Station Eleven follows a few different, interconnected points of view across timelines. The central narrative straddles what is basically the end of civilization as a deadly plague ravages the world and decimates the population in a matter of weeks. We follow some characters lives before this collapse, some after, and some between the two, but all linked in unique ways.

While I did find some of the jumping to be distracting, I did enjoy every point of view and the care the author took in developing each of them. They were all beautifully written …

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Well-written, interesting characters. A story where you can’t predict what is going to happen next.

But I didn’t really like it as a whole. It doesn’t feel like it resolves anything for putting you through the journey and ends kind of abruptly after weaving multiple stories together. It felt like none of the characters grew and like Cryptonomicon (which has a similar vibe to it), it felt like the story exists for it’s own sake of telling a bunch of other stories throughout the timeline with a disappointing common thread. The Station 11 subplot seems have no purpose, much like the book itself.

Also I read this during a deadly pandemic... so that may have shaped my opinion.

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Emily St. John Mandel wrote in an article somewhere that perhaps Station Eleven is not her idea of recommended reading during a pandemic, but here I am anyway. Somehow we as social creatures are drawn to morbid and tragic media not only during the course of our mundane ordinary lives, but especially during times of distress and upheaval. It is comforting to me on one hand to read of such familiar situations and thought processes, and yet, on the other hand, to have gratitude that in many ways my world is better off than this fictional one.

Still, the characters' emotional struggles and turmoils are a sort of way for the reader to sublimate their own anxieties and stresses. Which is perhaps to say, hey, if these characters can find moments of joy and happiness in this absolute hellscape, perhaps I can too... and I've still got electricity and internet, …

Review of 'Station Eleven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I'd added this to my wishlist but by the time it was available at the library, I'd forgotten whatever I'd read about it that caused me to add it. So from the title alone, I assumed it might be some kind of science fiction book set on a space station. Wrong! Although the Station Eleven in question is indeed a space station, it's one that only exists in a comic book written by a character within the book, which is set very much here and now, present day, when it starts.

This book was written in 2014, but remarkably prescient given that just 6 years later we're in the middle of a global pandemic. The book's plot revolves around a global pandemic known as the "Georgia flu". It spreads rapidly around the world through airline travel. Unlike our current pandemic, symptoms develop within 3-4 hours and most infected people die …

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