Das Parfum

Die Geschichte eines Mörders

Paperback, 320 pages

German language

Published July 25, 1994 by Diogenes Verlag.

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4 stars (37 reviews)

Die Geschichte spielt in Frankreich und handelt von Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, der keinen eigenen Körpergeruch hat, jedoch mit einem ausgeprägtem Geruchssinn auf die Welt kommt und für die Herstellung eines außergewöhnlichen Duftes zum Mörder wird.

22 editions

Liste in un testo eccessivamente prolisso

2 stars

Ho fatto davvero fatica a leggere questo romanzo. A parte l'incredibile quantità di liste presenti, il problema è che per 3/4 racconta ben poche cose, non si capisce nemmeno benissimo dove voglia andare a parare. Poi, tutta la parte interessante del romanzo si svolge nelle ultime 35/40 pagine e lascia comunque piuttosto l'amaro in bocca.

Decisamente sopravvalutato.


2 stars

I often catch up with books years after their first publishing and any hype has faded. I remember Perfume was huge for a while but, having now read it, I'm struggling to understand why. Perhaps the John E Woods translation I borrowed just didn't do the original justice? I did appreciate the olfactory descriptions at the beginning. This is an unusual concept for a novel so it was nicely different. However our protagonist, Jean-Baptiste, is such a blank person that caring about his story was impossible and so my interest in the writing's other aspects faded as fast as one of his perfumes.

Review of 'Perfume: The Story of a Murderer' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Amazing story, very dark stuff. So much of the book is spent describing smells and yet it doesn't come across as being repetitive, I never knew the English language was as rich as it is when describing how Paris smells.

Years ago I stumbled across the movie and was blown away by it, the ending was one of the best ever but believe it or not the movie did not do the book justice. I knew what to expect when I got to the end but still found it pretty shocking. Grenouille is a mesmerising character completely oblivious to what is napping around him, he has only one care in the world, creating the best perfume ever.

I am going to watch the movie again now, worth a rematch I think.

Review of 'Das Parfum' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Süskind zieht den Leser mit erzählerischem Geschick und sprachlicher Größe in eine Geschichte, der er nicht wieder entkommen kann.

Die Welt des Protagonisten Grenouille ist eine Welt der Gerüche und der Künstlichkeit zugleich, eine Welt, in der Normalität nur entstehen kann, wenn sie kunstfertig geschaffen wird. Süskind gelingt es, die Düfte und Gestänke zu fassen und dem Leser eine Ahnung der Wahrnehmung von Grenouille zu verschaffen. Dabei schwingt er sich selbst zur Meisterschaft der Kenntnis und der Beschreibung dieser Gerüche empor, und oft bleibt der Leser ob der Klarheit und Einfachheit der Eindrücke geradezu sprachlos zurück.

Grenouille selbst ist nicht unbedingt abstoßend, aber macht es durch seine Emotionslosigkeit unmöglich, eine Bindung zu ihm herzustellen. Der Leser bleibt Beobachter und wird darin, dass er nie ein volles Verständnis der Geschehnisse erlangt, Grenouille gleich.

Dies ist mit Sicherheit eines der ganz großen Werke der Literatur, und zu dieser Auffassung gibt es auch …

Review of 'Perfume' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Perfume, by Patrick Suskind, is a richly imagined tale with interesting symbolism. It centers around Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, who is born with a nose more keen than that of any canine. He is also born in the very worst poverty and circumstances in 18th century Paris, France, where his childhood is marked by the complete absence of any kind love, compassion, or connection with other people. In fact, people tend to either avoid him or simply overlook him. When he is an infant, the church pays a village woman to nurse and care for him, but she begins to find Grenouille repugnant (she is the first to articulate why), and dumps him back on the church. Then another woman takes him for some years, but after discovering Grenouille's unusual talent, she finds him so creepy that she cannot sell him off quickly enough. So, he becomes the property of a tanner, …

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