The Lathe of Heaven

175 pages

English language

Published Nov. 7, 2003 by Perennial Classics.

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4 stars (147 reviews)

“The Lathe of Heaven” ; 1971 ( Ursula Le Guin received the 1973 Locus Award for this story) George Orr has a gift – he is an effective dreamer: his dreams become reality when he wakes up. He is aware of his past and present, two or more sets of memories, although the people around him are only aware of the current reality. This science fiction story is set in Portland, Oregon, in/around the late 1990s - early 2000s. Orr begins to take drugs to suppress dreams but eventually he is sent to a psychotherapist, Dr. William Haber, who has developed an electronic machine, the Augmentor, which records the brain patterns of a person as they dream. When Haber realizes that he can use Orr's unique ability to change their world, the consequences are both beneficial and frightening, both locally and globally. Orr seeks out the help of a civil …

29 editions

The Jellyfish doesn't swim, but floats.

4 stars

Full spoiler free review here : [...] “Reality is an odd choice of word, when all that shapes it is a dream”, thinks the jellyfish.

We meet George Orr in the middle of an overdose. Whilst society deems him an addict, his issue is one much greater than that : he is a Dreamer.

His bed is a boat with no helm to speak of, and as he catches odd things shift in the world behind his eyes, so too does reality shape itself anew. The change terrifies him.

Should Orr attempt to swim ? Should Orr dream with intent, for the betterment of humankind, to become the Lathe of a heaven of his own making ? Or should Orr rid himself of this terrible and frightening power ? “Worse…” he thinks. “if my dreams have such potency… what will come with my nightmares ?”

Personally my favorite Le Guin novel

5 stars

This is probably my favorite of all of Le Guin's novels. It's not just that The Lathe of Heaven works as a really fun and tightly written sci-fi concept, but also that Le Guin weaves together a ton of parallel narratives into what outwardly seems to be a very simple story idea.

In part, The Lathe of Heaven is a surrealist work about a person whose dreams suddenly start becoming real, and who has to contend with all the problems that arise as a result of this fact. However in another respect this book is also a very honest and compassionate depiction of a character suffering from severe anxiety and mental illness, while on top of both of those stories is also a very political dystopian science fiction novel about the end of the world.

Yet what makes this book work is that Le Guin writes all of these conflicting …

Classic early Le Guin, holds up

5 stars

A few aspects of the story will strike 21st century readers as quaint, naive, or dated. For example the reliance on hypnosis as a foolproof method of making people dream whatever you want them to dream. However, this is a minor quibble, and the overall story arc is truly haunting, thought-provoking, and unsettling. It's sweet and beautiful in places, too. No wonder it's a classic.

Review of 'The Lathe of Heaven' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Equal parts fantastical and tragic, The Lathe of Heaven is my favorite of Le Guin's novels I've read so far. Among its many themes, one stood out as particularly significant and ahead of its time. Toward the end of the novel, Orr is unable to keep track of the various realities affected by his dreams. "He was living almost as a young child, among actualities only. He was surprised by nothing, and by everything." How did Le Guin blow so effortlessly past postmodernism, perfectly capturing the post-postmodern regression, the complete capitulation to the flow, that we see today?

Beautifully crafted novel

5 stars

This story is personal and universal, small and gigantic, grounded and fantastical, dystopian and optimistic. It directly combines two very human mysteries: how much power should one person wield, and in a word that gave us something we wanted, how much would have to change for that to happen? Highly recommended.

It speaks for Le Guin's writing and story construction that this works quite well

4 stars

The idea of this book is intriguing, though it seemed improbable that it would be interesting over the full 150 pages. It speaks for Le Guin's writing and story construction that it actually works quite well. The only disappointment is that one of the central plot points, namely the aliens, is never fully resolved, though many possible explanations are hinted at.

"The power of dreaming alone is quite undreamt of!"

4 stars

Content warning Major ending questions, minor thematic spoilers

Dreaming of a better world has consequences

3 stars

Overall, this was an interesting short novel. While deceptively simple, the premise makes you think about a lot its concepts, including dreams, reality, and the power to change it. The characters lead the conflict- there is an abusive relationship at its core as one takes advantage of the other. That was disturbing but the main character is a little too passive in working to get out of it.

For a full review, check out my blog:

Review of 'The Lathe of Heaven' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

this one left me feeling pleasantly dazzled, thinking - she's just so smart. the ecological awareness, talking about the greenhouse effect and pollution and climate change and sea level rise and the private car economy - all in 1971. politically astute observations and commentary. emotional intelligence, empathy. the speculative premise as a way to examine human behavior and the nature of reality. she does it all. 

Review of 'The Lathe Of Heaven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A unique but also totally Le Guin experience. Very thoughtful, philosophical, and quiet.

The character of George was such an interesting choice. The way he thinks of himself and the way others talk about him was a study in what our culture values in people and men in particular. His calm strength puzzles everyone.

I also loved the exploration of what can we or should we do to make the world a better place. For me, Le Guin took this question even further than most, questioning the idea of purpose at all never mind what our purpose might be. Captured best in this conversation between Haber and George:

“But in fact, isn’t that man’s very purpose on earth—to do things, change things, run things, make a better world?”
“What is his purpose, then?”
“I don’t know. Things don’t have purposes, as if the universe were a machine, where every …

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