Robots of Dawn (Robot City)

Mass Market Paperback

English language

Published Oct. 12, 1984 by Del Rey.

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4 stars (93 reviews)

A millennium into the future two advances have altered the course of human history: the colonization of the Galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain. Isaac Asimov's Robot novels chronicle the unlikely partnership between a New York City detective and a humanoid robot who must learn to work together.

Detective Elijah Baiey is called to the Spacer world Aurora to solve a bizarre case of roboticide. The prime suspect is a gifted roboticist who had the means, the motive, and the opportunity to commit the crime. There's only one catch: Baley and his positronic partner, R. Daneel Olivaw, must prove the man innocent. For in a case of political intrigue and love between woman and robot gone tragically wrong, there's more at stake than simple justice. This time Baley's career, his life, and Earth's right to pioneer the Galaxy lie in the delicate balance.

35 editions

Un final que no esperas

4 stars

Me había parecido algo lento en su desarrollo. Quizá porque es la típica novela policíaca en la que el detective va recogiendo evidencias y no plantea su alegato final atando todos los cabos hasta el final.

Pero ha sido el final el que lo ha mejorado todo, con un giro que no me veía venir para nada y que me deja con muchísimas ganas de seguir con la saga.

Review of 'Los Robots Del Amanecer' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

La tercera (o cuarta, si consideras los relatos previos) entrega de la saga de Robots fue escrita varias décadas después de sus predecesoras y se nota. Es una novela más extensa, más profusa en los diálogos y con el mismo esquema de novela de detectives en el contexto del universo de ciencia ficción.

Al ser una novela más larga profundiza más en temas como el racismo o el nexo de los robots con la saga Fundación, incluso remontándose a sus relatos cortos. Se nos presenta a Giskard y aparece Gladia donde en cierta medida Asimov escribe un personaje menos sexista (comparado con las anteriores novelas es muy contrastado). Incluso hay un intento de hacer una especie de alegato de la libertad sexual femenina, siempre entre comillas porque no vamos a esperar un discurso del 2020.

La historia detectivesca es más elaborada y de hecho, se "resuelve" por los personajes dentro …

Review of 'Isaac Asimov reads his The Robots of Dawn' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

This is the third book in the Robots series. It was written some 30 years after [b:The Naked Sun|30016|The Naked Sun (Robot, #2)|Isaac Asimov||1583154] and it connects the previous two books and also the [b:The Foundation Trilogy|46654|The Foundation Trilogy (Foundation, #1-3)|Isaac Asimov||41350].

There are references to “Liar” (of the [b:I, Robot|41804|I, Robot (Robot, #0.1)|Isaac Asimov||1796026] compilation) and also to "The Bicentennial Man" ([b:The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories|70787|The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories|Isaac Asimov||4186]), which in the "Robots of Dawn" story are believed to be old legendary tales of Earth's past. From the Foundation Series the science of "psychohistory" is mentioned as merely an idea not yet fully developed.
I really enjoyed the connections Asimov's used in this book, and as I have read the Foundation Trilogy before the Robots series, all the references worked pretty well.

I enjoyed the conceptual discussion about robot murder, robot assassination, robot destruction and …

Review of 'Isaac Asimov reads his The Robots of Dawn' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This edition of the book in no way indicates that it's #3 in a 4 part series. Would've been nice to know.

Asimov's stories continue to strike me as excuses for him to explore a) his views of possible futures, and how robots/technology affect them, and b) logic puzzles. He does both of them VERY well, though.

My one nagging point is that all characters in his stories seem to be perfect logicians, who love nothing more than to diverge from an emotional conversation to argue the logical derivation of some mundane topic. I can understand interaction with robots proceeding this way, but it makes the people sound like robots.

Asimov's fascinating view of the future makes it worth overlooking this, though. Ideas like people living in closed cities getting agoraphobia when going outside make for a very interesting read, even if it is slow at times.

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