
a romance of many dimensions

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Edwin Abbott Abbott: Flatland (2013)

156 pages

English language

Published May 28, 2013

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4 stars (111 reviews)

"With wry humor and penetrating satire, Flatland takes us on a mind-expanding journey into a different world to give us a new vision of our own. A. Square, the slightly befuddled narrator, is born into a place limited to two dimensions -- irrevocably flat -- and peopled by a hierarchy of geometrical forms. In a Gulliver-like tour of his bizarre homeland, A. Square spins a fascinating tale of domestic drama and political turmoil, from sex among consenting triangles to the intentional subjugation of Flatland's females. He tells of visits to Lineland, the world of one dimension, and Pointland, the world of no dimension. But when A. Square dares to speak openly of a third, or even a fourth, dimension, his tragic fate climaxes a brilliant parody of Victorian society. An underground favorite since its publication in England in1884, Flatland is as prophetic a science fiction classic as the works of …

58 editions

Definitely wasn't a book for me

1 star

It took so many tries for me to read this book. If I was more comfortable with geometry and the mathematics in general, I'd probably enjoy it more. But math and some of the concepts are difficult enough for me as it is without throwing an archaic writing style in the mix.

I tried one last time to get through it and found it difficult. Now, what the author was trying to accomplish, I can respect because it's definitely different. But I just couldn't get myself into it. However, if there's anybody out there really good at math or has a lot of time to spend playing with the concepts, it may be worth the read. I forgot who recommended this to me, but they must've forgotten my difficulty with math when they did.

Review of 'Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I thought I was going to like this more. At first it reminded me of Zamonia, which I love. Then, I had a hard time with the fictional description of women in the land. Even though the author doesn't feel the same. The description itself took me out of the land because I no longer enjoyed being there.

Review of 'Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Quite a charming allegory for the English society of the time, and boy does it show it's age. This is basically covered by everyone who reviewed this book, so I am not going to talk about that. What I noticed and I haven't seen anybody mention this yet, is the fact that at the time when this book was written Darwinian evolution has already grasped popular imagination. Just look how he talked about careful pairings between men and women to produce an equilateral triangle and then how each generation after that is achieved gets more sides until it reaches their version of perfection that is the circle. As I am aware people looked towards evolution with quite an optimism at the time and started envisioning utopias that will come to existence with careful work, selection and patience. Just look at the squares enlightenment at the prospect of 3 then 4 …

Review of 'Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I can't believe how attached I became to characters and a world that was just made of shapes! I really enjoyed this book and how it developed a well thought-out history and culture for this world. The only thing I didn't like was the extreme sexism in the book. I know that this was merely the author mocking the Victorian era sexism, but I was distracted by how over-the-top it was.

Review of 'Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

можливо, мої дві зірочки (з п’яти) — занижена оцінка, але зважте, що я не є ані літературним критиком, ані істориком літератури й мистецтва, тож оцінюю (практично) усе прочитане швидше за розважальним потенціалом, ніж за суто історичною цінністю. "flatland" не є ані філософською монографією, ані підручником з начал геометрії — це авторська фантазія, те, що ми нині називаємо фантастикою. і для того, аби якось котуватися в цім жанрі, книжці бракує найперше сюжету. через це її навіть складно назвати повістю: події якось розвиваються лише в останній чверті твору, а їх хронологія охоплює аж один день (плюс умовно кілька місяців, описаних буквально одним реченням). сама ідея змалювати світ геометричних фігур була свіжа для свого часу, мабуть — але ж із неї не виросло власне оповідки? p.s. для порівняння пропоную почитати «яйце дракона» роберта форварда (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon%27s_Egg).

Review of 'Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions' on 'Storygraph'

2 stars

Having read the "unofficial sequel" Flatterland before, I was a bit disappointed by the very low amounts of science and mathematics in this book. But, on the other hand, it verges more towards philosophy and sociology.
If you always keep in mind when this book was written, it serves as a nice satire of the thinking in that time (and even present thinking in some cases).
Don't read this book for the plot, because it is very thin, but this is not really a big issue in this case.
The book loses a star because of the frankly horrible "Preface to the second edition" where the author (sorry, the editor who speaks for the anonymous square who wrote the book) tries to answer to some of the criticisms he received - by denouncing some of the very ideas of the book and apparently failing to see the newly opened possibilities …

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  • Fourth dimension
  • Fiction