

English language

Published Aug. 13, 2004 by Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.

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4 stars (183 reviews)

Ubik, written in 1966 and published in 1969, is one of Philip K. Dick's masterpieces (The Three Stigmata of Plamer Eldritch is another one). Ubik is the first novel to introduce spiritual elements that will culminate in his last novels VALIS, the Divine Invasion and the Transmigration of Timothy Archer. According to movie industry rumor Ubik could be the next big PKD movie project. Philip K. Dick himself wrote a screenplay for Ubik in 1974 but it was never made into a movie. PKD was hoping that it would by sending "the novel to the agent of Victoria Principal- whom he revered - in hope that she'd wind up reading it."(Tim Powers in the introduction to Ubik: The Screenplay). Ubik was expanded and adapted from the short story "What the Dead Men Say" published in Worlds of Tomorrow in 1964. Ubik is one of the most published books of Philip …

32 editions

Ficou ruim por ser tão bom

4 stars

( sol2070.in/2024/09/livro-ubik-philip-k-dick/ )

Desculpem o título, mas foi o que pensei após sentir certa decepção ao reler "Ubik" (1969), resistindo à primeira impressão de que o livro envelheceu mal. Depois do sucesso de "Matrix" (1999), a ideia de estarmos vivendo em uma realidade falsa virou lugar-comum — a pílula que nos faria acordar já é até símbolo de machistas reacionários “red pill”.

A visão do escritor Philip K. Dick se entranhou de tal maneira na cultura que talvez alguns de seus livros tenham perdido parte do impacto existencial. Ficou ruim por ser tão bom.

Li "Ubik" pela primeira vez na adolescência, muito antes de "Matrix". Atingiu-me tanto que considerava seu melhor livro. A releitura só não cumpriu minha exagerada expectativa, está bem longe de ser um livro ruim. Na verdade, é uma de suas histórias mais profundas política e existencialmente, após uma análise do símbolo principal, o produto Ubik, um …

reviewed Ubik by Philip K. Dick


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Me cuesta decir que tengo un autor favorito, pero creo que es correcto afirmar que la novela "Ubik" es una de las lecturas que más he disfrutado en mi vida, y la relectura para este Club no fue menos agradable.

El autor, Phillip K Dick, es una de las figuras más sobresalientes de la ciencia ficción de los 50s y 60s, y uno de los escritores más apreciados fuera del género.

Tiene un estilo muy particular, tanto que calificar a una situación, una imagen o un escrito como "Dickiano" es tan descriptivo como usar las palabras "Kafkiano", "Orwelliano" o "Borgeano".

La figura de DIck resalta tanto en el universo mediocre y autocomplaciente de la cienica ficción americana que, como escribió Stanislav Lem (ganándose de paso la expulsión de la Sociedad Americana de Escritores de Ciencia Ficción) Philip K. dick fue "un visionario entre charlatanes"

Los universos de Dick combinan una …

Vinte anos despois a relectura no defrauda

5 stars

Cando tiña vintepoucos anos deume moi forte por Philip K. Dick, pero moito. Leín compulsivamente case todo o que había en castelán e además cada verán durante varios anos relín a marabillosa biografía de Emmanuel Carrère sobre PKD. E de todo o que lin del Ubik está nun top 3 canda Valis e The man in the high castle do que non podería escoller un favorito. Coa escusa da nova tradución ao galego decidín reler Ubik cun certo medo. E se a tiña idealizada e agora xa non a desfrutaba tanto? Afortunadamente non foi tal. Agora nos meus corenta e tantos Ubik é tan disfrutábel ou máis. E neste mundo de hoxe as constantes teimas dickianas sobre que é a realidade son máis actuais ca nunca.

Review of 'Ubik' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is PKD at his best. A continuously moving narrative that spirals and pingpongs through realities, shattering narrative frames as it devolves ever deeper into the minds of its characters. It's hard to tell what's going on through most of this novel, but it's clear something is happening. Much of the pleasure of reading this thing comes from trying to grasp the mysterious forces at work and fathom the layers of deception. That and particularly clever writing, strong dialogue, and characters who are just believable enough. Ultimately, it's a pretty bleak critique of technology and capitalism mixed with some meditation on the nature of consciousness. You know, classic PKD.

Review of 'Ubik (Spanish Edition)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I love PKD and I thought this book was great, but I think it may have been a bit overhyped. Personally, I like his other novels better. That said, it was an awesome story and adds to the reasons why PKD is my favorite science fiction author.

Review of 'Ubik (Spanish Edition)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is the third or fourth book I've read by PKD and even though he's introduced some very interesting hooks and trippy scenarios, he hasn't yet presented a character that made me care one way or the other how they fare in the story.

Review of 'Ubik (Spanish Edition)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Similar to A Scanner Darkly, Ubik contains a blend of concurrent possible realities that invite the reader to stay on top of their game. I'm not sure I've fully processed the book (finished yesterday) and I may read it again more carefully as there is lot buried in the pages.

Review of 'Ubik' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

Yet another interesting sci-fi piece from PKD. Even though I felt like I 'figured' out what was happening rather early on, the book was still quite engrossing and satisfying to read. Dick really does a good job at setting up a strange and believable future without creating a complex and exhausting backstory. There were a few parts where the book seems to come of the rails, but for the most part is a very solid story. Would recommend if you are a fan of existential sci-fi.

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