The picture of Dorian Gray

316 pages

English language

Published Feb. 26, 2010 by W F Howes.

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4 stars (203 reviews)

When Dorian Gray has his portrait painted, he is captivated by his own beauty. Tempted by his world-weary, decadent friend Lord Henry Wotton, he wishes to stay forever young, and pledges his very soul to keep his good looks. Set in fin-de-siecle London, the novel traces a path from the studio of painter Basil Hallward to the opium dens of the East End. As Dorian's slide into crime and cruelty progresses he stays magically youthful, while his beautiful portrait changes, revealing the hideous corruption of moral decay. Ever since its first publication in 1890 Wilde's only novel has remained the subject of critical controversy. Acclaimed by some as an instructive moral tale, it has been denounced by others for its implicit immorality. Combining elements of the supernatural, aestheticism, and the Gothic, The Picture of Dorian Gray is an unclassifiable and uniquely unsettling work of fiction.

116 editions


4 stars

Granted I'm sitting on a pretty small sample size, but what few ~Classics~ from Victorian England that I have read, I have enjoyed, and this was largely more of the same with an every so slight paranormal twist. Which is to say I got exactly what I wanted out of this book.

This was a book club read and two of us (including me) read the normal version with 20 chapters, whereas the other two read the Uncensored version which came out a year earlier and was much shorter. It was interesting comparing the differences in real time and the discussion added to my reading experience. Also the particular printing that I read had plenty of helpful footnotes explaining specific references Wilde was making and pointing out individual sentences or paragraphs that were revised/edited from the original uncensored version that also made the read more enjoyable for me; I don't …

Tunkkaista menoa viktoriaanisessa Englannissa

2 stars

Välillä täytyy lukea klassikkoja. Kuten kaikki tietävät, Oscar Wilde on eittämättä yksi kirjallisuushistorian suuria sanan säilän mestareita. Tämäkin teos sisältää kuolemattomia onelinereita lähes joka sivulla. Jaana Kapari-Jatan suomennos välittää tässä hyvin Wilden kielen sujuvuuden.

Tarinana sen sijaan koin teoksen lähinnä luotaan työntävänä. Yläluokkaisten kusipäiden tunnontuskailut ja tekosyvälliset filosofoinnit lähinnä ärsyttivät. Tarina on olevinaan moraliteetti, mutta se ei oikein vakuuta, kun suoranaiset henkirikoksetkin näyttäytyvät lähinnä abstrakteina esteettis-moraalisina ongelmina. Luokkanäkökulma loistaa kokonaan poissaolollaan; alempaan yhteiskuntaluokkaan kuuluvien ihmisten kohtelua roskaväkenä ei juurikaan problematisoida. Hedonistisia filosofisia näkemyksiään sivukaupalla lateleva Lordi Henry on yksi vastenmielisimmistä hahmoista, joihin olen kaunokirjallisuudessa törmännyt, enkä ole aivan varma, oliko tämä Wilden tarkoituskin. Sinänsä uskon, että kirja kuvaa viktoriaanisen Englannin yläluokan arvomaailmaa jokseenkin realistisesti, mutta olisin tarvinnut kriittisempää suhtautumista siihen, että kirja olisi alkanut innostaa.

Review of 'Picture of Dorian Gray' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Normally I find stories about terrible people to be uninteresting, but I found this classic of gothic horror to be an entertaining read mainly due simply to the word crafting of Wilde.

Note: this is not the edition I read. With nearly 14,000 editions of this work in the database, I'm not going to attempt to find the correct one, especially since I'm not sure it's even listed. For the record, I read the Monochrome Books edition of 2023 featuring white text on black paper, and for which the publisher did not see fit to procure an isbn number.

Review of 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

 All these many years I'd thought it [a:Oscar Wilde|3565|Oscar Wilde|]'s [b:The Picture of Dorian Gray|1857397|The Picture of Dorian Gray|Oscar Wilde||1858012] was simply about a painting that aged while its subject didn't.
 That's not wholly accurate. What happens is that the painting shows not only age but the negative side of Dorian Gray's being. The image begins to look cruel and evil as Dorian himself continues to look like an innocent handsome young man.
 Dorian is, by the way, what would now be called an influencer, and I'm waiting for something to come out about a YouTube star whose image and real being contrast in an interesting way.
 This book is so full of quotes that the page immediately inside the front cover references several of them. On nearly every page, though, you can find a Wilde witticism. He was the [a:Fran Lebowitz|8127311|Fran Lebowitz|] of his day, which was …

Really good, but with minor pacing issues

4 stars

Beautifully written. However, there was one or two chapters in the middle that devote themselves to talking about Dorian's various fads and passing interests, and while I enjoyed the flowery prose they just meandered uninterestingly and I didn't see how they added to the plot or to the allegory—although it's very likely that I could've just missed the meaning. Other than that though, I really enjoyed it. Wonderful philosophical introspections (including questionable ones by Lord Henry), and a consistent but hidden underlying allegory (although admittedly obvious if you know about Wilde's personal life).

Unrelated, but even if I didn't know Wilde was primarily a playwright I still would've been able to tell because all the dialogue feels like a play rather than a novel.

Review of 'Picture of Dorian Gray' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde offers the reader a compelling lesson how how narcissism and hedonism lead to inevitable pain and suffering for both the pleasure-seeker and those whom he or she crosses in their lives.

The story opens as a conversation between an artist, Basil Hallward, and a minor English lord, Henry "Harry" Wotton. The subject of their conversation is Hallward's infatuation with a young, up-and-coming nobleman named Dorian Gray who, among other things, represents the ideal of male beauty and youthful innocence. Hallward has neared completion of what he considers a masterpiece—a portrait of the young Dorian Gray.

Both Hallward and Wotton perceive Dorian Gray as an "uncarved block." The "uncarved block" is a symbol in Taoism which indicates an individual who does not yet bear the stain of learning and civilization. Thus, Hallward sees Gray as embodying an artistic ideal and the potential to …

Review of 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Oscar Wilde is immensely quotable and witty, I’m sure you’ll all recognise some bits of his prose. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a gothic tale full of various themes, but centrally the fear of aging and the idea that our sins are visible to the outside world through our aging. What would happen if you could halt that process?

I did feel a bit sorry for Dorian in places. He does seem rather naïve at the start and is led astray by Lord Henry Wotton, who thinks being a good person is incredibly dull. It doesn’t go into detail about the sinful things Dorian gets up to but it’s inferred through the fact he ends up with a pretty awful reputation. Yet every now and then there’s a glimpse of the old Dorian and I wished for him to finally see the error of his ways.

This 1891 edition …

Review of 'Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I have a few niggly problems with this book. Oscar Wilde seems to have cut quite a few corners, Dorian figures out the painting straight away and automatically accepts that as true. His life gets a bit out of control, he has got people in trouble but no reference to that happens and somebody commits suicide and that is mention only in passing. But once Oscar gets on to describing curtains and materials he has loads to say, pages and pages in fact.

All that aside I really did like this book, there is one scene in the middle which is so sudden and violent it is really shocking, very clever stuff. Also Sir Henry and his views on marriage and women had me laughing.

My copy of the book said it was uncut, all the parts that were banned due to homosexuality had been put back in. I have …

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  • Hedonism
  • Fiction
  • Appearance (Philosophy)
  • Portraits
