Markou Antōninou tou autokratoros, tōn heis heauton, biblia 12. Marci Antonini imperatoris, de rebus suis, sive de eis quæ ad se pertinere censebat, libri XII. ... ac commentario perputuo explicati atque illustrati. Studio operâque Thomæ Gatakeri, ... Huic tertiæ editioni accessere annotationes selectiores A. Dacerii ...

No cover

Marco Aurelio: Markou Antōninou tou autokratoros, tōn heis heauton, biblia 12. Marci Antonini imperatoris, de rebus suis, sive de eis quæ ad se pertinere censebat, libri XII. ... ac commentario perputuo explicati atque illustrati. Studio operâque Thomæ Gatakeri, ... Huic tertiæ editioni accessere annotationes selectiores A. Dacerii ... (Ancient Greek language, 1707, apud Davidem Mortier)

Microform, 439 pages

Ancient Greek language

Published July 25, 1707 by apud Davidem Mortier.

View on OpenLibrary

4 stars (120 reviews)

was born on April 26, A.D. 121. His real name was M. Annius Verus, and he was sprung of a noble family which claimed descent from Numa, second King of Rome. Thus the most religious of emperors came of the blood of the most pious of early kings. His father, Annius Verus, had held high office in Rome, and his grandfather, of the same name, had been thrice Consul. Both his parents died young, but Marcus held them in loving remembrance.

49 editions

Review of 'Meditations (Penguin Classics)' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

Reading the personal insights of one of the most powerful men in the world during his time, and understanding that the problems he faced are very much the same as the ones we face today is incredibly humbling. To be kind, compassionate, selfless, humble, grateful, sober, diligent and grounded.

To realise that the only factor we can control is our reaction to things. We can't control how other people will react, what they think, the weather, traffic and a myriad of other elements. We can only control what it in our mind.
"External things are not the problem. It's your assessment of them, which you can erase now"

That happiness, contentment and peace is internal. To stop prying into what other people are thinking about and seeking their validation, rather than our own. We are all running different races so it is foolish to compare. I love this quote : …

Review of 'Meditations (Penguin Classics)' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

I was eager to read this acclaimed and highly rated book. And then I wasn't eager anymore, but rather bored, even annoyed.

I don't like the writing style: it has archaic words and uses convoluted syntax. A result of translating an old text without adapting it to modern standards (probably to ensure that nothing gets lost in the translation?).
The style forces me to constantly switch gears between understanding the sentence and understanding the idea that Marcus Aurelius is conveying.

After a bit of reading like this, I got incredibly annoyed. I read books because I like to absorb knowledge, not because I like to solve riddles. I'd still like to read the book, but the translations that I found online (free) have this same issue. Until I find something better, 1 star is enough.

Review of 'The meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I was having a hard time getting through this and wondered why, and finally decided it was because it is boring. The book collects the tweet-like notes of [a:Marcus Aurelius|17212|Marcus Aurelius|], mostly self-chastisements or self-encouragements accompanied by reminders about the insignificance of human life and fame and the importance of meeting what fate throws at you with calm, steady resolve.

That's all well and good, but it gets repetitive, and often requires you to accept a pretty dogmatic stoicism and some dubious accompanying metaphysical assumptions in order for it to speak to you and your own situation.

The best thing about it is the attitude demonstrated by [a:Marcus Aurelius|17212|Marcus Aurelius|] -- constantly examining himself and trying to remove all the obstacles he's tempted to put in his own path on his way to becoming a more noble person. While his specific advice might not be particularly inspiring, this attitude of …

reviewed Meditations by Marco Aurelio (Everyman's library)

Review of 'Meditations' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This was a gift from my father, more than ten years ago. Some bits of it really resonate for me, while others leave me cold. The stoic philosophy recommends a sort of emotional uninvolvement, a resignation that I can't really accept. At the same time, there is something intensely comforting about Aurelius' unwavering faith in a reasonable, well-ordered universe, presided over by gods who are ultimately just. So on a big-picture level, I can't really relate to his philosophy -- yet, the book is full of these little bite-sized admonitions, some of which can be relevant regardless of your personal philosophy. It did make me think about things in a slightly different way. So three stars, and I'm keeping it not just because it was a gift, but to read again in the future, when I'm sure I will interpret it very differently.

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