Markou Antōninou tou autokratoros, tōn heis heauton, biblia 12. Marci Antonini imperatoris, de rebus suis, sive de eis quæ ad se pertinere censebat, libri XII. ... ac commentario perputuo explicati atque illustrati. Studio operâque Thomæ Gatakeri, ... Huic tertiæ editioni accessere annotationes selectiores A. Dacerii ...

No cover

Marco Aurelio: Markou Antōninou tou autokratoros, tōn heis heauton, biblia 12. Marci Antonini imperatoris, de rebus suis, sive de eis quæ ad se pertinere censebat, libri XII. ... ac commentario perputuo explicati atque illustrati. Studio operâque Thomæ Gatakeri, ... Huic tertiæ editioni accessere annotationes selectiores A. Dacerii ... (Ancient Greek language, 1707, apud Davidem Mortier)

Microform, 439 pages

Ancient Greek language

Published July 25, 1707 by apud Davidem Mortier.

View on OpenLibrary

4 stars (120 reviews)

was born on April 26, A.D. 121. His real name was M. Annius Verus, and he was sprung of a noble family which claimed descent from Numa, second King of Rome. Thus the most religious of emperors came of the blood of the most pious of early kings. His father, Annius Verus, had held high office in Rome, and his grandfather, of the same name, had been thrice Consul. Both his parents died young, but Marcus held them in loving remembrance.

49 editions

Bueno y ligero, correspondiente a otra época.

3 stars

Algunos principios hacen conciente la causa y consecuencia de nuestros actos, otros nos recuerdan que cosas si controlamos y que cosas no controlamos, en general transmite voluntad inquebrantable, «(VII;12) Derecho o enderezado». Es una filosofía agradable, no es para mí, pero no está mal, creo que las personas en general podrian encontrar algunos centros/guías en esta obra. Las 3 estrellas es porque sus aforismos depositan demasiada confianza en el gobierno de turno, algo que al día de hoy no aplicaría nunca.

A Good Start for Budding Stoics

4 stars

While the language is certainly rather old and spends quite a lot of time not speaking in the literal sense, I still managed to enjoy this read. I've been fascinated with the stoics since I took my first philosophy class and I figured this would be a good place to start. It may have taken me a while to get through, but I didn't really do much personal reading when school was in session so that shouldn't be any indication of the quality: there's a reason this book is still being published and translated thousands of years later.

Insightful and still very relevant

5 stars

Marcus Aurelius is a name I've often encountered - his words quoted at the beginning of novels or mentioned in passing by 'intellectual' characters - so, on spotting this reissued translation of his Meditations on NetGalley, I couldn't help but to request the book. Unsurprisingly for a work that's over eighteen centuries old, there are many translations in existence so I feel lucky that this very readable Martin Hammond translation was the one to find me. I accept the irony of a book reviewer who got a free ARC saying this, but I believe it is worth paying for this particular Aurelius-Hammond partnership. Yes, you can also get free Marcus Aurelius Meditations ebooks, but their reviews are dire!

This Penguin Classics edition begins with a lengthy essay by Diskin Clay that gives a lot of reasonably interesting background information about Aureliys, his life and times. It's admittedly nowhere near as …

A book that transcends time

5 stars

It's difficult to review a book that has been read by many thousands or millions of people over the past two thousand years or so, including world leaders, philosophers and other academics, athletes, and everyday people who just want to live their best lives possible. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome (161-180), was never intended to be read by anyone other than its author. It is a collection of Aurelius' thoughts as they occurred to him, presumably over the course of his life. This book has no plot, no story arc, and no relatable characters, per se. Instead, it's a record of his daily journal that has been translated, interpreted, and transcribed repeatedly down through the ages. The individual entries have been compiled into 12 books, which are loosely arranged in chronological order; although there is some debate about that.

This book is remarkable for two important reasons. …

A Little Dense

2 stars

I'm well aware that books this old are going to be a little dense but I think the combination of this translation specifically and the medium of audiobooks doesn't combine well. It leaves you with a book that is too dense and continues at a pace that does not linger on words nor allow for any reflection of their meaning. I will make sure to return to Meditations again in the future but I may have to try another translation/version... I've heard the Penguin Classics one is rather good. That being said, for a free audiobook from Audible, this wasn't too bad at all and I'm always happy to receive a free read/listen.

Review of 'Meditations' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A book worth rereading again and again. The moral aspect of the book is what attracted me in the first place and after finishing the book, I must say that I am not disappointed at all. This book helped me realize and learn not to be disappointed no matter what fate has for me, that we all are one in nature and one with nature and must carry on living our life without being a puppet on the strings controlled by the agents of emotion.

There's so much more to this book that I can go on about and not properly summarize. But I would say that this is one of the books that will help you think about so many aspects of life, so many walks of life, and help you not be worried and keep on going forward with a morale boost.

Thanks to the person who recommended …

Review of 'Meditations' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Nothing will ever kill the interest in the Roman Empire. The popularity for it ebbs and flows, but there'll always be enough people fascinated by the Europe of that time to make books, television shows and movies do well. [b:Meditations|1168191|Meditations|Marcus Aurelius||31010] by Marcus Aurelius (C.E. 121–180) is an excellent example of why. The version I got was translated by [a:Gregory Hays|446105|Gregory Hays|] after reading reviews of translations by others. (A general rule I heard years ago is to always go with the most recent translation, but remember: that's a general rule, meaning it's meant to be broken often.)
At times it reads almost like a modern self-help book, but with an oldish use of language. From Book Three:

12. If you do the job in a principled way, with diligence, energy and patience, if you keep yourself free of distractions, and keep the spirit inside you undamaged, as …

Review of 'Meditations' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

I read half of it. I can't fathom the rave reviews for this book. It seems a bit repetitive, though I guess if you like stoicism you may like hearing about its implications in all aspects of life. Except for the argument that there is no point in getting angry for things you don't like happening, Marcus' outlook on life seems joyless and without drive for creation. Not convinced that I need to accept everything that happens because everything is part of nature.

Review of 'Meditations (Penguin Classics)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A lot of food for thought. Marcus Aurelius kept repeating himself that that which does not harm the whole cannot harm the part. This is demonstrably untrue, but I understand his purpose in meditating on the end of one's life and the return of your body's matter to the "universe." Definitely will re-read this in a few years to see if I have a better handle on his purpose.

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