L'insoutenable légèreté de l'être

French language

Published Sept. 22, 1991

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4 stars (52 reviews)

«Qu'est-il resté des agonisants du Cambodge ? Une grande photo de la star américaine tenant dans ses bras un enfant jaune. Qu'est-il resté de Tomas ? Une inscription : Il voulait le Royaume de Dieu sur la terre. Qu'est-il resté de Beethoven ? Un homme morose à l'invraisemblable crinière, qui prononce d'une voix sombre : "Es muss sein !" Qu'est-il resté de Franz ? Une inscription : Après un long égarement, le retour. Et ainsi de suite, et ainsi de suite. Avant d'être oubliés, nous serons changés en kitsch. Le kitsch, c'est la station de correspondance entre l'être et l'oubli.»

12 editions

An unusual novel

5 stars

I didn't know much about this one, didn't read any information on it, I don't even know who suggested it to me but I was positively surprised!

I like how chaotic the story is, it makes it feel more real, just like you'd remember some details about a story. The author also goes very meta at points, breaking the fourth wall and even describes some points about philosophy and history, as this story is set in the time of the Velvet Revolution. It's one of those books, that I want to read again just as I finish it.

The weird thing about it is, that I wouldn't know how to recommend this book to anyone. It's not that it's too hard to understand or too weird. It's somehow weird and "normal" at the same time. The protagonists and their stories are bizarre but seem so ordinary. Revolutions and big things …

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