Doomsday book

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Connie Willis: Doomsday book (1993, New English LIbrary)

650 pages

English language

Published Nov. 11, 1993 by New English LIbrary.

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4 stars (114 reviews)

Somewhere in the future, ordinary history students must travel back in time as part of their university degree. An award-winning best-seller in the United States, this is the first of Connie Willis' brilliant Oxford trilogy.Kivrin knows everything about the Middle Ages - she's read all the books. She knows it's dangerous: cutthroats in the woods, witch hunts, cholera, and millions dying in the plague. For a young historian, it's fascinating.When Kivrin's tutors in Oxford's history lab finally agree to send her on an on-site study trip, she jumps at the chance to observe medieval life first-hand. But a crisis that strangely links the past and future leaves her stranded in the most deadly and terrifying era in human history, face to face with the heart-rending reality behind the statistics. And while she fights for her own life, Kivrin finds she has become an unlikely angel of hope in this dark …

14 editions

Loved it

5 stars

I loved it. It was no surprise that I enjoyed a winner of both the Nebula and the Hugo awards. I was surprised that I connected with the characters and the world in this story more than any fiction I've read in the last couple of years.

In this world, the history department of Oxford has access to a time machine that they use to study the past. The way the machine works, they cannot make any significant changes to the path of time or the people they interact with.

Both the "present" day timeline, in the near-future 21st century, and the 14th century timeline, experience epidemics. I didn't realize I was reading a plague book when I started. I'm not sure I would have sought it out had I known, because COVID is enough plague for right now.

I'm looking forward to continuing the series ("The Oxford Time Travel") …

Review of 'Doomsday Book' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

першу половину (аудіо)книжки вагався, чи не покинути... другу — ковтав сльози. в підсумку — добра класична фантастична проза; не кожному «зайде», але дайте шанс, не полишайте на половині.

Review of 'Doomsday Book' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3.25 This book was a bit of a slog fo me and not only because of its length. It builds up momentum very slowly and spends a lot of time on university infighting / medieval family drama in its first half of parallel plots. Both of those feel realistic, but at the same time more than a little tedious.

The depiction of the epidemic striking 2050ies Oxford is very realistic in its social repercussions, but incredibly quaint and unbelievable in its technological features. It's a new virus, but the vaccine is available within weeks, but the (picture) telephone system breaks down almost immediately. It does feel more like 1950ies at times. The author does manage to convey a properly British feel most of the times, but I cannot help think it was an outdated feel even at publication.

The medieval setting is a bit more ambiguous. While the characters feel …

Review of 'Doomsday Book' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Zeitreiseroman mit gleich ZWEI Seuchen, eine in jedem Strang der Geschichte! Obwohl das Buch schon 1992 erschienen ist, steht eigentlich alles über Corona drin: Klopapiermangel, Schutzkleidung wird knapp, idiotische Erklärungsversuche und so weiter. Die Zeitreiseerzählung wird dadurch verschönert, dass (wie auch schon in #2 der Serie) die Arbeitswelt voll ist mit Bürokratie, unerreichbar verreisten Kollegen, fehlenden Unterschriften auf den zahlreichen Formularen, immer müssen siebzehn Dinge gleichzeitig erledigt werden, von denen drei unmöglich und zehn sinnlos sind, das Telefon funktioniert schlecht, Backups werden vergessen, alles erfreulich realistisch. Niemand kann jemals einfach so von A nach B gehen, es kommen immer Scharen von Leuten dazwischen, die dringend irgendwas wollen.

Review of 'Doomsday book' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

As my first foray into books by Connie Willis, I am sold. This book was incredible and, in hindsight, well deserving of the awards it has earned. I like how real the characters were, including the ones I hated. The plot kept me glued to the story and there is some clever foreshadowing and misdirection going on that kept me guessing what was going to happen all the way to the end. I highly recommend this book and will look forward to reading her other time travel books.

Check out my blog for my full review:

Review of 'Doomsday Book' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I totally get the people who think it was boring, but for me, the tension was so high that I raced through this book. I actually think Willis was really effective at creating the feeling of unending labor that would be life during an epidemic: the monotony of small, unglamorous tasks; then the terror of death; then repetition of it all. And I liked all of the characters and the style enough to care about them through it all. It's gutting, though. Definitely gutting. To me, definitely worth the ride.

But if you've read a ways into it and you find yourself bored, put the book down. It's not for you.

Review of 'Doomsday Book' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

While it employs the same time travel mechanism and backstory as To Say Nothing Of The Dog, this book is still very different in almost every other way. Much less light-hearted, for one, and with a solid B plot in the present time. Thoroughly enjoyed it, again.

Review of 'Doomsday Book' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Ohhhh my god this was SUCH a good read. It got recommended to me by narrative muse and I'm so glad it did...

The writing is just so enthralling and I got so attached to so many characters and the last portion left me in so many tears, I'm so emotional but so happy to have read this at the same time

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