On Writing

A Memoir of the Craft

hardcover, 288 pages

Published July 6, 2010 by Scribner.

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4 stars (169 reviews)

On Writing is both a textbook for writers and a memoir of Stephen's life and will, thus, appeal even to those who are not aspiring writers. If you've always wondered what led Steve to become a writer and how he came to be the success he is today, this will answer those questions.


[1]: stephenking.com/library/nonfiction/on_writing_a_memoir_of_the_craft.html

66 editions

Mientras escribo

2 stars

Esté libro de Stephen King sobre el oficio de escribir me ha parecido tan interesante como triste.

El autor se muestra sincero a la hora de revelar sus trucos de escritor y los pasos que le han llevado a su abrumador éxito de ventas. Es un tipo inteligente y se expresa con sentido del humor en todo momento. No pontifica y resulta humilde, a la vez que demuestra controlar los resortes del mundo editorial.

Sin embargo, y aquí viene la parte triste, también parece un manual para convertirse en el perfecto escritor de best sellers: esos autores de estilo claro, preciso, de buen ritmo, que manejan un argumento trepidante que van dosificando con inteligencia. El problema es que a muchos todas estas cosas nos resultan tan positivas a priori como anodinas en el fondo.

Me resulta especialmente peliaguda una parte en la que pone como ejemplo de buena práctica de …

Review of 'Mientras Escribo' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Mi primer King ha ocurrido mientras dormía al chiquitín de madrugada estas últimas noches. De alguna manera me caía bien por todas esas películas basadas en libros suyos y por todos los estantes que veo en las librerías en la sección de terror. En estas memorias suyas sobre cómo empezó a escribir descubrimos a un Steve muy tierno y sincero. Me quedo con “leer mucho y escribir mucho”. Sí que le quitaría todo el detalle sobre cuántos puntos le pusieron cuando lo atropellaron, pero vamos, un amigo para toda la vida. Buenos ratos somnolientos y usando pocos adverbios!

Fun and occasionally insightful but not exactly what I was expecting

3 stars

I thought I was signing up for, well, you know, a book "on writing" by Stephen King. Turns out that's only a small part of it. I've never actually read any of King's novels but I did enjoy reading about his career and how he got to where he is. If you're a writer looking for advice who's less interested in King's career, you're better off just googling quotes from the book. There honestly aren't a whole lot.

More a memoir than a how-to-write guide, but

4 stars

It's probably the closest we'll get to a proper memoir out of a very interesting & likeable guy, who's utterly unique in the publishing world.

Regardless of whether you are a fan of his actual output or not, you can't question his consistency, and as far as his style and approach to writing, he keeps it simple and straightforward, which for a beginning writer is really useful. And like all Stephen King works, it's an easy read that keeps moving.

Review of 'On Writing' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

El maestro del género de terror explica cómo escribir prosa, desde el léxico y la gramática hasta la estructura (o falta de ella) de una novela, precedidos por una breve autobiografía que termina en el momento en que publica su primer best-seller.
Ni soy fan de King ni tengo ningún interés en escribir; sin embargo, lo he leído con atención, encantado con el tono que adopta para aconsejar, y para justificar los consejos, tan cercano a pesar de no tener que demostrar ya nada. Muy recomendable.

Review of 'On Writing' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I bought a copy of this book when it first came out on paperback (I didn’t have hard cover money back then) and it sat unopened on my bookshelf for years, even traveling with me during my wanderlust years of trying “to find myself.” I finally donated it because…well, who was I kidding? I was never going to write. And I didn’t think about it again.

Until Christmas of last year when some random librarian posted a picture of her niece who received “On Writing” as a gift. She was so engrossed sitting on the floor as family members tried to navigate around her. I remembered that feeling - getting a book I always wanted to read as a gift and wanting everyone to immediately leave so I could start reading. I don’t know the girl (I don’t even know the librarian who posted it) but I hope she is …

Review of 'On Writing' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

"Li" em audiobook (portanto, ouvi). Tinha tentado ler algumas vezes, sempre esbarrava nos capítulos iniciais, meio bobos. Curiosamente, na versão em audiobook, narrada pelo próprio King, esses capítulos funcionam. São meio autobiográficos, e na voz do cara têm seu sabor. Ultrapassada essa barreira, cheguei na parte sobre escrita propriamente, que achei boa, clara, simples, no bullshit. Mas um pouco breve demais. As três estrelas são por conta disso, e de quase duas horas de material adicional no audiobook que são praticamente propaganda do filho do Stephen King. Se era essa a intenção, o tiro saiu pela culatra. Eu posso ler mais mil livros na vida, e nenhum deles vai ser desse tal Joe filho de Stephen. Mas recomendo o livro pra quem quer escrever, ou mesmo pra quem já escreve.

Review of 'On Writing' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

And absolute diamond of an audio book read by the man himself. One of the best on the subject. The sections on his life and the account of the accident that almost killed him are unmissable. Its thanks to this book that I now have my own copy of The Elements of Style by Strunk and White, in my endless quest to improve my own grammar and readability.

Review of 'On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

It was fascinating to enter the mind of Stephen King. The guy knows how to write good books. It's honest, interesting and to-the-point writing. The first part is a memoir, he talks about his childhood, early inspirations, his first jobs, his family. Then he talks about his trade. It's full of advice, even grammar tips. Take care of your vocabulary, avoid adverbs like the plague and master the elements of style. "You have to read a lot if you want to be a good writer". So he is the type of person who reads all the time, every time he gets a chance. He goes through 70 or 80 books a year! That's impressive!

Can I be blunt on this subject? If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that. -- Stephen King, On Writing. Kindle Edition. pg. 109 …

Review of 'On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Je ne suis pas un grand lecteur des romans de Stephen King. J'en ai lus une petite dizaine quand j'étais plus jeune, puis j'ai fini par le lasser. Je ne remets pas du tout en cause la qualité de ses romans, mais le lecteur que j'étais et que je suis toujours avait alors besoin de se nourrir avec d'autres auteurs, d'autres récits.

Pourtant, je me suis décidé à lire ce livre de Stephen King, qui est souvent cité parmi les références quasi-indispensables quand on recherche des livres sur l'écriture.

J'ai été surpris par le premier tiers du livre, un peu étrange, où Stephen King nous raconte des épisodes de sa vie, de l'enfance à l'âge adulte. Une suite d'anecdotes certes sympathiques mais pas toujours passionnantes, et surtout éloignées de ce que j'attendais de ce livre.

La suite est heureusement bien meilleure, et l'auteur s'intéresse alors au coeur du sujet : …

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