Ulf Hundeiker reviewed DinoPark by Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, #1)
Wesentlich unterhaltsamer als der Film, aber....
3 stars
Positiv: Kritik an Allmachtsglauben Negativ: Enthält Spuren von Rassismus und Sexismus. Nicht viel, aber zu viel.
Paperback, 533 pages
German language
Published April 14, 1993 by Knaur.
Stellen Sie sich folgendes vor: Sie kaufen für hundert Dollar eine Tageskarte, setzen mit dem Boot auf eine kleine Insel über und verbringen einen ganzen Tag in der Urzeit. Subtropische Vegetation, Erlebnisbahnen, die Sie über die ganze Insel fahren, hin zu fünfzehn verschiedenen Arten von echten, lebenden Dinosauriern, riesigen und winzigen, gefährlichen und harmlosen. Ein Traum? In DINOPARK wird er unheimliche Wirklichkeit. Oder jedenfalls beinahe...
Positiv: Kritik an Allmachtsglauben Negativ: Enthält Spuren von Rassismus und Sexismus. Nicht viel, aber zu viel.
A classic. The first time I read it I kept gasping and the people around asked if I was OK. Yes, just reading a classic techno-thriller over here.
I’ve loved Jurassic Park by Steven Spielberg for as long as I can remember. I’ve hesitated to read the book, since I misunderstood it to be written after the film and not vice versa. That’s not the case though. About the book then: it’s fantastic. The whole seconds half you’re on needles, turning page after page. I like the style of Michael’s writing too. The movie and book differs in a few way, but story- and character wise. Hammond, which is quite likable in the movie, is what I imagine the Tech Bros of this decade when they’re in their seventies. Malcom is a bit much in the book, but becomes excellent in conjunction with the movie. I’m super happy I actually gave it a shot. My best read of this year, so far.
Me ha parecido muy buen libro de aventuras y ficción para los amantes de los dinosaurios y más si ya han visto la adaptación cinematográfica de libro. Comento esto último porque da mucho más de lo que uno espera aunque se haya visto la película previamente. Me ha gustado mucho el rollo científico que se nos presenta de manos de tablas, código, etc y el rollo filosófico que se nos presenta de manos del matemático Ian Malcolm, además de la excentricidad de científicos, empresarios y ricos.
También me ha gustado los tintes un poco de "terror" que se nos presentan en los momentos en los que los personajes coinciden, por desgracia en la mayor parte de las ocasiones, con los dinosaurios.
En general me ha parecido un libro de aventuras muy completo y original que podría realmente gustar a cualquiera que le guste este género literario. Tengo muchas ganas de …
Me ha parecido muy buen libro de aventuras y ficción para los amantes de los dinosaurios y más si ya han visto la adaptación cinematográfica de libro. Comento esto último porque da mucho más de lo que uno espera aunque se haya visto la película previamente. Me ha gustado mucho el rollo científico que se nos presenta de manos de tablas, código, etc y el rollo filosófico que se nos presenta de manos del matemático Ian Malcolm, además de la excentricidad de científicos, empresarios y ricos.
También me ha gustado los tintes un poco de "terror" que se nos presentan en los momentos en los que los personajes coinciden, por desgracia en la mayor parte de las ocasiones, con los dinosaurios.
En general me ha parecido un libro de aventuras muy completo y original que podría realmente gustar a cualquiera que le guste este género literario. Tengo muchas ganas de ver cómo es el libro que lo sigue.
Lo recomiendo un montón.
I've been reading a lot of lesfic romance lately. I knew it was time for a break when I couldn't keep the characters or angsty stories straight. I had picked up Jurassic Park a few months ago during one of Audible's 2-for-1 sales but hadn't gotten around to it but this seemed like the perfect opportunity to cleanse my reading palate.
Like just about everyone else, I've seen the movie based on the book several times. I never really feel like watching it but once it gets going, it's intense and action packed and I end up loving it. The book was sort of like that but filled with much more detail. Detail and saying the same things several times for no apparent reason. But I still had a good time listening to the book. I really enjoyed the differences in how the story unfolded - although it's been years …
I've been reading a lot of lesfic romance lately. I knew it was time for a break when I couldn't keep the characters or angsty stories straight. I had picked up Jurassic Park a few months ago during one of Audible's 2-for-1 sales but hadn't gotten around to it but this seemed like the perfect opportunity to cleanse my reading palate.
Like just about everyone else, I've seen the movie based on the book several times. I never really feel like watching it but once it gets going, it's intense and action packed and I end up loving it. The book was sort of like that but filled with much more detail. Detail and saying the same things several times for no apparent reason. But I still had a good time listening to the book. I really enjoyed the differences in how the story unfolded - although it's been years since I've seen the film and there might have been less left out than I remember...
Either way, I definitely recommend reading the book. You can always skim over the science stuff until you get to the awesome dino stuff.
Als je de film leuk vind, dan is dit ook een leuk boek. Er komen wel een paar dingen overeen in het verhaal, maar je kan die op 2 handen tellen. Het boek is verschillend genoeg van de film om van ze allebei te genieten.
The movie with all it's bells and whistles is still carried on the back of this fantastic novel.
awesome!! im pretty sure i read the last 100 pages in about a day. never read crichton before this, but i am really impressed by jurassic park. i grew up watching the movie close to a billion times and yet the book offered a more exciting and in-depth look at the jurassic park story. i would definately reccomend this to other readers.... its a fun, quick read that covers alot of big topics.... plus lots of dinos and destruction!
This was a 3.5 star book. The chaos theory was very interesting, but there were a few plot holes.
When I read this back in '94, I remember jotting in my journal that there was a lot left out of the movie. Then again, is that not often the case with books made into film? Anyhow, a good read.