Blindsight (Firefall, #1)

384 pages

English language

Published March 19, 2006

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4 stars (151 reviews)

Blindsight is a hard science fiction novel by Canadian writer Peter Watts, published by Tor Books in 2006. It won the Seiun Award for best translated novel and was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel, the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel, and the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. The story follows a crew of astronauts sent out as the third wave, following two series of probes, to investigate a trans-Neptunian Kuiper belt comet dubbed "Burns-Caulfield" that has been found to be transmitting an unidentified radio signal to an as-yet unknown destination elsewhere in the Solar System, followed by their subsequent first contact. The novel explores themes of identity, consciousness, free will, artificial intelligence, neurology, and game theory as well as evolution and biology. Blindsight is available online under a Creative Commons license. Its sequel (or "sidequel"), Echopraxia, came out in 2014.

4 editions

reviewed Blindsight by Peter Watts (Firefall, #1)

interesting concept, flawed execution

3 stars

I loved the attempt to describe an alien that is fundamentally /alien/. trying to find a scientific basis for having vampires in the story was... interesting. the "climax" of the novel made no sense, although in its favour, I guess that made it a surprise. the casual and incredibly pervasive misogyny was tiresome, and seems to be on the part of the author rather than just another characteristic to make the protagonist unlikable (it wasn't necessary), considering that there are relatively few slurs in the novel but four misogynistic ones, and one of those is slung by the author in his endnotes at three scientists whose work he thinks insufficiently deals with their areas of research.

part of me wants to know how the core ideas spin out in the sequels but the much bigger part of me wants to avoid anything else by this author.

Big ideas but strangely hollow

3 stars

The ideas are compelling, and the inclusion of recreated vampires is a weird but interesting diversion. There's no emotional core though. In some ways that's by design - the primary narrative POV is of someone who's had significant, personality-destroying psychosurgery. I found myself asking why should I care about any of this throughout.

reviewed Blindsight by Peter Watts (Firefall, #1)

One of my favorite sci-fi novels of all time

5 stars

As someone on Peter Watts' own site is quoted, "Whenever I find my will to live becoming too strong, I read Peter Watts." Reader beware.

I re-read it just recently. This book fundamentally shifted my perspective on my own humanity, and maybe not in a good way. But it did a really good job! I think it took me a few reads to really get a handle on what was happening in the story and that only made the hammer blows of its conclusion stronger.

Has a permanent space on my shelf, except my copy keeps walking out of my house because I lend it out so much.

The author has started giving away this book, available here for free on his own site:

But you might want to consider donating:

Once you've read the book, check out this gorgeous fan-made film:

An exploration of consciousness

5 stars

From sociopaths to truly alien aliens, from simulating empathy to seeing without perception, from unfeeling predators to semi-sentient AI, from multiple personalities living in one brain to brains replaced and enhanced by machinery, Blindsight explores how and why experience is conscious – or not.

And it turns our most important assumption about consciousness on its head – that it's the epitome of evolutionary progress. This is ultimately the question the book poses: What if it's not? To explore it, it resurrects vampires, narrates unreliably, poses alternately as a space opera and as hard sci-fi, and is at the end completely of its own kind.

If you're into mind-expanding science fiction, this is a must read – even if it is ultimately mind-deflating. (Which I won't explain further to not spoiler anything, so please, find out yourself!)

reviewed Blindsight (Firefall, #1) by Peter Watts

The uncertainty of first contact, amid the uncertainty of human contact.

4 stars

Content warning Mildly spoilery review, no details

reviewed Blindsight by Peter Watts (Firefall, #1)

Too much like pre 1970s sci-fi

2 stars

This book has some interesting ideas, but I really struggled with following the storyline, but more, this felt like something from pre-1970s sci-fi, with all the white maleness that contained, and some of the 'slang', such as 'spaz' are just appalling. The book was published in 2006 and there is no excuse for including such offensive and abelist language. These things made it not a great read and I stopped half-way through.

Very mixed bag of a book

3 stars

First things first, some content warnings about the book: it contains a lot of violence, a narrator who uses ableist language and ideas repeatedly, and a sort of sensory-illusion body horror that I thought was one of the book's strong points but could be deeply disturbing for the wrong reader.

I want to like this book. It does a great job of imagining aliens who are very deeply alien and in unsettling ways. And at it's best it's a tautly narrated story of the terrifying encounter with them. It also plays some amusing games with vampire tropes, and poses interesting questions about what counts as life, sentience, intelligence, etc.

But I found some of the author's tics grating enough to really put me off. The voice is irritatingly macho-male, to the extent that it makes me, a cis man, want to yell at the author to shut up and cede …

reviewed Blindsight by Peter Watts (Firefall, #1)

Review of 'Blindsight' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

At the end of the day, I will always be a sucker for a "small group of experts in their field go to space on a momentous mission for Earth and run into shenanigans" story, regardless of genre. To Be Taught If Fortunate, Providence, Alien... I love them all. And in that regard, Blindsight did not disappoint.

There was so much I really enjoyed about this story. The shifting perspective from present to past served as a great world building tool and character development device for Siri. I loved the character interactions and the unique character "quirks" for each of the crew (It took me a few chapters to actually realize what was going on with The Gang!). The writing was relentless with the technological terms: even from the beginning, so that took some getting used to. But the overall story was truly fascinating and kept me interested from about …

Review of 'Blindsight' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Well, I am not sure what I just listened to but it sure was a fun ride! This 2007 Hugo nominated book tells the story of a crew sent to investigate the source of alien probes. Led by a re-animated vampire because they can think on levels unimaginable by humans, they are tasked with figuring out who the aliens are and if they are belligerent. A small crew with diverse talents, they have no idea what they are in for.

And, to be honest, I am not entirely sure what they ran into, even after listening to the book. Probably because I couldn't go back an reread some of the more confusing portions - I just kept plunging ahead! Certainly not a fault of the narrator, as T. Ryder Smith did an amazing job with this wildly literate tale.

A real treat for hard science fiction fans, as the world …

Review of 'Blindsight' on Goodreads

2 stars

1) "I do remember Helen telling me (and telling me) how difficult it was to adjust. Like you had a whole new personality, she said, and why not? There's a reason they call it radical hemispherectomy: half the brain thrown out with yesterday's krill, the remaining half press-ganged into double duty. Think of all the rewiring that one lonely hemisphere must have struggled with as it tried to take up the slack. It turned out okay, obviously. The brain's a very flexible piece of meat; it took some doing, but it adapted. I adapted. Still. Think of all that must have been squeezed out, deformed, reshaped by the time the renovations were through. You could argue that I'm a different person than the one who used to occupy this body."

2) "Once there were three tribes. The Optimists, whose patron saints were Drake and Sagan, believed in a universe …

reviewed Blindsight by Peter Watts (Firefall, #1)

Review of 'Blindsight' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

As much philosophy fiction as science fiction, the book is about the adventures of a crew of almost-humans from Earth, each with special powers, evolved or engineered, though not exactly super-heroes.

They have been sent to investigate probably hostile aliens.

As well as a struggle against beings so alien as to be almost impossible to understand, the book covers the nature of consciousness, the relationship between intelligence and consciousness, the implications of optical and similar illusions from other senses and more

reviewed Blindsight by Peter Watts (Firefall, #1)

Review of 'Blindsight' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

I really loved it, aliens, weird humans, neuro-trivia, it has it all. And then it was pointed out to me, that a neat trick in the story makes no sense because of laws of physics. Now I'm confused, I feel like I was too lazy a listener, not paying enough attention, and, if I missed that, what else did I miss? Still, I was entertained a lot.

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