Una stanza tutta per sé

Paperback, 126 pages

Italiano language

Published May 30, 2013 by Newton Compton.

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4 stars (29 reviews)

Una stanza tutta per sé è un trattato ironico, immaginifico, personalissimo e vario, che riesce a unire l’analisi sociale e la satira. Il leitmotiv della stanza, grembo e prigione dell’anima femminile, si allarga fino a comprendere tutti i luoghi della dimora umana: la natura, la cultura, la storia e infine la “realtà” stessa nella sua inquietante ma esaltante molteplicità. L’autrice demolisce la società patriarcale, bussa con forza alle porte del mondo della cultura, fino a quel momento di esclusivo appannaggio maschile, pretende di farvi irruzione, chiede che non ci siano più limiti e divieti per il pensiero delle donne.

59 editions

Un magnifique petit bout de littérature

5 stars

De quoi nous parle ce petit bouquin ? De femmes et de fiction. Plus précisément, des femmes romancière et poétesses. Ou plutôt de leur absence. « Beaucoup de livres écrits par des hommes parlent de femmes, mais il y a très peu de femmes qui parlent d'hommes ». On est pas du tout dans une conférence ou un écrit académique (même si l'autrice connaît très bien ses classiques). Woolf nous déroule le fil de ses pensées sur les deux jours précédant la conférence. Il ne s'y passe factuellement pas grand chose: elle marche sur une pelouse, se voit refuser l'accès à la bibliothèque, mange bien le midi et mal le soir. Mais ce qui importe, c'est ce que ces événements suscitent tout un tas de pensées qui éclosent de manière un peu foutraque, comme les bulles d'une eau en train de frémir.

La thèse qu'elle défend parmi tant d'autres est …

A hundred years old and still very much relevant

5 stars

Virginia Woolf explores the topic of "Women and Fiction". She describes a fictionalized research into this topic where she entertainingly experiences examples of her talking points during research. This style is very entertaining and makes it a breeze to read through this little essay.

In addition to her funny writing she's also making points that are sadly still relevant today. It's nothing advanced, but I'd say it's one of the best introductory texts into feminism.

Review of "A Room of One's Own (Penguin Modern Classics)" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Brilliant method to addressing gendered domains. Woolf provides a great picture into the unequal footing men and women have at every stage of life, and explores the idea that what society considers important or historic may be what only men consider important.

I love how she attacks arguments head-on and re-scopes existing commentary on women, while asking her own interesting questions. It's difficult to think that someone could read Woolf and not come away a feminist.

Review of "A Room of One's Own (Penguin Modern Classics)" on Goodreads

4 stars

Why has so much intellect and treasure gone into producing property, education, and theories of superiority to justify the exclusion and suppression of women from society. It's a disservice to summarize this evocative essay of independence as a demand for women-controlled space and income.

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  • feminism
