B. Zelkovich reviewed Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
Review of 'Norse Mythology' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Honestly? It's Neil Gaiman reading you Norse Mythology. What's not to love?
Paperback, 268 pages
spanish language
Published Feb. 1, 2023 by Destino.
Violencia, traiciones, poder… Con una prosa hábil e ingeniosa, Gaiman analiza la naturaleza imperfecta y competitiva de los dioses, sus susceptibilidades, su habilidad para embaucar y dejarse embaucar por los demás y su tendencia a dejar que la pasión dirija sus acciones, las guerras por el sexo o el poder… y, en general, todo lo que los acerca claramente a los humanos mortales.
Gaiman, al igual que otros maestros contemporáneos contadores de historias como J. R. R. Tolkien y George R. R. Martin, ha crecido inspirándose en la fantasía nórdica y ahora decide poner sus ojos directamente en la fuente de estas historias para presentar un homenaje a los grandes relatos nórdicos
Honestly? It's Neil Gaiman reading you Norse Mythology. What's not to love?
Very educational and informative.
Though a bit more humor would be appreciated :)
I enjoyed the listening experience of this audio book, even I was distracted in some of the stories. I liked to find references to the different myths in American Gods, Thor MCU movies, and other pop culture pieces.
Neil Gaiman did an excellent job of retelling the everlasting stories of the Norse Gods and their world. Must read for mythology lovers.
Quick impressions: Neil Gaiman reads and performs the text. He is very good at it, at times like a shaman telling a tale to a tribe around a fire. The stories range from serious to humorous. Sure, the gods could be quite grim, but Gaiman also shows us their funny moments.
(Full review on my blog later)
Hab aufgehört, weil ich die Charakterisierung der Götter langweilig finde (und den Fokus auf Loki)
Mal no está, pero no es gran cosa. Me ha recordado a las versiones infantiles e ilustradas que leía yo de pequeño donde se narraban por ejemplo los mitos griegos, sin ir a la chicha ni al mensaje dramático que realmente contenían.
Esta obra de Gaiman es lo que hace, recuenta de forma bastante neutra los mitos nórdicos pero no se molesta en buscarle la vuelta, ni en hacerla propia, es una especie de versión young adult y poco más.
Si conoces un poco la mitología en su forma original y la mala leche que destila, pues se nota que esto es una versión a medio gas para contentar a todo el mundo ahora que la mitología nórdica está de moda.
Esto lo cuela alguien sin llamarse Neil Gaiman y no funciona.
I never cared about our mythology or really read anything about it. I remember a quick chat in school about Tor and Odin but that's it. Yet I felt like I knew a lot about these stories. Things came to me when I read them. Where did I learn this?
A never ending winter and an army of the dead? Someone else has read these stories... also, winter is coming.
Ha sido una maravilla descubrir tantas cosas sobre una mitología que vemos mucho menos que otras, la mitología nórdica. Si es que lo sabes hacer todo bien, Neil Gaiman.
I almost feel guilty not giving this a higher score; Neil Gaiman is a great writer, and I generally really enjoy his works. But I wasn't as happy with this :-(. I recognize that mythology is not the same as a novel, and as such, it does not need a beginning, middle, and ending. But this seems like only a terse set of stories that really didn't even tell what the gods are all about. Yes, Loki is a trickster, but what kind of god is he? I feel that there should have been a bit more discussion about the Norse gods as a whole, and what their influence and religion really stood for in The North.
As it was, it was okay. And I like the ending talking about the end of the world and the end of the time of the gods. It tied it all up, but …
I almost feel guilty not giving this a higher score; Neil Gaiman is a great writer, and I generally really enjoy his works. But I wasn't as happy with this :-(. I recognize that mythology is not the same as a novel, and as such, it does not need a beginning, middle, and ending. But this seems like only a terse set of stories that really didn't even tell what the gods are all about. Yes, Loki is a trickster, but what kind of god is he? I feel that there should have been a bit more discussion about the Norse gods as a whole, and what their influence and religion really stood for in The North.
As it was, it was okay. And I like the ending talking about the end of the world and the end of the time of the gods. It tied it all up, but it didn't give a base for/at the beginning :-(.