Gideon the Ninth

eBook, 448 pages

English language

Published July 17, 2019 by Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom.

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4 stars (218 reviews)

"The Emperor needs necromancers.

The Ninth Necromancer needs a swordswoman.

Gideon has a sword, some dirty magazines, and no more time for undead nonsense.

Tamsyn Muir’s Gideon the Ninth unveils a solar system of swordplay, cut-throat politics, and lesbian necromancers. Her characters leap off the page, as skillfully animated as arcane revenants. The result is a heart-pounding epic science fantasy.

Brought up by unfriendly, ossifying nuns, ancient retainers, and countless skeletons, Gideon is ready to abandon a life of servitude and an afterlife as a reanimated corpse. She packs up her sword, her shoes, and her dirty magazines, and prepares to launch her daring escape. But her childhood nemesis won’t set her free without a service.

Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Reverend Daughter of the Ninth House and bone witch extraordinaire, has been summoned into action. The Emperor has invited the heirs to each of his loyal Houses to a deadly trial of …

7 editions

reviewed Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (The Locked Tomb, #1)

Review of 'Gideon the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I just don't know what to make of this book! The two main protagonists, Harrowhark and, especially, Gideon, were just great. Gideon was a real wise cracker. She had a snappy comeback for almost everything. Her and Harrowhark fought like two sisters for years but finally came together. Their banter was definitely the high point of the story.

This is a story about magic. Magic in space! The Nine houses all live on different planets and travel around by spaceship. The Ninth House is all about necromancy. They get called together, I think to figure out who will become the next Lyctor. What a Lyctor is, I am not sure. In fact, I am not sure what to make of the entire story.

To begin with, I was never too sure who the other characters were. Each house sent their lead magic user and their best cavalier, a sword bearing …

Review of 'Gideon the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was an incredible book to read and I can see why it's being praised so highly. I though the characters were great and I wanted to learn more about the individual Houses and what made them unique. The plot was very engaging as well and I raced through the last hundred pages or so. I look forward to the next in the series, which I understand is coming out in June of this year, and I highly recommend it for fans of either fantasy or science fiction.

For my full review, check out my blog:

reviewed Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (The Locked Tomb, #1)

Review of 'Gideon the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I've been struggling to think of any way to describe this book and the best I can come up with is that it's something like if the snarky heroine of "Murderbot" found herself a swordfighting human Gene Wolfe's "Shadow of the Torturer" trilogy and then got REALLY involved a necromancy murder mystery (with a little bit of unrequited lesbian crushing on the side).

Not sure if that's helpful.

Anyway, in Tamsyn Muir's very original setting, there is an ancient decaying empire supported by nine Houses, each of which has a helpfully numeric surname and is often just referred to formally as their number (e.g. "Ninth"). Each of the nine houses specialize in a particular type of necromancy - and I'm super impressed at the author for even thinking up the details of nine different types of necromancy. The Emperor - who has been fighting some war, the details of which …

Review of 'Gideon the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

4.5 stars. I'm not quite sure how to review this book, so I'll write down some observations.

I loved Gideon. She has a fuck it, fuck them, and when it comes to Harrowhark, fuck you in particular attitude. Both girls hate each other with the power of a thousand suns, but there's also some camaraderie between the two. I really liked the interaction between the two.

This book has about 400 pages, and while I consider myself quite good at English, there were on average two words per page I had to look up. That means I learned about 800 new words (well, I've forgotten most of them already). There were even one or two words even never heard of. Most of them were just archaic English.

The only thing that bothered me was the worldbuilding. There is space travel, spacestations, and an Cohort that does battle on remote …

reviewed Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (The Locked Tomb, #1)

Review of 'Gideon the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Swing and a miss, I’m afraid. This book starts off strong with an intriguing world that is never developed beyond the surface and doesn’t feel like it’s been thought through very well. Characters are all very one note and don’t react to things the way humans would. The plot is nonexistent for a big part of book and then suddenly explodes in a confusing mess. Some random thoughts:

-Snark =/= personality
-Bickering =/= chemistry
-Constant unsubtle teasing of a romance that is just no
-Undeserved redemption of an abuser
-So much telling instead of showing
-MC keeps acting in ways inconsistent with her stated core values
-A character who comments that she’s never even seen someone swim before is able to swim no problem??
-A tantalising mystery set up at the beginning is completely dropped till 3/4 through
-MC talks like a fanfic character from 2012
-Huge life changing events …

reviewed Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (The Locked Tomb, #1)

Review of 'Gideon the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I’ve got really mixed feelings about this book. There were moments that it was exactly what I wanted it to be, but then there were long stretches where it got into details about unnecessary things. Though later those things turned out to be important. So I guess the problem was that the foreshadowing was too subtle? I really liked the universe and the characters were memorable and well developed. I would recommend it with the caveat that it’s more of a mystery than an adventure.

reviewed Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (The Locked Tomb, #1)

Review of 'Gideon the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Really interesting book about space necromancers in a competition to see who gets to be friends with God.

The characters were fantastic and you find yourself rooting for and against them as alliances form and change. And there's such a great dilapidated facility of former glory to explore.

reviewed Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (The Locked Tomb, #1)

Review of 'Gideon the Ninth' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Reminded me simultaneously of gothic elements of [a:Alastair Reynolds|51204|Alastair Reynolds|] novels and [b:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire|6|Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)|J.K. Rowling||3046572].

atmospheric mix of gothic horror & sci-fi setting
authentic 19 year-old POV character
compelling complete-the-challenges turns murder-mystery plot
gripping action sequences
satisfying ending & overall story structure

exaggerated hate between Gideon & Harrowhark with predictable progression of their relationship

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