One Hundred Years of Solitude

Paperback, 432 pages

English language

Published July 15, 2014 by Penguin.

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4 stars (165 reviews)

One Hundred Years of Solitude (Spanish: Cien años de soledad, American Spanish: [sjen ˈaɲoz ðe soleˈðað]) is a landmark 1967 novel by Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez that tells the multi-generational story of the Buendía family, whose patriarch, José Arcadio Buendía, founded the (fictitious) town of Macondo. The novel is often cited as one of the supreme achievements in literature.The magical realist style and thematic substance of One Hundred Years of Solitude established it as an important representative novel of the literary Latin American Boom of the 1960s and 1970s, which was stylistically influenced by Modernism (European and North American) and the Cuban Vanguardia (Avant-Garde) literary movement. Since it was first published in May 1967 in Buenos Aires by Editorial Sudamericana, One Hundred Years of Solitude has been translated into 46 languages and sold more than 50 million copies. The novel, considered García Márquez's magnum opus, remains widely acclaimed and …

28 editions

J'ai du louper des niveaux de lecture

4 stars

J'avais énormément d'attentes vu la reputation PHENOMENALE de ce livre, au final je trouves ça bon mais sans plus. Le titre m'a beaucoup attiré parceque je crois que je suis aussi atteint par cette malédiction de la solitude et la conclusion me pousse à recontacter mes "vieux" amis, j'imagine qu'il y a dans le texte pour chaque génération un certain type de solitude mais j'avoues ne pas tout avoir saisi si c'est le cas. Sinon bons sous-textes sur la course à la technologie qui peut être mauvaise pour la vie humaine, bonne critique du capitalisme/colonialisme avec les "républiques bananières", petites critiques de la religion aussi. Le livre est extrêmement dense, je peux pas dire que je me suis particulièrement ennuyé en le lisant mais passant à coté du sous-texte on se retrouve perdu plusieurs fois. Mtn hâte de voir l'adaptation netflix d'une oeuvre qui me semble très lié au format …

Review of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

I only read this book because it’s one you are “supposed” to read, and I was expecting to struggle through and begrudgingly accept that it was clever like Midnight’s Children, but I ended up loving it.

It tells the story of seven generations of the Buendia family living in the remote Colombian town of Macondo. The family history is tied to the founding, growing, modernising and ultimate decay of the town. It really shouldn’t be so compelling because there are less than a hundred pages per generation, but it’s so beautifully written (and translated by Gregory Rabassa) that I couldn’t put it down. I don’t think there’s one sentence out of place in 400 pages.

In a single page it can jump between funny, sad and horrific. The tone and the magical realism are mesmerising and there is something delightful on every page. I loved the stories of prophesies, ghosts, …

Review of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

"If you have to go crazy, please go crazy all by yourself!"

Like [b:Dune|44767458|Dune (Dune, #1)|Frank Herbert||3634639] from last year, this book had been on my TBR list for the longest time, because I always felt like it was one of those books I should read, but never made time to actually do so. It probably would've stayed there forever (like Dune, actually) if my book club friends hadn't picked it for the book to read this month and I stopped running out of reasons to tell myself to not read it. I've tackled literary vegetables before (books I don't normally read but should) with mixed results, but mostly the experiences have been positive. This book was not a positive experience for me.

This review will be a drop in the bucket of reviews for this book, so I'll keep things brief. The book is a generational look …

Review of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

(Read in the original Spanish)
One Hundred Years of Solitude is a masterpiece, one of those rare books that put me in a trance and take zero effort to read. Gabriel Garcia Marquez has such mastery over words that I almost felt like I wasn't reading at my pace but one deliberately set by him, setting up turns of phrase and reveals that matched the cadence at which he wanted me to read. It's magic realism at its finest, even its overall structure reflects this; how it evolves from an ahistorical almost allegorical narrative to one that is increasingly overtaken by context and reality as it goes on, how one keeps fighting against the confusing repetitive names throughout generations of characters (a common complaint) in the same way the Buendía family fights to break out of the historical cycles it keeps falling victim to; does it matter which Aureliano you're …

Review of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I do not have much experience in reading dense, rich, and highly imaginative fiction, so my views on this classic book might lack proper comparisons to other such work. But I did enjoy this book more than I expected when I started reading it. It is fairly obvious that a lot of the cultural commentary the author probably tried to provide in this book is lost on me since I know very little about Latin American culture. Still, there are many universal themes in the book that even a novice like me can understand. I imagine this book would be much richer for someone who is more familiar with the culture and reads the book in Spanish. Yet, I marvel at the skill with which the author fills even the most mundane sentence with liveliness and imagination. It took me some time to get used to the style this book …

Review of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This story was not for me. It reminded me of Ursula Le Guin's "Hernes" novella from [b:The Found and the Lost: The Collected Novellas of Ursula K. Le Guin|29868611|The Found and the Lost The Collected Novellas of Ursula K. Le Guin|Ursula K. Le Guin||50237861] (the lone disappointment for me in that collection). In both stories, we get a family history covering multiple generations with detailed and varied characters. And in both cases, I felt like I was reading an appendix rather than a book.

I love digging for more detail when I'm invested in the characters or plot, but in this case I wasn't.

Did not finish.

Review of 'Cien años de soledad' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It was probably a mistake to read this book in Spanish. I know I lost a lot of the imagery and humor because my vocabulary in Spanish isn't quite what it should be. But I also suspect I still wouldn't have loved it like so many people do. Much like Magic Mountain, I get why it is such a big deal, but I just wasn't moved. I'm tired of reading archetypes, especially of women. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for this kind of book. Or maybe it just isn't my kind of book.

Review of 'One Hundred Years Of Solitude' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This was interesting till about half way, then it just got too long for my taste. It's the story of a family living in the invented town of Macondo in Columbia, following them from the founding of the town to the end of the family line through many generations (and despite the title, it seems like it should be longer than 100 years, based on how many generations there are ... or maybe it just feels that way). For added confusion, children and grandchildren are frequently given the same names as their predecessors and also frequently share similar family personality traits, so keeping the relationships straight is more than a small challenge.

Apparently Marquez is one of the first writers to use “magical realism,” a style of fantasy wherein the fantastic and the unbelievable are treated as everyday occurrences, and this book is a great example of that. Strange and …

Review of 'Cent Ans De Solitude' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

J'attendais peut-être trop de ce roman salué unanimement par la critique et par les critiques ici. J'ai bien aimé le début de cette fresque familiale, mais j'ai fini par me lasser de ces personnages qui se ressemblent tous et dont les vies elle-mêmes se ressemblent beaucoup. J'ai terminé un peu déçu, tout en reconnaissant la qualité du style et l'ambition de l'oeuvre.

Review of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I'd heard all the hype about this "literary great" and this magical / ethereal story and was intrigued. I'd never read any Gabriel Garcia Marquez before so I had no real idea what to expect but my expectations were high as people seem to rate it so highly and talk about how clever it is.

What I got was a very strange story about the entire history of a family living in an odd "magical" version of the world where bizarre things happen such as autistic girl flying away to heaven, or incestuous relationships between an aunt and child, or people seeing ghosts, or incestuous relationships between siblings, or brutal masacres that never happened or rains storms lasting years. And many visits to brothels in between.

At the end of the book I was left with the feeling that while I enjoyed the unusual ride, I had no idea what …

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