The Secret Garden

Hardcover, 288 pages

English language

Published Sept. 1, 1998 by Children's Classics.

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4 stars (160 reviews)

The Secret Garden has awakened the spirits of four generations of children to the hope of growth and rebirth as well as the beauty of nature, which mirrors the possibility of eternal spring in the human soul. Ten year-old Mary Lennox discovers a long-neglected and completely enclosed garden that she sets out to bring back to life. As the garden revives, so do the long unhappy and unhealthy people associated with it. This vivid, almost poetic tale is as immortal as the themes it portrays—life from death, hope from apathy, joy from despair, and health from illness.

96 editions

Still inspirational

4 stars

When my sister spotted on Facebook that I had signed up for the Classics Club Challenge, she kindly lent me three classics from her bookshelves: The Secret Garden, Heidi and Animal Farm (I do know Animal Farm isn't a kids' book!) The first two I haven't read in well over thirty years and I hadn't read Animal Farm at all so I was keen to start them. I remembered some of the illustrations in a Ladybird copy of The Secret Garden and am sure we must have had a full text version too, however a lot of the storyline details seemed new to me this time around.

The Secret Garden is, of course, a children's book, but I was happy reading it as an adult and I didn't think the prose style was particularly younger than some modern young adult novels I've read in the past few years! The adult …

Started out good and then just went flat

2 stars

So, only after reading the whole thing did I learn that this is supposed to be a kid's book, but like...I dunno. It kinda sucks? The prose is very good, to the point where the first half of the book is excellent, but then everyone's problems are solved by the magical powers of the outdoors and positive thinking and then the book ends.

Review of "Secret Garden (Children's Classics)" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

De hoofdboodschap van dit boek is heerlijk wholesome (kinderen hebben liefde nodig, geld alleen maakt niet gelukkig, en buiten spelen is goed voor je). Het verzandt tegen het einde wel wat in New age-achtig geneuzel, en je moet ook wel erg om de stukjes vroeg twintigste-eeuws Brits (anti-indiaas) racisme heb lezen. Maar goed, in zijn tijd zien etc. (Ik hoop dat Ben Weatherstaff the revolutie nog mee heeft mogen maken.) Toch aardig om eens te lezen, het is toch een klassieker.

Review of "Secret Garden (Children's Classics)" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I did love this book so much. I'll admit though, that when I started reading the book, i didn't feel that I was going to like Mary all that well. She sure did prove herself though, and her personality changed at around Chapter 8. I feel that this book does an excellent example of how someone can change, and help someone change for the better. I do wish that all children, even these days pick up this book. It's got such a magical beauty to it that just can't be explained.

Review of "Secret Garden (Children's Classics)" on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

A magical journey into a childhood filled with wonder and the joy of discovery. Everybody is friendly in this book, but that doesn't mean that the characters lack depth: often the friendliness needs to be uncovered, and this is a different process for every person. The secret garden is a metaphor for creating beauty, or simply for becoming, but it is also a very real part of the narrative and as such, a place of hidden beauty that is catching.

Review of 'The secret garden' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

“Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And marigolds all in a row.”

I admit that when it comes to children’s literature, I’ve been a little slack. So much for the literary explorer, this blog only has two books review that would fit the genre. One being the wonderful Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland which I read a long time ago and absolutely loved, the second was The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists by Gideon Defoe. I’ve only read two children’s books for this blog. I was happy to see that the Literary Exploration Book Club on Goodreads (it’s a great group, join it if you want to try different genres) decided that it was about time we did a children’s book. There were some great nominations for this poll, including Charlotte’s Web, Pinocchio, Wonder but it all came down to a …

Review of "Secret Garden (Children's Classics)" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I loved this book as a child, though rereading it now I find it doesn't quite capture me in the same way. The story of a sickly orphan sent to live with an uncle who'd rather forget she exists, who is left to entertain herself in a huge old mansion and discovers her invalid cousin hidden away. They form a friendship and help each other to recover and grow.

I like this book compared to the aurhors' others because the main characters are highly flawed, which makes their progression all the more enjoyable. The descriptions of gardening and the children learning about nature and growth almost make me want to garden, despite my complete black thumb. As a child I rememberbeing particularly captivated by the idea of having a secret place to myself. Like all children's books of the time it can get a little preachy at times, but less …

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