Der Planet Arbre im Jahr 3689. Seit seinem achten Lebensjahr lebt Erasmas, genannt Raz, im Konzent Saunt Edhar, einer klosterähnlichen Gemeinschaft von Wissenschaftlern, Philosophen und Mathematikern. Die Aufgabe dieser Gemeinschaft ist es, hinter den jahrtausendealten Mauern Wissen zu bewahren und es vor den schädlichen Einflüssen der säkularen Welt zu beschützen. Denn während das Leben im Konzent nach strengen Ritualen und uralten Traditionen verläuft, so ist die Geschichte jenseits dieser abgeschlossenen Welt durch Chaos und Veränderung geprägt: Auf Blütezeiten folgten Zusammenbrüche, auf finsteres Mittelalter Erneuerung; Kriege und Klimawandel zerstörten die bestehende Ordnung.
Als Raz mit 18 seine erste Apert bevorsteht - eine Woche, in der beide Welten in Kontakt treten und Austausch pflegen - bereitet er sich mit seinen Mitschwestern und -brüdern darauf vor, den Konzent zu verlassen und sich in die säkulare Welt vorzuwagen. Aber dort muss er entdecken, dass außerarbrische Kräfte den Planeten bedrohen. Und mit einem Mal lastet …
Der Planet Arbre im Jahr 3689. Seit seinem achten Lebensjahr lebt Erasmas, genannt Raz, im Konzent Saunt Edhar, einer klosterähnlichen Gemeinschaft von Wissenschaftlern, Philosophen und Mathematikern. Die Aufgabe dieser Gemeinschaft ist es, hinter den jahrtausendealten Mauern Wissen zu bewahren und es vor den schädlichen Einflüssen der säkularen Welt zu beschützen. Denn während das Leben im Konzent nach strengen Ritualen und uralten Traditionen verläuft, so ist die Geschichte jenseits dieser abgeschlossenen Welt durch Chaos und Veränderung geprägt: Auf Blütezeiten folgten Zusammenbrüche, auf finsteres Mittelalter Erneuerung; Kriege und Klimawandel zerstörten die bestehende Ordnung.
Als Raz mit 18 seine erste Apert bevorsteht - eine Woche, in der beide Welten in Kontakt treten und Austausch pflegen - bereitet er sich mit seinen Mitschwestern und -brüdern darauf vor, den Konzent zu verlassen und sich in die säkulare Welt vorzuwagen. Aber dort muss er entdecken, dass außerarbrische Kräfte den Planeten bedrohen. Und mit einem Mal lastet eine hohe Verantwortung auf Raz' Schultern, denn er wird für die schwierige Aufgabe auserwählt, die Zerstörung des Planeten zu verhindern...
I liked Anathem. It's a good mix of physics, philosophy and fiction. I don't want to give away too much - I really liked the way things were unraveled slowly and I don't want to deprive anyone reading this review of the same. Don't expect a lot of action. Toil through the first 10% of the book (it was hard for me) and you'll be rewarded. Think of the whole book as a thought experiment.
There are often many more words written in review of a book than in the book itself, and judging by many of the comments here, the same can be said about Anathem. I will not add to them, except to say many will be flabbergasted by this book and still many more will think it amazing just because it's a Stephenson and has many imaginative concepts discussed. I fall somewhere between the two. In this narrative I want to be able to reread it in a way which will allow me to understand it better and pursue life long learning in philosophy and cosmology. In another, I put it down after 400 pages and went off and read something else and never grasped the concept of narratives and became a bin man.
It took me 3 attempts to finally read this all of the way through. The first few chapters are daunting. Every 3rd word is entirely new to your vocabulary and there's no explanation of most of them. But, like learning a language via immersion, eventually the context makes the terminology clear. Hundreds of pages later, the new vocabulary is integrated and makes sense.
In the end, I enjoyed this book, like I have enjoyed the rest of Stephenson's writing. It entertained, prompted thoughts (and a few upsights) and painted a picture of a richly detailed world. All things I look for in my fiction, particularly anything from the speculative fiction shelf.
I haven't read much philosophy so the philosophical parts of the book were fresh to me. I really enjoyed them. I found my mind constantly wandering on these subjects and had to re-read pages. The fantasy world was also well developed and interesting. The first part of the book, up to Bly's Butte, was really to my taste. I'd recommend closing the book at that point though, having absorbed most of the enjoyment already.
What would you miss out this way? A long (in miles and pages) trek through the Arctic with lots of action and characters that have minimal impact in the end. Elaboration of the fantasy physics, that I felt was a bit shaky. (Anyway, this makes for good conversation material.) An interesting but perhaps too long scene in space. An ending that is also good for a conversation, but that did not feel like a good closure. …
I haven't read much philosophy so the philosophical parts of the book were fresh to me. I really enjoyed them. I found my mind constantly wandering on these subjects and had to re-read pages. The fantasy world was also well developed and interesting. The first part of the book, up to Bly's Butte, was really to my taste. I'd recommend closing the book at that point though, having absorbed most of the enjoyment already.
What would you miss out this way? A long (in miles and pages) trek through the Arctic with lots of action and characters that have minimal impact in the end. Elaboration of the fantasy physics, that I felt was a bit shaky. (Anyway, this makes for good conversation material.) An interesting but perhaps too long scene in space. An ending that is also good for a conversation, but that did not feel like a good closure.
While I am not sure these later pages were worth it I had a lot of fun with the book. It can be read as a mystical description of scientists' culture of any age. When people around me are enthusiastically discussing the finer details of the Linux kernel at lunch, I feel like these are the characters and dialogs that Anathem idolises.
If you've met me, and you know me, I may have already recommended this book to you. I've read it three times, and I imagine I will read it 20 more before I die. There will never be a sequel, which means all we have is rereading.
This book was a little slow going at first, but once you get into the language and world of the "concent," you're fully immersed. And just when you think you've fully acclimated to that new universe, that's when things start to really get good, as the plot expands beyond the walls of the concent and into the wider world (and cosmos) beyond.
The story itself serves as an allegory of the nature of Stephenson's best writing--a perfect blend of the cerebral and plot driven pulp. The playful "dialogs" of these intellectual monks as they figure out the meaning of the universe is like of a band of vegan Berkeley students out on a quest to design an art car for Burning Man. It's all great fun, while hinting at something substantially and mystically deeper.
I've had a hard time with some of the other Neal Stephenson books I've tried, but for some reason this one was right up my alley. I disagree with most of his thoughts on metaphysics as presented, but the overall narrative was able to keep me interested much more than I expected. I went into this book expecting to probably set it aside (as I have done with some of Stephenson's other works). I was pleasantly surprised when I found myself staying up late to see where the story would go next.
Really happy with this book. It covered a ton of ground, but it moved along well and I found myself engaged throughout. If I was only better at reading long novels in general I would have finished it a long time ago.
Now onto Gibson's "Zero History", though at some point I'd like to circle back around and finish the Baroque Cycle (I've only finished Quicksilver)
This book is, and was, spectacular. It makes you curious about the strange new world Stephenson has created, but it's only as important as the characters, too. Perfectly balanced, and recommended for everyone. I mean everyone.
I believe I've read every book that Neal Stephenson has written, but I have to say this one is my least favorite. It's densely written, full of invented words, and quite technical - which don't make it a bad book, but do make it a slow and weighty read. The world's scenario is interesting, though rather far-fetched, but Stephenson insists on working in some very odd theories about science and reality that make for a rather odd (and for me unsatisfying) ending.
It only took me three tries to get through this book, compared to seven for Quicksilver, so that's an improvement right there. I found this a fun fast nerdy read (for 950 pages), and with an actual logical ending (yay!) But it does bog down in talky bits quite a lot in the middle, and the conceit of a parallel universe with different names for familiar objects and events feels precious. A decent book but not Stephenson's best.
I don't really understand how Neal Stephenson is a bestselling New York Times author. Is there really that large of an audience for a 900+ page book that sandwiches a narrative of Greek philosophy, quantum mechanics and astronomy with a time line at the beginning and an ending of 50 pages of glossary and mathematical problems?
That's not to say I didn't like Anathem, although, having said that, in large part I liked it because I had the time to memorize entries from the glossary (you grow out of needing it around page 400 or so), to look up quantum mechanics, google philosophers and work out a proof of the Pythagorean theorem. This is a book to be read on vacation.
I loved Anathem. It's one of the few books that really begins on a small scale and then gradually scales up to epic scale problems, while entertaining the reader …
I don't really understand how Neal Stephenson is a bestselling New York Times author. Is there really that large of an audience for a 900+ page book that sandwiches a narrative of Greek philosophy, quantum mechanics and astronomy with a time line at the beginning and an ending of 50 pages of glossary and mathematical problems?
That's not to say I didn't like Anathem, although, having said that, in large part I liked it because I had the time to memorize entries from the glossary (you grow out of needing it around page 400 or so), to look up quantum mechanics, google philosophers and work out a proof of the Pythagorean theorem. This is a book to be read on vacation.
I loved Anathem. It's one of the few books that really begins on a small scale and then gradually scales up to epic scale problems, while entertaining the reader along the way. Similarly, it is one of the few books in which the author tries to posit scientific and philosophic hypotheses while still remaining an entertaining work of fiction and without becoming preachy or (unlike many of Stephenson's other works) an unreadable information dump. His science is entertaining and while it is bettered by outside knowledge, he explains his points in such detail that outside knowledge is not necessary. Stephenson is respectful of quantum mechanics, in contrast to myriad "science" fiction novels that throw around Everett and quantum mechanics as excuses for all manner of convenient magic.
That's not to say that I had no complaints: whole sections of the book drag, particularly because they seem to be rehashing what the reader already has either been told explicitly or intuited and many plans made by characters seem to ultimately go nowhere. More grievous is the closing arc, which has an unfinished feel. After 850 pages of having every action described to the minute detail, the last few pages feel like they're in outline form. Time jumps, plots are dropped, key points are ultimately only intimated and never explained outright. All of these are fine narrative devices but are in stark contrast to the rest of the book and therefore feel unfinished.