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Published June 10, 2014 by Tantor Audio.

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4 stars (161 reviews)

The youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, distant from the Imperial Court and the deadly intrigue that suffuses it. But when his father and three sons in line for the throne are killed in an “accident”, he has no choice but to take his place as the only surviving rightful heir.

Entirely unschooled in the art of court politics, he has no friends, no advisors, and the sure knowledge that whoever assassinated his father and brothers could make an attempt on his life at any moment.

Surrounded by sycophants eager to curry favor with the naïve new emperor, and overwhelmed by the burdens of his new life, he can trust nobody. Amid the swirl of plots to depose him, offers of arranged marriages, and the specter of the unknown conspirators who lurk in the shadows, he must quickly adjust to life as the …

6 editions

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

Lives up to the hype

5 stars

Best example of courtly political intrigue in a fantasy novel? If not the best, easily top five. I can see why Addison chose to write about another character in her next novel in this world, though. She created a fascinating and developed elvish steampunk world, and we only get to see a small bit of it because main character Maia is stuck in a handful of locations that are mostly ancient buildings. Also I appreciate her showing how boring the everyday actions of governance can be.

Bonus points for accurate use of the English formal and informal first- and second-person tense. Thee and thy isn't formal just because it's archaic, y'all. The narrative indicates that in these elves' language plural and formal would be different, unlike in English, but I was able to follow when it was the former and when it was the latter.

An Engrossing Story

No rating

The Goblin Emperor was added to the Upgradies Hall of Fame and I decided that I needed to read it. It was well worth it! The story felt gave a personal perspective of somebody being thrown into a role and position they don't want. I enjoyed the world building and ideas. One aspect that I find interesting is how various people are witnesses and the format of the society.

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

Intriga palaciega con fina textura

4 stars

Despiertas y plaf te toca encabezar un imperio, tú el cuarto hijo, el relegado, cuasi-exiliado. Nadie esperaba que te tocaría, cualquiera de los otros iba antes, pero así es cuando se mueren todos en un accidente.

Por lo tanto todo es duda y sorpresa, pero cual diplomático japonés te toca ocultar todo estado emocional, ser ilegible conviene a los intereses del imperio. No ayuda que tienes orejas, pues eres un goblin, una raza más oscura de elfo.

En esto ayuda tu inocencia: el imperio no te interesa más que como estructura de poder para ayudar a tu gente. Pronto se nota que no eres como el previo emperador, como los previos: tienes otra sensibilidad, te interesas por todos.

Es que tu guardián hasta ayer era tu primo que te odiaba y maltrataba. Por eso tu capacidad refinada de sentir el dolor ajeno. Por eso serás otro tipo de emperador, nomás …

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

didn't like it at all

2 stars

the usual fantasy-racism and sexism with a bit of homomisia sprinkled in. the author should just have written the novel in 19th century europe, the fantasy aspect is rarely used at all.

the book seems to want me to have sympathy with an absolutist ruler. 🙄 and what's up with all these different names, and sometimes more than one name for one person? feels like there were a hundred or so names used. oof! and then there are perfectly translatable concepts that are left in some kind of elven language, and sometimes the characters speak really old english? why?!?

at least the story itself is somewhat interesting and has potential, but i'm not gonna read the next books.

A personal story of a reluctant emperor

4 stars

Overall this was a good book. It was fairly straightforward in its plot and characters, which allowed it to have a more personal feel to the main character. The setting is hindered a little by aspects of the language which, while they add some depth, they also add a great amount of complexity. I can certainly see the similarities to The Hands of the Emperor, though I prefer that book for its broader story and the focus on the secretary rather than the emperor himself.

For a full review, check out my blog:

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

The Goblin Emperor

5 stars

Before reading Witness for the Dead, I took the excuse to reread Goblin Emperor for the nth time, and oh wow is it still such a comfort read for me.

I think it's really that Maia is an endearing (and easy to connect to for me) character. An anxious, apologetic, people-pleasing half-goblin forced into being an emperor that he doesn't know anything about. Wanting to be kind and make friends but struggling with being awkward and trying to do that through an extreme power dynamic differential.

It takes a little to get into the swing of the various courtiers and naming conventions, but it feels a little like a reflection how lost Maia is himself.

Overall, it's just a nice gentle character arc of growing into competency and friendship that always seems to be exactly what I need.

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

Review of 'The Goblin Emperor' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

I have mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, I love the wholesomeness! For a book about fantasy court intrigue, it's very wholesome and cuddly, and Maia's obliviousness in certain situations is adorable! I also liked the use of language (and thank you for the pronounciation guide and glossary at the back of the book!) In general, the worldbuilding was fantastic, and I'd love to see more of it in future installments.

However, the book had tension that was building up over the investigation of the airship accident and various court intrigues, all of which culminated in a somewhat underwhelming ending. I do understand that when you're writing a book with wholesome energy, you can't include court intrigue on the level of Game of Thrones. Still, it would have been nice to see some of Maia's enemies being more competent and shrewd. The plotlines all wrapped themselves up so …

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

Review of 'The Goblin Emperor' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

But he could feel compassion for them, as he did for the other victims, and it was that he sought more than anything else: to mourn their deaths rather than holding onto his anger at their lives.

This book has been on my TBR shelf for nearly 7 years. If you are at all considering reading this, don’t let that be you! I had always heard great things about The Goblin Emperor; and really, this amount of heaping praise does tend to make one suspicious. So I avoided it on principle, but also because I didn’t realize it is somewhat a standalone instead of a series. (Really, I need to do more due diligence to what I read.) This is a political, courts intrigue novel layered in the ambiance of high fantasy—Addison said she was inspired by her studies in the Byzantine era, which makes a lot of sense. …

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

The power of kindness

3 stars

I’ve put off reading Addison’s Goblin Emperor a long time; I had heard it was lovely, but also disjointed and inconclusive. It’s taken the book’s inclusion in a list of Becky Chamberesque “novels where people are nice to each other” for me to finally take the plunge, and the only thing I regret is I didn’t do so much earlier.

I can see how people have a hard time adjusting to this novel: the intricate, Elven steampunk world it builds and the high stakes court setting seem to promise things the novel never tries to hold itself to. Instead, we are treated to the story of a young man who, motherless at an early age, despised by his cold and all powerful father who banished him to the shticks at the hands of a violently abusive tutor, finds himself on the throne. Faced with the barely hidden contempt of the …

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

A gentle, low-stakes book about palace intrigue

3 stars

Content warning Vague spoilerish chat. No specific plot points discussed.

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

The Gobblin' Emperor, amiright? (not really, there's not much eating)

4 stars

Content warning maybe general story details

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)


5 stars

Content warning mild spoilies on general theme

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

A very soft book

5 stars

I can't really describe it another way? The book follows Maia as he gets into his role as emperor. Maia is very smart but not really aware of the social and political dynamics in court, let alone the whole empire. But we follow him through it all, and it's all told in such a calm, peaceful tone - despite some very not calm, not peaceful things happening! Loved it.

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

Review of 'The Goblin Emperor' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Ada Palmer holds up several novels as examples of hopepunk in "Hopepunk, optimism, purity, and futures of hard work". Hopepunk is a neologism initially intended to be the opposite of grimdark but as she elucidates in that excellent essay, it's come to mean more: stories about imperfection, about the hard work of trying to make things better even as we know they might get worse:

We also need stories of people who are tired like us. Who are trapped between crises like us. Who are grungy, and sweaty, and compromised, and struggling like us.

One of those examples was The Goblin Emperor and I loved Maia's goodness, perfectly-rendered to fit with the world-building. I love slow-burn slice of life stories where people are basically good to each other despite life's many imperfections, and while very different than my go-to examples of that genre, The Goblin Emperor joins that list. …

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