Chad reviewed Neuromancer by Robertson Dean (Narrator)
Review of 'Neuromancer' on 'Storygraph'
5 stars
In between holds from the library, I decided to pick Neuromancer up off my shelf at home. I remembered loving it when I first read it 8 years ago, but beyond the first act, this was pretty much a fresh experience.
Neuromancer is the cyberpunk sci-fi novel. Reading through today, you'll see tons of tropes common to the gritty sci-fi genre now, as it has clearly influenced works like [b:Ready Player One|9969571|Ready Player One (Ready Player One, #1)|Ernest Cline||14863741] and [b:Altered Carbon|40792913|Altered Carbon (Takeshi Kovacs, #1)|Richard K. Morgan||2095852], plus The Matrix, Bladerunner and even Solo.
Reading this book feels like watching one of those sci-fi movies. It's so easy to put yourself in the world Gibson created. With all the 80s nostalgia going around, I found myself hoping somebody picks up a screenplay and turns this into a movie so I could enjoy the story again.