Dark Matter


Published by Pan Books.

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4 stars (236 reviews)

One night after an evening out, Jason Dessen, forty-year-old physics professor living with his wife and son in Chicago, is kidnapped at gunpoint by a masked man, driven to an abandoned industrial site and injected with a powerful drug. As he wakes, a man Jason's never met smiles down at him and says, "Welcome back, my friend." But this life is not the one he knows. His wife is not his wife; his son was never born; and he's not an ordinary college professor, but a celebrated genius who has achieved something impossible. Is it this world or the other that's the dream? How can he possibly make it back to the family he loves? The answers lie in a journey more wondrous and horrifying than anything he could have imagined--one that will force him to confront the darkest parts of himself as he battles a terrifying, seemingly unbeatable foe. …

15 editions

reviewed Dark Matter by Blake Crouch (Thorndike Press large print Bill's bookshelf)


2 stars

This is gonna be a hard one to review without spoiling because I was mostly checked out on this story until around the 85% mark, where something happened that finally made me sit forward with attention. But lets get the early stuff out of the way first.

In theory I don't need my science fiction to have really elaborate worldbuilding and spaceships and aliens and whatnot. I'll concede that it is possible to tell a compelling story in a contemporary setting that has just one or two elements that give it that ~sci-fi~ spin on it, which is what we get here and we figure that out pretty early on. But when you start playing around with infinities and infinitesimally small chances for certain events to happen, it's gonna feel cheap and unearned when those best-case scenarios... happen.

We have in Jason Dessen what I found to be a …

Review of 'Dark Matter' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

He did this to me. No. It's way more fucked up than that. I did this to me.

I went in with zero knowledge of what this book was about and it blew my socks off. I was captivated by the book. I disrupted my routine for several days to read more than I typically would. This book could find itself get upgraded to five stars but for now it's a strong 4.5.

If you strip away all the trappings of personality and lifestyle, what are the core components that make me me?

I like playing with the thought of experiment of what would happen if you woke up with a clone. Would you set them to tasks around the house while you enjoyed your free time? Would you duel to be the only one?

My understanding of identity has been shattered...

Multiverse has been popularized in media over the …

Review of 'Dark Matter' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

Спойлеры ай гесс.

Ваша личность определяется чередой решений, которые вы принимаете на протяжении своей жизни, постулирует Блейк Крауч.

Что ж, одно из этих решений — считать ли научной фантастикой очередную книгу, щеголяющую буквальной интерпретацией эффекта наблюдателя в квантовой механике. Да, немалая роль в Dark Matter отводится субстанции, заглушающей очаги формирования сознания в префронтальном кортексе, и помогающей таким образом предотвратить нарушение квантовой когеренции в объектах макроскопических масштабов (да-да, в путешественниках между мирами).

Если у вас после прочтения предыдущего абзаца не начали скрежетать зубы — что ж, Dark Matter удивительно цепкий и крайне компетентно написанный, хоть и достаточно идиотский, триллер-pageturner... где-то первую четверть своего объёма. Далее мне только и оставалось гадать, какой ещё очевидный мысленный эксперимент автор ввернёт в книгу. Парадоксальным образом, это оказалось достаточно увлекательным занятием: читать Dark Matter достаточно интересно, хоть и совсем не по тем причинам, на которые, вероятно, делалась ставка.

Собственно, главная проблема книги для меня — …

Review of 'Dark Matter' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3.5 stars

Blake Crouch is an absolute master of the mindfuck. His concepts and plotting are brilliant. His apocalyptic scenarios are nightmare-inducing. However, as with Recursion, I found this book to suffer in its actual level of artistic craft. None of the characters really came off the page for me. The plot is phenomenal, but I wish these books had a little more poetry to them when it came to the actual prose and the depth of the characters. The engagement factor is there, but it's the absence of a certain artistic depth that stops his books from breaking my all-time favorites list. The scenarios just don't resonate on an emotional level for me in a way that lingers, that makes them into something more profound than just a "cool story."

Review of 'Dark Matter' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Book starts with a fairly straightforward premise which I immediately grasped, and it was clear what had happened almost immediately although the protagonist didn't figure it out till much later. But despite what seemed like a predictable start that's been tackled many times in science fiction writing, the inevitable resolution to the protagonist's problem became much more complex and nuanced than any other time I've seen this premise tackled and about half way through the book I couldn't put it down again. If spoilers bother you then I strongly recommend you just read the book without reading any further reviews. But without any spoilers I'll just say the book uses quantum theory to raise some very interesting philosophical questions around regrets for paths not taken, how a person can change based on life choices, and what identity of self really is in the end. I will definitely be thinking about …

Review of 'Dark Matter' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Great premise that asks a fundamental question: what could have been? Mr Crouch does a fine job of creating a tense, Michael Bay-type script around the concept, but I was hoping for more. Another layer of introspection, a bit more character depth. For example, the book flips to the protagonist's wife twice, but never spends time there except to make the end sequence more plausible. Amanda, the sidekick, is a one-dimensional and serves only to prop up Jason. The book is a blur of single. sentence. paragraphs. that try to create a sense of pace but are ultimately exhausting. Three stars for a good premise -- and a convincing ending -- but 30% more words and a hair of patience could have really brought this to life.

Review of 'Dark Matter' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is an amazingly good & exciting read. The interplay between basic physics (Schrödinger's cat) and human psychology is quite intriguing. The novel is full of surprises. I'll try to set the stage for the novel with a couple of quotes:
"Don't believe everything you think..." -and-
"Be true to yourself."
I highly recommend this 'thriller'.

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