A love letter to love letters
5 stars
A recreation of feeling, of feelings, of imagination and purpose and the other side of it all. A wonderful story that asks only that you play along.
eBook, 208 pages
English language
Published Aug. 8, 2019 by Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers.
Two time-traveling agents from warring futures, working their way through the past, begin to exchange letters—and fall in love in this thrilling and romantic book from award-winning authors Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
In the ashes of a dying world, Red finds a letter marked “Burn before reading. Signed, Blue.”
So begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents in a war that stretches through the vast reaches of time and space.
Red belongs to the Agency, a post-singularity technotopia. Blue belongs to Garden, a single vast consciousness embedded in all organic matter. Their pasts are bloody and their futures mutually exclusive. They have nothing in common—save that they’re the best, and they’re alone.
Now what began as a battlefield boast grows into a dangerous game, one both Red and Blue are determined to win. Because winning’s what you do in war. Isn’t it?
A tour de force collaboration from …
Two time-traveling agents from warring futures, working their way through the past, begin to exchange letters—and fall in love in this thrilling and romantic book from award-winning authors Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
In the ashes of a dying world, Red finds a letter marked “Burn before reading. Signed, Blue.”
So begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents in a war that stretches through the vast reaches of time and space.
Red belongs to the Agency, a post-singularity technotopia. Blue belongs to Garden, a single vast consciousness embedded in all organic matter. Their pasts are bloody and their futures mutually exclusive. They have nothing in common—save that they’re the best, and they’re alone.
Now what began as a battlefield boast grows into a dangerous game, one both Red and Blue are determined to win. Because winning’s what you do in war. Isn’t it?
A tour de force collaboration from two powerhouse writers that spans the whole of time and space.
A recreation of feeling, of feelings, of imagination and purpose and the other side of it all. A wonderful story that asks only that you play along.
Another re-read. First read this in 2020, and absolutely loved it but found myself a little less enamoured upon rereading. Still extremely romantic, and full of beautiful prose, but apparently I've changed and simply found it less engaging this time. This is definitely a “me” problem, however, and I'd still recommend this to anyone who enjoys lovely words, yearning, and science fiction.
A quite beautiful and perplexing exploration of love between two enemies.
Thoroughly enjoyed this book. I especially loved the letters between the two. It was very sweet to see them slowly open up w/ e/o and reveal their inner feelings, and the mess and complexities that brings.
I did have a bit of trouble following who was who at times.
But other than that, this was fantastic.
I had to read this book 2.5 times. Once at my normal pulp-reading speed, once again at a pause-after-the-letter speed (like: a 1-day pause), and then a whole bunch of go-back-and-re-read-a-piece-because-I-clearly-missed-something.
It's great. I do recommend taking your time on your first read. The plot is macramé, and it's really nicely done.
I think I did have a little trouble with the transition from being competitors to being in love. Seemed a little abrupt. I guess I still missed something important. Maybe there was implied stuff I'm too dumb to comprehend.
Anyway. Good book. Have a crack at it. Maybe you'll do better than I.
3.25 ⭐ Update: After finishing, everything in my early review still stands; the writing did get a little easier to read/ understand as things ramped up to the climax, but there was still so much left unexplained and just left open. A nice little love story, but if you don't understand something don't even worry about it 'cause it doesn't really matter, mostly only the letters and the events of the ending do.
- original review _
I started this and will try to get through it, but it seems like this book's biggest uniqueness is also its downfall - the poetic writing. I will not lie that the deeply floral, expressive, and comparison language is wonderful to see/listen to; but when trying to describe ever quickly changing settings, premises, and other details in a sci-fi timeline hopping environment it just as quickly causes confusion, and kills the pacing, as …
3.25 ⭐ Update: After finishing, everything in my early review still stands; the writing did get a little easier to read/ understand as things ramped up to the climax, but there was still so much left unexplained and just left open. A nice little love story, but if you don't understand something don't even worry about it 'cause it doesn't really matter, mostly only the letters and the events of the ending do.
- original review _
I started this and will try to get through it, but it seems like this book's biggest uniqueness is also its downfall - the poetic writing. I will not lie that the deeply floral, expressive, and comparison language is wonderful to see/listen to; but when trying to describe ever quickly changing settings, premises, and other details in a sci-fi timeline hopping environment it just as quickly causes confusion, and kills the pacing, as I find myself re-reading paragraphs multiple times just to understand exactly what something meant or what happened. And this is a very short book too so it is not as bad but still, it's discouraging to find myself taking forever to finish a quick chapter (and I read high fantasy).
Without spoilers, this book is written in alternating characters voices, different settings, and letters back and forth between them. There is a premise but it just kind of throws you into it without explanation (yet as of where I am at). So trying to track what's going on, whose turn it is, and immerse myself into the newest timeline setting and figure out what they are trying to accomplish amid over the top and flowery language, in the span of <10mins before it changes all over again, is daunting
I listened to the book but may have been better read than listened to. Was not a bad listen though. The narrator's were great. The writing exquisite and beautiful. This is the first book ive read by two authors and the way things intertwined was great. Theres a lot of dichotomy throughout the novella and worth reading until the end. Best going into it without knowing much about it. As a birder though I do love the bird references and the beauty of the world they created; throughout all strands. Solid and would recommend
The first time I read it, it was in audiobook form and the interruptions meant I missed a few things. This time, so much more fit together.
Even in the flaws it grows stronger. This is a book that is going to stay with me for a long, long time.
Amal El-Mothar and Max Gladsonte's "This is How You Lose the Time War" follows two agents, Red and Blue, on opposite sides of a war that spans all of time and (some of?) space across multiple universes.
Each chapter starts with a snapshot of what each agent is doing to advance their side's cause, whether that's taking part in major historical events or planting the seeds for 'coincidences' in the future, and ends with the discovery of a letter from their counterpart. What begins as acknowledgements of respect, nods across the battlefield, gradually grow into something more.
Fans of science fiction may be disappointed by the lack of focus on the time-traveling, universe-hopping backdrop to this story of star-crossing lovers. Details are sparse, and little is disclosed about the factions or why they are at war other than hints and impressions throughout the book.
The gradual, tip-toeing romance between Red …
Amal El-Mothar and Max Gladsonte's "This is How You Lose the Time War" follows two agents, Red and Blue, on opposite sides of a war that spans all of time and (some of?) space across multiple universes.
Each chapter starts with a snapshot of what each agent is doing to advance their side's cause, whether that's taking part in major historical events or planting the seeds for 'coincidences' in the future, and ends with the discovery of a letter from their counterpart. What begins as acknowledgements of respect, nods across the battlefield, gradually grow into something more.
Fans of science fiction may be disappointed by the lack of focus on the time-traveling, universe-hopping backdrop to this story of star-crossing lovers. Details are sparse, and little is disclosed about the factions or why they are at war other than hints and impressions throughout the book.
The gradual, tip-toeing romance between Red and Blue via their elegantly composed letters is the strength of this book. There is a sweetness as the characters, hovering just beyond what one might call "human", discover that they are capable of such love, and for who should be their mortal enemy, no less. Readers who never tire of "Romeo and Juliette" will find much to love in "This is How You Lose the Time War".
Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone write gorgeously, but I had trouble following the story.
What an incredible journey this book was! Filled with delightful prose, beautifully abstract concepts, and a deep, heartfelt tale of two warring lovers across time. If you love sci-fi, romance, and abstract storytelling you'll love this!
Content warning Historia de amor prohibido a través del tiempo.
Es una novela corta que se centra más en transmitir las emociones de las protagonistas que en la construcción del mundo, los viajes del tiempo, o incluso la historia de amor entre ellas. Aún así se recoge la originalidad de la propuesta sobre todo en partes que es mejor leer.
I must preface this with the fact that I have always disliked time travel in fiction. Not once have I ever enjoyed any depiction of it. I find it frustrating and uncomfortable and this iteration, though definitely a unique take on the topic, was no exception.
This is a very difficult book to pin down and review because it felt like it almost didn't want to be read. While it was extremely formulaic (one chapter told from one of the two protagonists' POV, followed by a letter left by the other, then switch places) the prose was so flowery that I had difficulty understanding just what was supposed to be happening at times. Though I suppose when your two lead characters are literally named 'Red' and 'Blue' it shouldn't be surprising when the rest of the book is absolutely purple. rimshot
There's a war between two factions that both have …
I must preface this with the fact that I have always disliked time travel in fiction. Not once have I ever enjoyed any depiction of it. I find it frustrating and uncomfortable and this iteration, though definitely a unique take on the topic, was no exception.
This is a very difficult book to pin down and review because it felt like it almost didn't want to be read. While it was extremely formulaic (one chapter told from one of the two protagonists' POV, followed by a letter left by the other, then switch places) the prose was so flowery that I had difficulty understanding just what was supposed to be happening at times. Though I suppose when your two lead characters are literally named 'Red' and 'Blue' it shouldn't be surprising when the rest of the book is absolutely purple. rimshot
There's a war between two factions that both have some sort of time traveling technology that is never explained. Why the two factions are warring with each other or for how long (if that's even a possible question to ask) is never explained. And I understand that it's left intentionally vague because it's not the focus of the story the authors wanted to tell, but I found what was happening in the background to be more interesting than what was being handed to me.
A slow and careful romance between two combatants on either side of a deadlocked conflict should be an interesting premise. And there are certainly voiced concerns about possible betrayals and thoughts of, "what if this is just a long con to make me a turncoat?" that I'm glad were brought up. I just struggle to believe that a relationship can arise at all when these characters have no direct in-person interactions with each other and spend entire lifetimes without hearing from one another. I just found that the eventual culminating romance to be unearned and wished that it had resulted in a genuine betrayal or a more tragic note than what I got.
(Also, it feels disingenuous to market this as a "sapphic romance" when the two leads are essentially shapeshifters and have a loose association with gender beyond using she/her pronouns. This didn't feel queer in a way I could recognize.)
Worth reading but I wasn’t up on all the literary references as much as you need to be. The quality of the writing was obvious and superb, but, oddly for a novella, I felt it a little too long. I wanted the story to move on from the love letter correspondence between Red and Blue one or two letters earlier. The immersion that was achieved for the diverse locations with such brief descriptions was my highlight. There’s a mystery character appearing at the end of each letter, and although readers (esp. any fantasy/SF reader) would spot who that is, when we actually meet them, for the end game, I got more into the romance of it.
This book is beautiful. The POV through lyrical poetical letters was very clever - I felt as though I was implicated by reading the letters. I absolutely loved it - nothing like anything I’ve read before.