The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet

, #1

416 pages

English language

Published Aug. 7, 2015 by Hodder & Stoughton.

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4 stars (159 reviews)

When Rosemary Harper joins the crew of the Wayfarer, she isn't expecting much. The Wayfarer, a patched-up ship that's seen better days, offers her everything she could possibly want: a small, quiet spot to call home for a while, adventure in far-off corners of the galaxy, and distance from her troubled past. But Rosemary gets more than she bargained for with the Wayfarer. The crew is a mishmash of species and personalities, from Sissix, the friendly reptilian pilot, to Kizzy and Jenks, the constantly sparring engineers who keep the ship running. Life on board is chaotic, but more or less peaceful - exactly what Rosemary wants. Until the crew are offered the job of a lifetime: the chance to build a hyperspace tunnel to a distant planet.

10 editions

Wonderfully optimistic

5 stars

This was a good read at a good time - Long Way spends most of its energy focusing on the crew of the Wayfarer and their interactions with each other, and that's where all the delight comes from. I would love to hear more about Rosemary, Sissix, Kizzy and Jenks, and all the rest. It's also given me some great thoughts about future tech for some projects of my own.

postmodern space opera

4 stars

This is a nice piece of postmodern space opera. I may (or may not) read some of the sequels. Not sure yet. I've read this right after finishing Iain Banks' Culture Series, no doubt the ultimate progressive space opera. Of course, it's tough to follow up on that. Becky Chambers definitely doesn't play in the same league as Banks, but I can hardly hold that against her. I found her on-the-nose wokeism pretty annoying initially, and the story does start ultra-slow, but I warmed to her character- and world-building quite quickly. They are both exceptionally well done and refreshing, given the shallowness in that regard of most of the other works of space opera (or sci-fi in general) that I've read so far. I loved the polyamorous Aandrisks, the rickety ship, the inter-species crew of rig-workers, and the positivity of the whole thing.

SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT: What really marred my …


4 stars

Rosemary Harper has low expectations for her time as a member of the Wayfarer crew. All she could possibly want is offered by the Wayfarer, a repaired vessel that has seen better days: solitude in a remote area of the galaxy, adventure in remote corners, and a break from her past traumas.

With the Wayfarer, Rosemary, however, gets more than she expected. With Sissix, the amiable reptile pilot, and Jenks and Kizzy, the perpetually combative engineers who keep the ship afloat, the crew is a jumble of species and personalities. Rosemary is happy that the chaotic yet generally calm life aboard is what she desires.

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Fluffy en warm

4 stars

Je moet er een beetje van houden denk ik, het is een beetje fluffy en lief met allemaal aardige mensen die het beste met elkaar voor hebben. De Grote Geheimen waar het in de flaptekst over gaat zijn niet heel erg wereldschokkend, en zelfs de (weinige) slechteriken zijn grotendeels niet echt slecht. Niet echt een nagelbijter dus. Maar ach, het is bijna kerst, en we kunnen wel wat woke feelgood gebruiken in de wereld.

Oh my stars

5 stars

An absolutely beautiful, character-driven story filled with vignettes that range from humorous to heartbreaking to downright philosophical. The various factions present throughout are all well-written and impactful, and we learn about them in ways that never feel overly exposition-y. It's like Firefly, but better, and with 100% less Whedon.

Einfach entspannt nette Protagonist/innen kennenlernen

5 stars

Ich suchte nach: - ScienceFiction - Autorin - optimistisch - divers und fand dieses Buch. Es ist nicht sonderlich spannend. Keine Intrigen, keine Schlachten, noch nicht mal philosophisch nachhallende Denkansätze. Man lernt einfach nur die sympathische, diverse Crew kennen, die ein bisschen was zu tun hat. Wie so eine von den etwas unspektakuläreren TNG- oder Voyager-Folgen. I love it! War leider etwas abrupt zu Ende, daher habe ich mir schnell Band 2 gekauft. Ich will noch ein bisschen weiter mitreisen.

Review of 'Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

THE LONG WAY TO A SMALL, ANGRY PLANET is about a ship, a crew, a space journey, and the friends they made and (or sometimes tragically lost) along the way.

There are a lot of characters and they generally feel distinct from each other. That means I can't really point to an overall style, other than that once I tracked names enough to tell Jenks and Ashby apart I did all right for the rest of the book (I kept mixing up who was with Pei).
main character - If anyone is the main character it might be Rosemary, she's definitely the reader's way into the narrative as a human who doesn't have any travel experience and is generally unfamiliar with the people and places that they encounter on the way. Because she isn't the only point-of-view character there's a pretty robust diversity not only of perspectives but of angles …

Optimistic sci fi about a long journey and chosen family

5 stars

So wonderful. I heard that this was an "optimistic" read, and it's true; the characters tackle the adversity they face by being emotionally intelligent, thoughtful, supportive, ethical. It scratched the same itch as, say, Kim Stanley Robinson. Chosen family was a constant theme. To switch mediums, it felt like a mix between Firefly, Star Trek, and She Ra.

I inhaled it! So good!

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