Normal People

A Novel

hardcover, 288 pages

Published April 16, 2019 by Hogarth.

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4 stars (135 reviews)

Rubbish. A quarter of it is love scenes. Very steamy like fifty shades of grey

29 editions

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Fucking hell... I was going to give this three stars but the third to last sentence of the novel was such a damn farce. Is that supposed to be ironical? I really do hope so.

I liked the beginning but soon the story got really repetitive. And whenever something happened there was another jump in time and the parts which could've brought some true depth were skipped. Why was this book so superficial when it had the potential to be an impactfull masterpiece?

The writing was beautiful, though. And Lorraine is the best mom character ever (:

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

A compulsive and brutally nihalistic romance novel. This is my first Sally Rooney and not at all what I expected, but it's very easy to see why she has become so highly regarded. She writes her characters with such tenderness and empathy, in spite of their confounding decisions and cycles of self alienation. At the same time they possess an acute, almost meticulous physical awareness that nevertheless only makes their pain more acute.

This book is predominantly about an inability to connect to others, of superficial interactions insufficiently standing in for a deeper connection the two protagonists crave. The conclusions they arrive at are frustrating, but so deeply articulated that they make a sort of sense. Nobody is capable of unpacking their adolescent (and ongoing) trauma because it requires a vulnerability that frankly terrifies them. So they dissociate, attempt to mirror each other, cling to the closest approximation of happiness …

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

"He can’t help Marianne, no matter what he does. There’s something frightening about her, some huge emptiness in the pit of her being. It’s like waiting for a lift to arrive and when the doors open nothing is there, just the terrible dark emptiness of the elevator shaft, on and on forever. She’s missing some primal instinct, self-defense or self-preservation, which makes other human beings comprehensible. You lean in expecting resistance, and everything just falls away in front of you."

I'd obviously heard a lot of buzz about this book over the years, and among my friends, mostly mixed things. Which made me more intrigued to pick it up, as I'd heard it was a pretty intense character study of two people and how their relationship manifests from childhood into young adulthood, constantly orbit each other in irregular (and sometimes toxic) ways. I ended up really loving this. The depth …

No era para mí

1 star

Sin duda no era un libro para mí. No sé cómo llamó mi atención y me llevó a leerlo, pero no me ha gustado nada, ni el estilo de escritura, que no aporta nada por quitar guiones sino que dificulta la lectura y la llena de incisos, sin ningún porqué. Personajes planos, incompetentes emocionalmente, que no atraen en nada, con los que me ha resultado imposible empatizar, que intercalan reflexiones semiprofundas que no encajan para nada con ellos. Una trama inverosímil que no aporta nada.

Lo más profundo que he sacado es esto que resume mis sensaciones con la novela: "Nada de lo que Connell había hecho en ellas parecía haber dejado huella en él. Todo aquel viaje transcurría como una serie de cortometrajes, proyectados una única vez, y al terminar tenía la sensación de saber de lo que iban, pero ningún recuerdo preciso del argumento. Recuerda ver cosas por …

Review of 'Gente normal' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Sin duda no era un libro para mí. No sé cómo llamó mi atención y me llevó a leerlo, pero no me ha gustado nada, ni el estilo de escritura, que no aporta nada por quitar guiones sino que dificulta la lectura y la llena de incisos, sin ningún porqué. Personajes planos, incompetentes emocionalmente, que no atraen en nada, con los que me ha resultado imposible empatizar, que intercalan reflexiones semiprofundas que no encajan para nada con ellos. Una trama inverosímil que no aporta nada.

Lo más profundo que he sacado es esto que resume mis sensaciones con la novela: "Nada de lo que Connell había hecho en ellas parecía haber dejado huella en él. Todo aquel viaje transcurría como una serie de cortometrajes, proyectados una única vez, y al terminar tenía la sensación de saber de lo que iban, pero ningún recuerdo preciso del argumento. Recuerda ver cosas por …

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I really loved listening to this on audible. I loved how the author talks about psychological state of young adult mind. I was able to relate to it so much even when I don't live in Ireland. It feels how people from different countries goes through similar emotional and cognitive experiences irrespective of place.

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

OOF. I don't recall reading any other book that portrays a relationship as painfully bare and true as this one. Marianne and Conell fall into a twisted dance that involves assumptions and interpretations of themselves, of each other; a dance that goes on for years, shifts and evolves with their own personal struggles, mutates accordingly.

It is fascinating in a horrible way, like witnessing a car crash in slow motion, to see these two seemingly normal people (ooooh see what I did there) get into certain destructive patterns unknowingly yet loving each other. Thx Sally Rooney for giving the world this perspective on relationships, which indeed ends up being a common occurrence, and shakes us awake from our romantic notion of love - love is good, love is pure, love is sugar, spice and everything nice (Corinthians 13).

Love, and acting upon love in the form of a relationship, can …

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

There is probably plenty of valid criticism to generate about Rooney, but at the end of the day she crafts novels that are incredibly fun to read- even if the characters are annoyingly unable to communicate with one another.

Liked this as much as Conversations with Friends, although its a bit simpler, but like that book it deals with class, sexuality, and shyness with well-drawn characters and sharp attention to gestures.

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Oh my gosh, that was depressing as fuck! I think Rooney has a real talent for writing about the intersection of friendship, vulnerability, hurt and love. Personally, I felt Marrianne and Connel as very real people, with a very strong, nearly impossible, need to connect to each other: they touch, turn away, search, come back, touch, and disconnect once again. It's a very painful cycle, but also one that is characristic, or so I'd like to think, of these times.

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

So uncomfortable, I could not read for more than thirty minutes at a time: I'd get so tense I'd have to stand up, pace, vent nervous energy. Also: so good, I'd always sit right back and continue reading.

It's tragic that life doesn't come with an instruction manual (would we read it if we had one?). Normal People is a compressed arc of two peoples' discovery of their Selves, of how to become human beings in a world that often makes it so hard. Rooney packs a lot of material into four years: social dynamics, family abuse, somewhat more sociopathy than (I hope) most of us encounter in a lifetime, shame, forgiveness, communication, self-hatred, privilege, acceptance, and growth. The principal characters are decent people, intelligent and with good moral sense; also flawed, being shitty to others or to themselves at times, with no training in or experience with real human …

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Ikke helt der jeg trodde den skulle være, måtte lese den før jeg så serien siden den har stått på leselista mi i et år. Tematikken er interessant nok, gjennomføringen noe uforløst men kanskje akkurat sånn livet er? Tror Conversations with Friends treffer meg bedre? Er på tross av litt mumling her en meget god tekst.

Review of 'Normal People' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

En mycket fin liten roman. Trots sitt irska ursprung är det en av de mest engelska romaner jag läst. Som en blanding av upstairs-downstairs och Austineskt uppvaktningsdrama men i modern och nyskapande tappning. Min enda, och tyvärr ganska stora invändning är att språket är bristfälligt. Det framstår som oförmöget att återge och på ett adekvat sätt framställa den underliggande berättelsen. Men i övrigt är det starkt rekommenderad sommarläsning.

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