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4 stars (173 reviews)

¡Rand ha sobrevivido a su primer enfrentamiento con los perversos seguidores del Oscuro, pero ni sus amigos ni él están a salvo, ya que el señor del mal ha liberado a los Renegados, mientras los héroes de todas las eras se levantan de la tumba cuando el Cuerno de Valere los saca de su sueño. Al verse obligado a enfrentarse a las fuerzas de la oscuridad, Rand decide escapar de su destino. Pero la profecía tiene que cumplirse.

9 editions

A hunt with a mule

4 stars

Lots of action and twists, with new creatures and civilizations. Maybe because we have a better understanding who the main characters are, I feel it at a higher pace than the previous one. I had a lot of fun! Whereas the first annoyed me with the men/women stereotypes, this one made me smile how it shows that the women have the control of everything but without the men realising it.

reviewed The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)

Review of 'The Great Hunt (The Wheel of Time, Book 2)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Overall, this was a good book. It's not as strong as The Eye of the World, but does a good job of continuing the story and setting up some interesting threads that we will want to see resolved in the series. The reluctant hero is a big part of this particular book, but we see some payoffs with epic scenes near the end that cement their role in the story. It is a must read for fans of The Wheel of Time as it sets the stage for more to come.

For a full review, check out my blog:

reviewed The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)

Review of 'The Great Hunt (The Wheel of Time, Book 2)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Overall, this was a good book. It's not as strong as The Eye of the World, but does a good job of continuing the story and setting up some interesting threads that we will want to see resolved in the series. The reluctant hero is a big part of this particular book, but we see some payoffs with epic scenes near the end that cement their role in the story. It is a must read for fans of The Wheel of Time as it sets the stage for more to come.

For a full review, check out my blog:

reviewed The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)

Review of 'The Great Hunt (The Wheel of Time, Book 2)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

As much as I love The Eye of the World, for all the great things it does, I have to admit that The Great Hunt is superior. There are so many excellent, excellent scenes in this book, and it sharpens the reader's understanding that the first book isn't a fluke, it's not just a great book in a vacuum, it's the start of a wonderfully complex and expansive world.

reviewed The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)

Review of 'The Great Hunt' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

More of the same: not quite as much energy as the first book, but still a nice, quick read (at 660 pages). It provides a smooth exposition for everything that was still missing after the first book, so that now the stories can get more interesting (and, as I recall, they did, at least for the next four books).

reviewed The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)

Review of 'The Great Hunt' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

This book has a few more peaks and valleys than The Eye of the World, but the introduction of Portal Stones and the strong finish merit a four star rating instead of the three I was thinking. Still, this was a fantastic read and I look forward to starting the next instalment soon.

reviewed The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)

Review of 'The Great Hunt (The Wheel of Time, Book 2)' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

A little better than the first book. Male characters are slightly less moronic and female characters seem a little less like man-hating beasts. A little. If anything, the series seems like it could be a little more promising after this book.

reviewed The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)

Review of 'The Great Hunt (The Wheel of Time, Book 2)' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Note: I'm breaking my own rules by reviewing a book that I've not read recently. I read these books as they came out, so there's the possibility my opinions might change were I to read them again today, but I doubt it.

The first book was interesting, but here we get the first clues that this isn't going to be a trilogy as the pacing drags (I read this when it was first published, so I didn't realize that the series was going to go on so long that it would outlast its author!).

I still had hopes for the series at this point, but the book wasn't as good as the first one.

reviewed The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)

Review of 'The Great Hunt (The Wheel of Time, Book 2)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Book 2 in the wheel of time series is just as good fun as the first book. Things are starting to look bleak for Rand, what with the forsaken starting to rise. Rand spends his time in this book trying to escape destiny... pretty hopeless task if you ask me. Still love the writing style and the characters.

reviewed The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)

Review of 'The Great Hunt (The Wheel of Time, Book 2)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is the second book in Robert Jordan's famous Wheel of Time series, and it does an absolutely tremendous job of carrying on the story from the first book. As this is a sequel, I will be especially careful not to put in things that will be huge spoilers from books one or two.

The book opens as the group (who I more than occasionally find myself comparing to the "Fellowship" of that other well-known fantasy series) in the Borderlands keep of Fal Dara. Some bad things happen, the party is split, and Jordan's trademark split POV storytelling starts. We get our first real look at the White Tower of Tar Valon, and a look at Rand facing his destiny.

The climactic battle at the end of this story is such a great one, with so much character development built into it.

Jordan was truly a master of epic fantasy, …

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  • Fantasy fiction
  • Fiction
  • Fiction, fantasy, epic
  • Rand al'thor (fictitious character), fiction