A Memory Called Empire

464 pages

English language

Published June 10, 2019

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4 stars (212 reviews)

A Memory Called Empire is a 2019 science fiction novel, the debut novel by Arkady Martine. It follows Mahit Dzmare, the ambassador from Lsel Station to the Teixcalaanli Empire, as she investigates the death of her predecessor and the instabilities that underpin that society. The book won the 2020 Hugo Award for Best Novel.

3 editions

Review of 'A Memory Called Empire' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

Some sci-fi royal court politics here as Mahit becomes her independent mining station’s ambassador to the great Teixcalaanli Empire. Mahit’s people have a secret in their memories are recorded and passed on to their replacements, but Mahit’s predecessor died in suspect circumstances and didn’t bother to record a copy for decades. Now she is flying blind as she enters the Teixcalaanli court to navigate their bureaucracy and court protocols while uncovering the truth about the previous ambassador’s death as the emperor considers annexing her station.

It's got interesting world-building between the different cultures and politics, and is a fairly easy read, if a little slow at certain points. There’s a bit of a sapphic relationship in there but it’s almost blink-and-you-miss it for how much it takes a back seat to the main plot which I guess is my main criticism – I didn’t feel like I got to know …

Politics and spaceships

4 stars

What if, the Federation wasn't this big happy family and the humans weren't in charge but were only some minor part of some larger alien empire?

I enjoyed this book, it has a lot of politics; if you found the scenes in The Expanse around the earth parliament annoying, this book is not for you.

It also explains in an entertaining way how tricky being a Galatic Empire is, even (or perhaps because) you have the ships with the Big Guns.

Review of 'A Memory Called Empire' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A sweeping epic of political intrigue and culture, as Mahit Dzmare is urgently summoned to represent tiny outpost Lsel Station in the mighty capital of the huge and powerful Teixcalaan Empire. Completely unclear what happened to her predecessor - missing? Murdered? Just needed more help? Mahit ships out with a copy of her predecessor's personality and memories in her head to help her assimilate faster, but this advantage doesn't last long and Mahit is left to figure out how to survive and represent Lsel's interests in a very complex, very alien, and VERY dangerous imperial capital city that seems to keep trying to kill her.

And while the empire is not technically alien to Mahit in a literal sense - they're all human - the cultures have grown so far apart that she is seen as a primitive barbarian who wouldn't qualify for citizenship. If you don't enjoy political intrigue …

It was entertaining

No rating

I experienced this as an enjoyable palace intrigue like some other reviewers, but I didn't really find it particularly insightful on "assimilation and language and the seduction and horror of empire" (quote taken from the author's acknowledgments section). It's an interesting world and I'm looking forward to reading the sequel, but I can't say my mind was blown.

Review of 'A Memory Called Empire' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

Небезынтересная в принципе книга, жалко только ебучая нудятина.

Главное что каждые пять страниц находится на грани оформления какой-то явно интересной мысли и уже открывает рот, но потом махает рукой и такая НО МЫ ВСЁ ЕЩЁ НЕ РАЗГАДАЛИ КТО И ЗАЧЕМ УБИЛ НЕСЧАСТНОГО!

А там в общем-то с самого начала понятно, что несчастного убили вообще все дружно, хоть и с тяжёлым сердцем, потому что тот конечно был душа компании но выёбывался чрезмерно, и в этом ноль интереса и загадки.

Не на том акцент, словом, декорации интересные, а без дела стоят.

Review of 'A Memory Called Empire' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

It’s very common for books to be analogies about another topic; speculative fiction has long been the means by which authors have explored — and invited their readers to contemplate at length — complex topics. Indeed, some of the writing that has made me think the most about imperialism and colonialism are books I’ve reviewed in my June 2021 blogpost of queer fiction.

It’s perhaps less common for a space opera to be a cypher for the author’s postdoctoral research that they should have been writing instead of this novel.

A Memory Called Empire is a space opera where we see a hegemonic empire through the eyes of a newly-appointed ambassador from a small neighbouring polity. As well as an author (and amongst other things) Arkady Martine is a historian with an interest in the eastern margins of early mediæval Christendom; this Hugo-winning début novel is, to some extent, …

Review of 'A Memory Called Empire' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

An interesting look at the intersection of memory and identity, and also the allure of imperial civilization and the impact it has on the citizens within and without its borders. There's a lot more political intrigue and literary criticism than I was expecting, and there's a big turn towards cyberpunk about halfway through. Definitely deserves the buzz its been getting and I'm intrigued to see how the series resolves.

Review of 'A Memory Called Empire' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Rounding up to five stars because
1) the ending was way better than I expected
2) poetry used several times for political purpose
3) amazing discussion of the way language and culture, even imported culture, influence our personalities
4) in depth analysis of the complications of translating verb tense, idioms, and literary allusions between two very different cultures
5) unexpected exploration of the nervous and endocrine systems’ impact on personality and identity (yes really)
6)sneaky romance elements I didn’t see coming and, despite my general distaste for such, didn’t annoy me
7) I could keep listening stuff but that seems sufficient
I see some weaknesses here and there but with how elegantly all these elements come together and play important roles in a plot that delivers several exciting moments, I feel obligated to rate it highly. I’ve really gotta get to the second one because there’s a few other things …

Review of 'A Memory Called Empire' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

The premise of this book is great: the young new ambassador to an aggressive space empire must try to protect her far weaker culture from colonization while also investigating the mysterious death of her predecessor. Her partner in both endeavors is an out-of-date copy of that predecessor’s mind that is installed in her head.

Neat! A space opera that revolves around diplomacy rather than combat and shows a colonial perspective while also using the contrast of cultures to pose some interesting ideas about identity and community.

Unfortunately the book doesn’t play out this premise very far. The young ambassador Mahit Dzmare, though supposedly tested for aptitude and trained for diplomacy, acts naive and clueless. She spends most of her time as a pawn of various imperial factions, and not even a very valuable one.

She is constantly torn between her loyalty to her home and her infatuation with imperial culture, …

Review of 'A Memory Called Empire' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A wonderful book - characters, cultures, language, memory... there's a lot to love.

I split time reading and listening to this, but starting with the audiobook didn't work well for me. I kept forgetting foreign words and names because I couldn't visualize them, so I had to abort and start over with the text.

If I were to read this again, I'd start with the pronunciation guide in the back as a quick primer. Then read at least enough to marinate in all the new words - asekreta, ezuazuacat, Teixcalaanlitzlim, etc. The character index is a useful reference too (which thankfully seems to avoid plot spoilers). Once I got used to this world's names and terms, I found the narration quite good.

Review of 'A Memory Called Empire' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This Hugo Award winning and Nebula nominee for 2019 is a big book about an ambassador sent to a territory hungry empire, trying to stave off annexation. The previous ambassador died suddenly (murder?), and so that is another thing she gets to work on. All Lsel natives (a satellite nation) have an imago implanted, which is the memory of 1 or more previous generations. In this case, Ambassador Mahit Dzmare got the imago from the previous ambassador, albeit 15 years out of date.

So she goes to Teixcalaan and tries to figure it all out. This is an ancient empire, defined by ever growing annexations and she is trying to keep Lsel out of the maws of this hunger empire.

So first off, this is not a "space opera", despite the claims from multiple blurbs, including one on the front cover by [a:Ann Leckie|3365457|Ann Leckie|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1402526383p2/3365457.jpg]. I am not sure what …

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