The Communist Manifesto

paperback, 36 pages

Published June 24, 2016 by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

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4 stars (145 reviews)

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One of the most influential political tracts ever published this short book succinctly explains the aims and purpose of the Communist League of the 19th century, giving the author’s theories of the class struggle which they assumed would inevitably lead to world wide communism.

Full text available at Project Gutenberg too:

247 editions

Goodreads Review of the Communist Manifesto

4 stars

I'm not sure about Marx and Engels's solutions, but the first section of the Manifesto--diagnosing the problems of capitalism--feel like they could have been written today. Dependency theory and Accelerationism almost seem to be built into the Communist Manifesto: capitalism will spread throughout the world, tying even the least developed regions to its core; capitalism will create the weapons that lead to its collapse; and all of that.

It's worth revisiting from time to time. It's short enough, so it doesn't take much effort, either.

Pas tres actuel mais pourrait le redevenir

3 stars

Ca fait longtemps que je l'ai lu, et à l'époque je m'étais dit qu'il fallais le remettre a jour car peu représentatif du monde actuel avec cette classe moyenne apathique. Mais les IA vont voler les jobs de cette classe moyenne donc c'est bon dans 20 ans ça sera de nouveau d'actualité

Review of 'Das kommunistische Manifest' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Spannendes Zeitdokument, das aber natürlich auch Gedanken und Themen beinhaltet, die noch heute aktuell sind.

Und der letzte Absatz ist natürlich ein absoluter Banger!

5 Sterne, weil es mich einerseits streckenweise echt mitgerissen hat und weil andererseits so viele Deppen mit nur 1 Stern bewerten und ich das etwas ausgleichen möchte.

《 Proletariater aller Länder vereinigt euch! 》

Simple explanation of Marxism

4 stars

The manifesto is not a highly complex and detailed view of Marxism and its' concepts. It served as an easy read for people to get a simplified understanding of the oppression structures during the industrial revolution and lists a set of goals which should be achieved to establish a communist society.

This should be seen as an easy introduction to the Marxist philosophy and a potential starting point for further research into this topic.

An interesting historical read

4 stars

The manifesto is mostly just interesting as a historical piece for me, especially in terms of leftist history. Ideologically it's still pretty interesting to read, however some parts of it have naturally become a bit outdated which has even been acknowledged by Marx and Engels some 25 years later.

The edition of the manifesto I read even includes multiple prefaces by Engels throughout the years which further gave an amazing insight into history and what they felt and thought at the time. Additionally the book also included Engel's The Principles of Communism which practically functioned as an FAQ to fully illustrate what exactly Communism is and it stands for.


3 stars

Eh, regardless of how you feel about the actual solutions proposed, it's undeniable that Marx is one of the most influential figures of modern history. It's worth a read for no other reason than that. I'm also of the opinion that the vast majority of critiques he makes of the capitalist structure is well founded, just not sure his answer was right.

Review of 'The Communist Manifesto' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A manifesto of fiery confidence, brutally accurate analysis and unrealistically idealist hopes.

This book is an example of giving the most unbelievably accurate and perfect diagnosis but not having as much success with the cure. I can see why it caused such a fuss, I want to take on some of these bourgeoisie dogs like myself after reading this.

Review of 'Communist Manifesto' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

Though Marxism and the Communist Manifesto lends a great deal to the world of literary criticism, and we’ve gained great insight from the text, there’s far too much repetition. I realize that emphasizing a point is necessary, especially when it comes to recruitment, but the pamphlet could have been more concise while still hammering the point home.

Review of 'Manifiesto comunista' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Si se pretende entender el comunismo con el Manifiesto Comunista se corre el riesgo de salir como poco aturdidamente confundida(o). El Manifiesto es una llamada a la unión con un mensaje propagandístico que no instructivo.
Me he leído el manifiesto con ilusión, no con una ilusión por un apego ideológico si no porque delante de mí tenía un trocito de historia que ha sido un gusto poder saborearlo (además en poquitas páginas).

A must-read por supuesto.

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