En deuda : una historia alternativa de la economía

Una historia alternativa de la economía

Spanish language

Published March 24, 2012

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4 stars (125 reviews)

The author shows that before there was money, there was debt. For 5,000 years humans have lived in societies divided into debtors and creditors. For 5,000 years debt and debt forgiveness have been at the center of political debates, laws and religions. The words “guilt,” “sin,” and “redemption” come from ancient debates about debt. These terms and the ideas of debt shape our most basic ideas of right and wrong. [source][1]

[1]: www.amazon.com/Debt-Updated-Expanded-First-Years/dp/1612194192/ref=dp_ob_title_bk

23 editions

Review of 'Debt: The First 5,000 Years' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A thoughtful dive into the history of currency, what we all owe each other, and the philosophies of equality and merit we take for granted underpinning everything. Ultimately, Graeber critiques capitalism without suggesting any quick fixes.

He ascribes a considerable amount of intentionality and architecting to our current system, and his historical storytelling sometimes invisibly transitions into factually unsubstantiated musing, but his ideas are gristle for thought, and good leads into more reading on the philosophy of value.

Review of 'Debt' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Everyone really needs to read this book. I just finished it today and will probably need to go back and read it again to fully process it. But my very, very brief summary would be - Everything you know about the economy is wrong. Debt is not evil, in fact it can be key to human relationships. Barter didn't come before money. There is a straight line connection between cash, government, war, slavery, and the deterioration of all human relationships. We all need to stop being industrious little worker bees and start imagining a different kind of economy before the whole thing goes to shit even more than it already has.

Review of 'Debt: The First 5,000 Years' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Very thought-provoking read. The destruction of the Myth of Barter, and the spanking of the field of Economics for perpetuating it, is the obvious centerpiece for this book. In addition to that, I have to say the de-linking of "the market" and "Capitalism" was another big blow for me. It is obvious to me now that these two are not the same, but Graeber does an excellent job demolishing the foundations of received wisdom.

I will likely read this book again at some point, next time in text, not only to highlight some of the excellent lines, but also to try and grasp his judgement on credit. Though he denounces debt and ridicules coinage, he seems to be okay with credit, at least in its traditional "honourable" sense. Certainly he highlights the predatory, but I think I missed his final stance in the audio.

Review of 'Debt' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It was a very interesting and informative read, but a somewhat verbose one as well. You don't really have any choice but to read it slowly so you can be sure to take in everything he is saying. He does build to a very interesting theory in the last couple chapters which makes you really think about what is going on in today's society and how we might not, in fact, be so different from our ancient ancestors.

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