Watership Down

Library Binding, 496 pages

English language

Published Oct. 8, 2005 by Tandem Library.

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4 stars (165 reviews)

12 editions

An amazing adventure

5 stars

I didn't expect it to be so good.

The crux of the plot is about rabbits attempting to find a new home and survive - but the scope of the novel doesn't end there. It has the appearance of a children’s novel in that it is an exciting adventure about rabbits, but for an adult it has greater depth.

Adams gives each of the rabbits a unique and interesting character from which much of the strength of this novel springs. The dynamics in the group, the strengthening friendships, the teamwork used in overcoming challenges ... made me love so many of the characters. And even though the rabbits keep doing deeply rabbitty things, it is hard for me to not think of them as people that i like and care about. There are themes of duty, fate, friendship and love. These rabbits will always have a place in my heart.

Suoraviivainen tarina poikajoukon seikkailusta

3 stars

Seikkailukirja, jossa ihan kirjaimellisesti lähdetään pesästä ja perustetaan oma pesä. Nuorten uroskanien laumassa on ihmislaumoista tuttuja tyyppejä: luontainen johtaja, rehti tappelija, šamaani, tarinankertoja, huulenheittäjä, älykkö jne. Šamaanin ansiosta pojat pelastuvat kotipesän tuholta ja lähtevät seikkailulle perustamaan omaa pesää. Kesän mittaan huomataan, että tyttöjä ois kiva saada. Lähistöllä sattuukin olemaan valtava tyrannimaisesti johdettu populaatio, josta luulisi puputyttöjä liikenevän. Mutta ensin pitää jallittaa tyranni. Ensimmäinen erä voitetaan viekkaudella, mutta toisella kertaa joudutaan tappelemaan ihan tosissaan. Lopulta paha saa palkkansa, kuinkas muutenkaan, ja uusi pesä kukoistaa ja pojista kasvaa perheellisiä aikuisia. Kirjan kerrontatyyli on sen verran suoraviivaista ja alkupuolen tapahtumat tuntuvat sen verran irrallisilta, etten suorastaan pystynyt ahmimaan tätä. Lopussa jännitys sentään kohoaa sen verran, että viimeisen viidenneksen luin vauhdilla.

Watership Down

4 stars

1) "Fu Inlé means 'after moonrise.' Rabbits, of course, have no idea of precise time or of punctuality. In this respect they are much the same as primitive people, who often take several days over assembling for some purpose and then several more to get started. Before such people can act together, a kind of telepathic feeling has to flow through them and ripen to the point when they all know that they are ready to begin. Anyone who has seen the martins and swallows in September, assembling on the telephone wires, twittering, making short flights singly and in groups over the open, stubbly fields, returning to form longer and even longer lines above the yellowing verges of the lanes—the hundreds of individual birds merging and blending, in a mounting excitement, into swarms, and these swarms coming loosely and untidily together to create a great, unorganized flock, thick at the …

Review of 'Watership Down' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Here is a boy who was waiting to be punished. But then, unexpectedly, he finds that his fault has been overlooked or forgiven and at once the world reappears in brilliant colours, full of delightful prospects. Here is a soldier who was waiting, with a heavy heart, to suffer and die in battle. But suddenly the luck has changed. There is news! The war is over and everyone bursts out singing! He will go home after all!

This was, unexpectedly, a perfect book for the time - that might be have been true at any moment since it was published, but it feels especially so now. The reluctant leader, the determined dreamer, the moral warrior, the brutal tyrant; I'm so happy to have read this in the context of current events, but also as an antidote to them. I highly recommend for any age (except small children, there are some …

Review of 'Watership Down' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Rabbits have enough enemies as it is. They ought not to make more among themselves.

I have never read Watership Down before. This seems like such a perfect story to read in High School but somehow I missed out. I am grateful that I read this on my volition because I appreciated the story more than I would have if it was an assignment. This is a classic story and worth of the accolades it has received.

Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

This story sneaks up on you, it starts with cute bunnies but somewhere in the middle I wasn't reading them as bunnies but characters in a life or death struggle. I became invested in them, their unique personalities and story of survival.

This is disguised as a children's book but it's anything but. Intentional or not, as the story continued …

Review of 'Watership Down' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I try to use my adjectives lightly when describing the quality of an author's work, especially if I find that work to be exceptionally well-done. "Watership Down" is an exception to this. For me, everything about it is perfect. Everyone has that handful of books that they keep coming back to, and this is one of them for me.

The rich culture of the rabbits is so engrossing coupled with their folklore and perspective of the world surrounding them. Adams picked a hard animal to portray in a semi-realistic light, and it would have been so much easier for him to make it a pure fantasy. That he managed to incorporate much of a rabbit's natural behaviors into his story is frankly incredible.

For people like me who strive to write accurate fiction about animals, "Watership Down" remains to be the highest benchmark I strive towards.

Review of 'Watership Down' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

After finishing "Watership Down" by Richard Adams, I immediately regretted that I did not read the book as a child. It is quite unlike anything that I have ever read. Adams found a way of making what is on the surface a very simple story which is deeply entertaining and though-provoking at the same time. Like the best children's literature, it can be read on multiple levels and does not shy away from the darker aspects of life and living.

Heavily influenced by Virgil's "Aeneid," the story follows a group of rabbits in rural England who escape from their warren when one has a premonition that their home is about to be destroyed. Adams describes the countryside in beautiful, well-drawn portraits that shows a deep love for the land. But what makes the novel stand out is the creation of a mythical world surrounding the rabbits, from language to culture …

Review of 'Watership Down' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I don't normally wait several months to write a review — typically, either I write it right away, or I don't write one at all (or, at least not until I re-read it again). But I'm making an exception this time, firstly, because Watership is an exceptional book, but also because I've had some thoughts hopping around (yuk, yuk) in my head for awhile.

With any book that makes strong allusions to classical works, as Watership does, there's a strong compulsion to point out those allusions one notices. Traces and more-than-traces of works like Aeneid and Odyssey thread their way through the story, as do other references. I caught some of them, probably missed a bunch more. Others have done that sort of thing better than I ever could, so I will neither bore you with pointing out the allusions I noticed, nor embarrass myself by failing to note the …

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  • Classics
  • Fantasy - Epic
  • Literary
  • Fiction
  • Literature - Classics / Criticism
  • Rabbits
