A Canção de Aquiles



Portuguese language

Published Nov. 13, 2019 by Planeta Minotauro.

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4 stars (185 reviews)

This is the story of the seige of Troy from the perspective of Achilles best-friend Patroclus. Although Patroclus is outcast from his home for disappointing his father he manages to be the only mortal who can keep up with the half-God Archilles. Even though many will know the facts behind the story the telling is fresh and engaging.

34 editions

Moves With Ease

4 stars

It is so very easy to fright a mind from enjoying this work of flightful fiction. A scathing review, pointing out the many inaccuracies against its sources or some (and may you have better days ahead if you watch those, truly) video essay to hammer on the tenses or its style of telling. For the easily influenced, the difference between love and dislike is a whim of opinion. I have, by now, read many reviews telling me why I should abhor this, and I think some make fair points. Still, I liked it. I was moved by the great and bitter satisfaction of the ending, and I liked all passages in which there was simultaneously so very much and nothing at all going on. To all burgeoning classicists, I would recommend Emily Wilson's Iliad and to listen to some of her many talks and lectures. But! I digress. I liked …

Lived up to the hype.

5 stars

One of the rare cases that I absolutely loved a book that I have seen heavily recommended on social medias. This was a fantastic read. I never read The Iliad (and obviously really should, reading more book revolving around the gods would be a fun challenge for next year), so I cannot speak on how it holds up against that. But from my understanding, this is a retelling of the tale from Patroclus' perspective.

The wording was beautiful and there were no wasted moments that were plugged in to elongate the book. Truthfully there was a lot of time that was skipped over to be able to stick to the major moments. I also very much appreciated that the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus was not watered down or skirted around. It was the driving factor behind this book and the story would not have worked without it.

Overall very …

A tale of emotions

5 stars

Confession: I did not know the tale of Achilles other than some superficial pieces of information before reading this book. I am happy to have taken note of the people gushing about this book. It's been a couple of years since I read it but I still remember what I felt as I came to the end of the book. It was a powerfully sad yet happy feeling. It was overall an enjoyable lovely book and the two main characters are lovable (and dislikable at times). I think Madeline Miller did a wonderful job with the queer theme that should be digestable by everyone (at least everyone who is not homophobic). Writing this review makes me want to read it again and appreciate the story without trying to reach the end.

Review of 'The song of Achilles' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I know it's not important in the scheme of things, but this book changes from past tense to present tense and then back again a couple of time MID PARAGRAPH and I am angry with all the editors and readers and judges to allow such an abomination against the gods to go unnoticed.
I liked some some of the writing and the evocation of the world - esp with Chiron - and thought the Thetis characterisation was interesting. Patroclus was someone to care a bit about in the last quarter, when in the first half I would have abandoned the book as Do Not Care At All About These Boring Horrible People if I hadn't known the story gets good... the idealised Briseis relationship pissed me off so now I'm reading Pat Barker's Silence of the Girls to cleanse from that... But Odysseuss is great - perfect, actually, just like …

Review of 'The Song of Achilles' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This probably isn't a book I would've read on my own but my queer/fantasy book club was reading it so I gave it a whirl and found it enjoyable. It was a quick read and, having not been assigned The Illiad for required reading in school (we read The Odyssey), I realized I wasn't actually that familiar with the source material beyond flashback to the atrocious film Troy.

The love story is the root of everything and it's handled very well. I'm particularly fond of the subtleties in how the characters change over time from their youth into young adulthood and how the main character has to reckon with his love for Achilles even as watches him become someone he probably wouldn't be in love with if he wasn't already.

The sticky wicket for me is, as with any historical story that hews to the brutality of the times, especially …

Review of 'The Song of Achilles' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It was a strange time. Over us, every second, hung the terror of Achilles' destiny, while the murmurs of war among the gods grew louder. But even I could not fill each minute with fear. I have heard that men who live by a waterfall cease to hear it. In such a way did I learn to live beside the rushing torrent of his doom. The days passed, and he lived. The months passed, and I could go a whole day without looking over the precipice of his death. The miracle of a year, then two.

This is some of the most aloof and distant prose I've read in a while, I don't know how else to describe it. I felt like I was getting the story second- or third-hand, which is kind of impressive in its own way considering it's told entirely in first person narration. Just very detached …

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