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Stephen King, Pentti Isomursu: Hohto (Paperback, Finnish language, 2013, WSOY)

Paperback, 662 pages

Finnish language

Published Nov. 30, 2013 by WSOY.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (243 reviews)

Danny on vain 5-vuotias pikkupoika, mutta hän hohtaa: hän pystyy ottamaa suoran yhteyden henkilöön joka on satojen kilometrien päässä, hän pystyy saamaan selville menneet tapahtumat ja näkemään tulevaisuuteen. Kun Dannyn isästä Jack Torrancesta tulee komealla näköalapaikalla sijaitsevan vuoristohotellin hoitaja, Dannyn näyt muuttuvat pelottaviksi. Hohto on luisumassa hänen hallinnastaan. Talvella lumivyöryt eristävät hotellin muusta maailmasta. Silloin tyhjillään oleva rakennus alkaa elää omaa elämäänsä. Kuka on nainen huoneessa 217? Keitä ovat hissillä kulkevat naamioidut vieraat? Hotellissa asuu paha voima ja sekin hohtaa.

13 editions

All work and no play makes Matty go....

4 stars

So I've been a big fan of the shining movie and wanted to see how the book told the story cause I heard that a) Stephen King didn't like the movie b) the story was different.

So considering that I felt like I was reading a story I really enjoyed specifically to appreciate the differences. At points it felt like a slog, with date rusty and clumsy politics and such. But some of the differences I really appreciated about the book included the greater sympathetic lens we view jack Torrence through, his suicidal tendencies, struggles with alcohol, and love for danny cast him in a much more sympathetic light, which makes his descent into unhinged murderous rage much more disturbing and tragic.

The shining and magic of the world is also much more prevalent and explored and even the jump scares and horrors focus on hornets, hedges, anthropomorphic ghouls, and …

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

The Book is way better than the Movie

4 stars

Content warning Spoilers ahead!

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

This Little Light of Mine

4 stars

A great book whose brilliance, as so many of King's novels, lies in its exploration of the complex interplay between the supernatural and the psychological.

The Overlook's evil influence is both tangible and intangible, blurring the lines between reality and hallucination. Jack's descent into madness, fueled by alcoholism, repressed anger, and the hotel's sinister influence, is both terrifying and relatable, as we witness the gradual unraveling of a man teetering on the brink of insanity.

And the ending is terrific.

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

El resplandor

5 stars

El resplandor. Que bonita manera de llamarle "al don". El Resplandor es hereditario. Las malas costumbres también se heredan. S. King nos regala a Jack torrance, y nos lo regala con lo que mejor conoce, escribir, ser docente y ser alcohólico. El resplandor nos da un cabin fever excepcional, con un villano impensable, el hotel mismo.

Todos conocemos la versión cinematográfica de Kubric, pero El Resplandor de Kubric y El Resplandor de King son distintos, muy distintos. El de King es muy extenso, es muy añejo y es redentor. Te invito a que leas la última redención de un padre sufrido, porque también de eso le sabe el Sr King.

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

Review of 'The Shining (The Shining, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is not so much a review, but reminiscing about how this was the absolute first novel I ever read that wasn't for school back in grade 8 in the early nineties. A friend lent it to me, a book that belonged to her mother who was a teacher and thus began a lifetime of reading all of his works. On the cusp of becoming a teenager, I clearly remember reading it in my closet inside my sleeping bag with a little lamp and munching on sunflower seeds, scared of leaving the security of the closet. I would end up sleeping in it until the morning. My bedroom was in a windowless basement of an old house. It got suffocatingly dark in that basement and I liked it in my closet!

My friend lent me more of her mother's Stephen King novels and that became a ritual, reading Stephen King …

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

Review of 'The Shining (The Shining, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Stephen King is the "King" of what he does, there's no doubt about it.

Although I'm not a horror-fanatic, I really did enjoy reading this book by King, to the extent that I really wanted to finish the book as fast as possible, probably because of the horror element

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

Review of 'The Shining' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The best of the Stephen King novels for its subtlety. Jack Torrance, unlike his film counterpart, is a much more nuanced and tragic figure here. His descent into madness is his own fault, but for as horrible as a person he is you can’t help but pity him.

The one thing about this novel that is an unfortunate reality is the tired use of having a ‘magical Black man’ trope fitted in. Not only that, but having Dick speak in an insulting bastardization of AAVE also brings the score down. The multiple instances of the n word with the hard R are unneeded as well. Without these factors, the book would be perfect.

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

Review of 'The Shining (The Shining, #1)' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Look. I’m a book snob. Some time between the ages of 16 and 20, I went from simply enjoying books to believing I should only read “quality” books.

Despite the fact that during that time I read two Stephen King books and was secretly very impressed by one (Different Seasons), King has never fallen into the category of quality for me.

Fortunately, my 17-year-old nephew is cleared eyed than I am, and recommended that I read The Shining.

I’m glad he did because this was an amazing book.

I expected suspense and terror, but what I didn’t expect was how well crafted this book is.

King spends over half the book developing his characters and the themes that run throughout. He spends the time well. At the halfway point, I was fully invested in the characters.

The book is remarkably well plotted, without feeling as if it’s been well plotted. …

Review of 'The Shining' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

I thought I read this book in my teens but the farther I got into it, the more certain I became that I hadn't. I would have remembered how well done Jack's descent into madness was. For me, that was the best part of the book. I did enjoy Danny's parts of the book, and Wendy's to a lesser extent, but the star of the show was Jack's changes and his growing connection to the hotel.

I think my biggest shock was just how different Kubrick's film is to the novel. I need to watch the movie again since I don't remember a lot of the details. That and the insane number of times the N-word was used. I wasn't expecting it and it really put me off.

I listened to the audio book and initially Campbell Scott's calm tone made me wonder if I wouldn't fall asleep while reading. …

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

Review of 'The Shining (The Shining, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3.5 stars.

Commute audiobook. Easy to follow while driving, interesting enough to keep me awake. The reader was Campbell Scott, who often sounded quite a lot like Brent Spiner (Data from Star Trek TNG), which was frankly distracting. I guess he can't help it if he sounds like Data.

Fair warning, I don't know how to talk about it without also talking about the film at least a little. For an interesting discussion about the differences between Kubrick's film and King's book, check out this great article at Salon which explains how, even if Kubrick's film is a great film, as an adaptation it misses the point of its source material which justifies Stephen King's longstanding and vocal dislike of the film.

So. The book.

The good
1. The book is more than a simple horror story -- it explores the causes of horror, one supernatural and one psychological. The …

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

Review of 'The Shining (The Shining, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I used to think I was sort of immune to horror books. The only thing that ever really "gets me" in media is jump scares, and those don't tend to work so well on paper. I never get nightmares fervently knocks on wood and I've never been in a jumpy phase or a leave-the-lights-on-at-night phase after finishing such a book. Those things still didn't happen with The Shining, thank God, but it was very effective horror (read: frickin' terrifying). The fear it causes isn't so much of an "oh God my heart" variety as a sort of increasingly uncomfortable, bile-like thing rising up, biding its time and occasionally manifesting into terribleterribleterrible things. Which I was a fan of, I guess; as much as you can be a fan of that kind of thing. The horror is really steady, with the amount of not-subtle-in-the-slightest foreshadowing going on, and perpetually suspenseful. …

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

Review of 'The Shining' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I 1st read this book when I was in college, staying in my dormitory which was converted hotel on the lake (Lake Michigan) over Christmas break. The hotel was basically abandoned except for a few elderly permanent residents. I seen the movie with my then boyfriend the previous spring, so I knew the general idea. It was an unexpectedly creepy experience!
Forward some 35 years, and I watched the movie again with my younger son, and I consequently felt the need to re-read the book. The book is still creepy, but with the addition of years and experience, I was able to see it in a somewhat different light. It's interesting how much more can be attributed to insanity than to supernatural causes. Don't get me wrong, the book itself still has supernatural occurrences, but there is definitely a possibility to view it in a much more natural and realistic …

reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

Review of 'The Shining' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I thought this book was better than [b:'Salem's Lot|11590|'Salem's Lot|Stephen King||3048937], but not as good as [b:It|18342|It|Stephen King||150259]. The fear factor was definitely there!

Without giving too much away, the book centres around Jack and Wendy Torrence, and their son Danny. Danny has a supernatural ability to read people's minds, and sometimes to see things before they happen.

I'm sad to say that I think the Torrence family have become somewhat of a horror trope these days, but I'm sure when Stephen King wrote them, the concept was cutting edge.

I don't want to say too much about this book, in case any of you haven't read it yet, but there were times when it gave me the creeps in a way that only Stephen King can. Suffice to say, I'm really glad I don't have a bath with a shower curtain!

The ending was pretty satisfying as well, although …

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  • alcoholism
  • violence